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Planning application forms and guidance notes

Planning applications forms

Application forms can be accessed to download through the Planning Portal:

Planning application fee schedule

To determine your application fee please refer to the planning application fee guide. (opens new window)

Important: As of the 17 January 2018, Planning Application fees have increased. For more details please visit the Planning legislation (opens new window) website.


Agricultural/forestry buildings guidelines

Agricultural-Forestry Buildings Guidance (PDF) [180KB]

Guidance Note for Farm Buildings and Barn Conversions (PDF) [698KB]

Application procedures

Planning Applications - Advice for Applicants (Word doc) [85KB]

Red Card Procedure - Code of Practice (PDF) [25KB]

Equalities Monitoring Form (PDF) [16KB]

Council procedures

Code of Practice for Members Public Briefings (PDF) [20KB]

Member Involvement in Pre Application Enquiries - Code of Practice (PDF) [49KB]

Planning Applications - The Council's Code of Conduct (PDF) [102KB]

Committee Site Visits - Code of Practice (PDF) [46KB]

Public Speaking at Planning Committee Code of Practice 2021 (Word doc) [60KB]

Design protocol for urban and rural design

Design Protocol (PDF) [1009KB]

Domestic alterations and extensions guidelines

Design Guidelines for Alterations to Dwellings & Extensions 2 (PDF) [414KB]

General advice

Design and Access Statements (DAS) (PDF) [98KB]

Guidance on ecological surveys and planning applications (PDF) [663KB]

Protected species survey checklist (PDF) [101KB]

Submission Standards for Planning Applications (PDF) [64KB]

User Guide to Planning Obligations and Section 106 Agreements (PDF) [117KB]

Listed building guidance

External Alterations to Listed Buildings in Chichester District (PDF) [434KB]

Windows in Listed Buildings (PDF) [198KB]

Historic England - Traditional Windows: their care, repair and upgrading (PDF) [5MB]


Local List requirements

The Local List sets out Chichester District Council's (CDC) policy on the information which must be provided in support of all planning application types within Chichester District, outside of the South Downs National Park (SDNP), for the council to determine their validity.

Please note the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) has separate Local Requirements to CDC which are applicable within the SDNP. 

The CDC Local List includes the mandatory national requirements as specified within the Town and Country (Development Management Procedure) Order (DMPO) and additional information reasonably necessary to enable the council to determine the application.

The current CDC Local List is available to view:


Local list requirements

Chichester District Council - Local Validation List [November 2023] (Word doc) [136KB]

Public Access help and guidance

Advice on how to make a comment (PDF) [63KB]

Help for Consultees (PDF) [69KB]

Help with using Public Access (PDF) [138KB]

Measuring from plans (PDF) [133KB]

Planning payments (PDF) [146KB]

Public Access Guide - Search and Comment on an Application (Word doc) [1MB]

Recreation Disturbance of Birds in Special Protection Areas

Recreational Disturbance of Birds in Special Protection Areas April 2024 (Word doc) [24KB]

Residential and commercial developments guidance

Time to determine applications and the planning guarantee

The council deals with a range of application types, and the statutory time period for determining applications varies. For example householder and minor applications is 8 weeks, whilst major developments is 13 weeks. The most significant major applications which require an Environmental Impact Assessment is 16 weeks.  Where it is not possible to determine an application within its statutory time period and more time is needed to resolve outstanding issues, the case officer will request an extension of time to determine the application. If an application is unacceptable in the form it is submitted, the application will likely be determined within the statutory period. The applicant will be encouraged to seek pre-application advice before re-submitting an amended application.  Alternatively, an applicant may choose to appeal the decision of the council (opens new window).

If a planning application takes longer than the statutory period to decide, and no extension of time to determine the application has been agreed, the planning guarantee (Opens new window) (opens new window) means you may request a refund after 26 weeks for a major application and 16 weeks for a non-major application. Please email if you wish to request a refund.

Guide to Disability Access Statements for Planning Applications (PDF) [182KB]

Mobile Telecommunications Masts (PDF) [171KB]

Shopfront and Advertising Design (PDF) [1MB]

Green Infrastructure Developer Checklist (PDF) [91KB]

CDC Waste Storage and Collection Guidance 25Jan17 (PDF) [1MB]


Tree preservation & hedgerow consent applications

Tree preservation and hedgerow application forms
Application formGuidance notes

Application for hedgerow removal notice


Application for hedgerow removal notice guidance

Application for tree works


Application for tree works guidance

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