Planning permission
2. Request pre-application advice and guidance
Pre-planning application advice helps you to identify all the issues that maybe relevant to your planning proposal.
We offer a range of services for different types of proposals.
- Duty Planner Service
- Planning Surgery Service
- Written Advice Service
- View planning constraints in your local area
- Planning guidance
If your site address falls within the boundary of South Downs National Park please visit South Downs National Park pre-application advice (opens new window)
Duty Planner Service
The Duty Planner Service is to guide you to the appropriate pre-application service for your enquiry, or direct you to where you can find out about how to submit a planning application.
Please be aware that the council's telephone Duty Planner Service will not be able to advise whether a particular proposal would be acceptable or whether it would require planning permission or not, as this will depend on the specific material considerations of the proposal and site. Our Pre-application and Do I Need Planning Permission services are the appropriate route to obtain this advice.
What to expect
Guidance from a Planning Officer / Planning Technician to advise on the appropriate pre-application route
What not to expect
- Advice on a specific proposal or site
- Advice on whether a proposal would be acceptable
- Advice as to whether a particular proposal would be permitted development
Planning Surgery Service
The Planning Surgery service allows for an up to 30 minute meeting with a Planning Officer to discuss a single proposal, to obtain broad advice on the merits of an initial proposal.
Book a planning surgery meeting
Planning Surgeries differ from the Written Pre-application Advice services in that they are designed for a discussion on broad advice for an initial proposal, and with a shorter time period than the Written Pre-Application Advice.
The scope of the Planning Surgery service means that if your proposals have developed beyond an initial proposal (for example you wish to discuss detailed elevations/layouts), then the Written Pre-application Advice services may be more appropriate for your enquiry as they are designed to allow for more detailed comments to be made on the merits of a scheme.
There are three different categories for Planning Surgeries based on the scale of the proposal:
- Planning Surgery (Householder) - for enquiries for development in the curtilage of a dwellinghouse which would fall within a Householder Planning Application
- Planning Surgery (Minors) - For enquiries which would fall within a Minor Planning Application
- Planning Surgery (Majors) - For enquiries which would fall within a Major Planning Application
What to expect
- A 30 minute meeting to discuss a single case
- Meetings will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays only
- Meeting dates will be arranged at a mutually agreed date and time
- Officer will provide broad views on an initial proposal
- A summary of the advice will be emailed to you
- The advice will be made public if a subsequent application is received.
What not to expect
- A guaranteed outcome on a planning application
- An in-depth analysis of a specific proposal. If more detailed advice is required, our written advice procedure would be more appropriate.
- Confirmation that a proposal would be permitted development.
- Views of consultees or other specialist advice.
- Detailed advice in respect of listed buildings.
Planning Surgery Service fees
Type of development | Timescale | Fee |
Planning Surgery (Householder) For enquiries for development in the curtilage of a dwellinghouse which would fall within a Householder Planning Application | Set days per week (Two working days notice required) | £184 |
Planning Surgery (Minors) For enquiries which would fall within a Minor Planning Application | Set days per week (Two working days notice required) | £305 |
Planning Surgery (Majors) For enquiries which would fall within a Major Planning Application | Set days per week (Five working days notice required) | £611 |
Written Advice Service
The written pre-application advice services allow for advice to be sought on the planning merits of a broad range of proposals, ranging from Householder Development (extensions/alterations/outbuildings within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse) to Major Developments. The council has also introduced new written pre-application advice categories for alterations to shop fronts and for businesses at residential properties where a change of use or operational development is required.
Written pre-application advice can be requested by completing the application form and paying the relevant fee depending on the type of development. The advice given will be based on the information provided, and at a very minimum we will require a location plan to be submitted.
Request planning pre-application advice
What to expect
- A formal written response in the form of a letter, email or notes of a meeting
- For minor proposals 4 week timescale for response
- For major proposals a bespoke timescale
- For major proposals a site visit and input from key consultees
- Input from a Planning Officer or Senior Planning Officer
- A full analysis of a proposal and officer opinion as to issues or merits of a particular proposal
What not to expect
- A site visit or meeting in every case. The need for a site visit for minor proposals will be determined by the case officer.
- A guaranteed outcome on a planning application
- Advice on whether the proposals would constitute permitted Development
Written Advice Service fees
Development type | Fee | Fee for additional advice or meetings |
Householder | £136 | £98 (up to 30 mins) |
Adverts | £172 | £98 (up to 30 mins) |
Shop Fronts | £172 | £98 (up to 30 mins) |
Businesses at Home, advice on the planning merits of a business use within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse. | £213 | £98 (up to 30 mins) |
Replacement Dwellings, advice on the planning merits of a business use within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse. | £305 | £98 (up to 30 mins) |
Small Scale Minor, e.g. 1-3 dwellings, non-residential (less than 500m2 gross floor space). | £458 | £147 (up to 30 mins) |
Large Scale Minor, e.g. 4-9 dwellings, non-residential (500-999m2 gross floor space). | £917 | £244 (up to 45 mins) |
Small Scale Major, e.g. 10-24 dwellings, non-residential (1000m2 - 1999m2 gross floor space). | £1,833 | £305 (up to 1hr) |
Medium Scale Major, e.g. 25-99 dwellings, non-residential (2000m2 - 4999m2 gross floor space). | £3,360 | £305 (up to 1hr) |
Large Scale Major, e.g. 100+ dwellings, non-residential (greater than 4999m2 gross floor space). | £7,025 | £305 (up to 1hr) |
View planning constraints in your local area
You can view planning constraints in your area, by using our interactive web mapping system.
Planning guidance
When we provide pre-application advice we will tell you when you will likely need to provide support your planning application.
The council's local validation list explains in detail what supporting information is required with the wide range of applications that we deal with. This document includes details of when supporting information is required, what should be included in the supporting information and links to additional guidance.
More information about specific requirements for habitat regulation and ecology issues, such as water neutrality and nutrient neutrality can be found in under Trees, biodiversity and ecology.
Specific advice about design, including sustainability, and heritage matters can be found under .