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Planning permission

3. Apply for planning permission

What you must include

For your planning application to be valid, it must include:

  • the completed planning application form (opens new window)
  • any relevant supporting documentation (known as validation requirements)
  • plans of the site
  • the correct fee
  • a statement of ownership - if your development affects land owned by someone else, you must fill in the relevant part of the application form

Planning validation requirements

The Local List sets out Chichester District Council's (CDC) policy on the information which must be provided in support of all planning application types within Chichester District, outside of the South Downs National Park (SDNP), for the council to determine their validity.

Please note the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) has separate Local Requirements to CDC which are applicable within the SDNP. More information on making a planning application to the SDNPA is available to view (opens new window)

See the local validation requirements for full details of the supporting information you need to include with your application.

Chichester District Council local validation list

Chichester District Council - Local Validation List [November 2023] (Word doc, 136 KB)

How to apply

The easiest way to apply for planning permission is online using the Planning Portal.

Apply for planning permission (opens new window)

Alternatively, you can download offline printable forms through the Planning Portal:

Planning application fees

Find out how much a planning application will cost (opens new window). Once you have worked out your cost, you can pay.

You can apply and pay through the Planning Portal. Alternatively, you can pay direct through our planning payments page.

Outline planning permission and reserved matters

Please visit the Planning Portal's outline planning consent information (opens new window) if you:

  • are submitting an outline proposal for planning permissions; or,
  • have been granted outline permission.

You will still need to refer to the validation requirements in your application. 

Amending an application

There are options for amending proposals that have planning (opens new window).

Discharging conditions

If there is a condition on your planning application which requires further details of a certain aspect of the development you will need to apply for approval of the condition (opens new window).

Regulation 77 application

To submit a regulation 77 application, email and include the following documents:

  • Details of the development to be carried out (scaled location plan and floor plans as a minimum), including where relevant the proposed water neutrality strategy.
  • A response to your proposal from the nature conservation body (Natural England), if received.
  • Confirmation of payment of the regulation 77 application £30 fee

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