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Planning appeals

What is an appeal

You can appeal to the Planning Inspectorate (opens new window) if you disagree with the decision on your planning application. You cannot appeal against someone else's planning application.

You can appeal against:

  • your application being refused
  • a planning condition you don't agree with
  • an application which was not decided within the agreed timescale
  • an enforcement notice

More information about appeals can be found on the Planning Portal (opens new window).

An appeal should be a last resort if you disagree with the decision on a planning application. It may be possible to amend a scheme, or agree alternative conditions, to make it acceptable. An applicant should seek pre-application advice before submitting an amended scheme.

In addition to planning appeals, the Planning Inspectorate also deals with national infrastructure planning applications, examinations of local plans and other planning-related and specialist casework in England and Wales. 

How to appeal

Appeals must be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate (opens new window).

All queries and communication regarding a current appeal must be sent to Please state the Planning Inspectorate appeal reference and the council's application reference in the email.

Find an appeal

Appeal decision notices and details of current appeals started can be viewed on the Planning Inspectorate Appeals Casework Portal (opens new window)

Public inquiries and hearings

Public inquiries

There are no current public inquiries.


SiteHearing dateVenue location

There are no current hearings.


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