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Angling/Sea fishing

Barn Sea Anglers

Adults and juniors

Contact name

Keith Maxwell


Pond Barn Restaurant Farm
Road Bracklesham Bay
PO20 8HR
United Kingdom



01243 670983



Additional information

Description: A small friendly angling/sea fishing club, based on mixing with friends and enjoying a day's fishing and social evenings, which has been in existence for nearly 40 years. The club meets the first Monday of each month at Pond Barn at 8:00 pm for coarse/sea fishing. Both course and sea fishing competitions are held throughout the year also a fun casting competition. Membership is £20 per year, and we are members of the Angling Trust. If you want a fun club you are most welcome, we are not competitive, most members are retired or middle aged but we welcome younger members and children accompanied by an adult. Each year a Dinner/Prize Giving Evening is held plus socials during the year, all based in the Wittering area, any enquires please contact Keith Maxwell.

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