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Future Scheduled Elections

Dates of scheduled future elections

Upcoming elections Dates of upcoming elections
2024Police and Crime Commissioner2 May 
2024UK Parliamentary General Election

4 July

2025West Sussex County CouncilPOSTPONED
2027District and Parish Elections6 May stc

When are elections held?

Election dates Dates elections are held
Chichester DistrictCouncillors are elected once every four years, in whole council elections.
West Sussex CountyCouncillors are elected once every four years, in whole council elections.
Parish CouncilsCouncillors are elected once every four years in whole council elections.
United Kingdom Parliament Members of Parliament (MPs)Members of Parliament will be elected once every five years from 2019
By-electionA by-election may be held at any time if a casual vacancy occurs, due for example to the resignation of an elected member.


Contact us 

For further information and advice email Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 521010.

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