Green light given to refurbish key play parks in Chichester
A key project to refurbish several play areas in Chichester has been given the green light by district councillors.

At a meeting on 16 July, Chichester District councillors approved £814,000 for the project, which the council set out as one of its priority projects in January.
Play parks at Sherborne Road; Whyke Oval; the Amphitheatre; Priory Park; Florence Park; and, Oaklands Park, are due to be refurbished by Easter 2025 in time for the holidays. The district council will also look to collaborate with Chichester City Council on the project.
"I'm delighted that we'll be starting on this project soon," says Councillor Mark Chilton, Cabinet Member for Contract Services at Chichester District Council. "Outside play areas are vital to help our children develop physically, socially, creatively and emotionally, and I know that this project will make a huge difference to families and children across the area.
"The level of work required in these play areas varies. At some of sites the equipment has been there a long time and is very worn, so we'll need to replace it, while a couple of areas will need more of a light touch refurbishment.
"We'll also be looking to enhance certain areas by installing some inclusive play equipment which can be used by disabled children and those with health conditions and impairments.
"The first stage will be to gather the thoughts and views of children, parents and carers that use each of the play parks that have been selected. On Saturday 27 July as part of 'Love Parks Week' officers from Chichester District Council's Green Spaces team will be out and about at several sites to find out how people currently use the play areas and to gather ideas and feedback."
The team will be at Parklands play area 10am-11am; Priory Park 11.30am- 1pm; Florence Road park 1.30pm-2.30pm; and, Whyke Oval 3pm-4pm. The team will also be visiting Oaklands Park and the Amphitheatre play areas too, date and times to be arranged.
Date of Release: 17 July 2024