Free home energy event to help residents save money and reduce their carbon footprint
Chichester District Council is running a free event for district homeowners looking to save money by making their homes more energy efficient. The event will take place at Chichester College on 30 March 2023 from 6pm to 8.30pm.

The event, which has been organised in direct response to residents' feedback, will show people how they can reduce their carbon footprint and save money by implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy measures in their homes.
This is all part of the council's Climate Emergency Action Plan, which sets out how the council will reduce carbon emissions within its own operations and help local residents, businesses, and organisations to reduce their carbon footprint too.
Following the success of the council's first public engagement event of this type in 2021, a range of home energy experts will come together on the 30 March to share advice aimed at helping residents heat their homes for less. This will include providing top tips on some of the basic things people can do to make their homes more energy efficient and save money on their energy bills, as well as advising on the best approach to insulating a property and installing PV Solar Panels.
There will also be a session on property surveys that homeowners can organise to provide advice that is tailored to their specific property, as well as various grants and schemes that can help make installing energy efficiency measures more affordable. After a series of short talks, there will be the opportunity to speak with experts and ask questions.
"We received fantastic feedback about our home energy event last year with around 70 residents attending from across the district, and a recent survey showed us that people are keen for us to run more events on this topic," says Alison Stevens, Divisional Manager for Environment and Health Protection at Chichester District Council.
"The event is completely free of charge, and you don't need to pre-book your place. Whether you're just starting out and don't know where to begin or you have already started to make energy efficiency improvements to your home, this event will offer a fantastic opportunity to hear from some of the leading experts in home energy saving and to ask them your questions. We hope to hold a second event in the north of the district later this year if there is demand.
"Making your home as energy efficient as possible can have a huge impact on both the environment and your energy bill. There are a number of things that you can do to increase the energy efficiency of your home that will not only save you money but will also help our environment. Even small DIY measures, such as fitting a hot water cylinder with an insulation jacket can save you £20 a year in heating and 150kg of carbon dioxide.
The home energy efficiency event will be held on 30 March at Chichester College from 6pm until 8.30pm. It is free to attend and there is no need to book a place. People are encouraged to travel to the event by low carbon means where they can — Chichester College is a five minute walk from Chichester train and bus stations, and there are also bike racks on campus. Please consider car sharing if you need to drive to the event. Anyone intending to park on the college campus can pay for parking after 3pm on the Just Park app using the Non E-Permit Holders code: 809648.
Alison adds: "Organising events is one of the ways in which we are working with local residents, businesses and organisations to tackle climate change in our area. From investing in electric refuse collection vehicles and working to improve the energy efficiency within council buildings, and increasing tree planting within the district, the council is progressing a number of major projects to help reduce carbon emissions within its own work and across the district over the coming months and years."
You can read more about the council's progress with its Climate Emergency Action Plan. You can also watch our climate action update video (opens new window) highlighting some of the actions that the council has taken to tackle the effects of climate change in the district.
Further information on the work that the council is doing on climate change, as well energy saving tips, can be found on our climate change webpage and you can find out about other climate change related events happening near you through the Your Voice - West Sussex webpage (opens new window) .
To see whether you are eligible for grant funding to make your home more energy efficient, and to apply, you can also visit Warmer Homes website (opens new window) or call them on 0800 038 5737.
Date of Release: 28 February 2023
Reference: 4206