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Community heroes

Across the district, community heroes are already helping to keep our environment clean and tidy. If you know of other groups or individuals who take a pride in their neighbourhood please let us know so that we can share their stories to inspire others to follow in their footsteps.

Cleaning up East Beach
Cleaning up Midhurst
Cleaning up Wisborough Green
East Walls Hotel supporting our Against Litter campaign
Westgate supporting our Against Litter campaign

Against Litter Midhurst

The South Pond Group in Midhurst has been operating for five years. They meet on the first Saturday of every month to help look after the pond area so that residents and visitors can enjoy it. Around a dozen people are involved. Barbara Coote, explains;

"I've always done a lot of volunteering. I really enjoy my work with the South Pond Group because it's a great team working in a beautiful location. We're working out in the open and making a real difference to the local environment so that everyone can enjoy this picturesque spot."

Against Litter Selsey

Barbara Bond and Gerry Williams are sisters who enjoy making a difference to their community. Following a Heritage Walk in 2003, where Barbara learned of a project to promote wildlife at the Selsey Pond, they both joined the East Beach Pond Group the following year. The East Beach Pond Group volunteers, part of the Manhood and Wildlife Heritage Group, meet every Tuesday afternoon to manage the pond which includes litter picking. They also clean and survey a stretch of the Selsey coastline with other volunteers, as part of the Marine Conservation Society Beachwatch programme.

"Having moved to Selsey and retired it was a great way of getting to know people and make a difference to our local community. We really enjoy the social aspect and it is nice to know that what we are doing is appreciated" says Barbara.

Against Litter Wisborough Green

Wisborough Green Parish Council and its team of local volunteers work hard to keep the village and its surrounding area beautiful. Residents meet twice a year to carry out a village wide litter pick with lots of residents getting involved, including families and children who can be seen helping to tidy the village green and play areas. In between the organised picks, residents meet up in pairs or small groups to clean up specific litter hot-spots.

Louise Davies, Parish Clerk, says, "Wisborough Green is incredibly lucky to have so many dedicated people in its community. Since starting our litter picks ten years ago, we have really noticed residents taking this issue to heart. We regularly see people picking up litter even when they are just walking along the street or going about their normal day. We're very proud to play our part in keeping not only the district but the nation tidy too!"

Against Litter Gillian Keegan, MP

Gillian Keegan, MP for Chichester has put her full support behind the campaign and has adopted the area outside of her Chichester office in St. John's Street,

"I think this is a great initiative being led by Chichester District Council. We live in one of the most beautiful areas in the country and we want to keep it that way. We've got a great community spirit within our district and this is evident through the work that is already being carried out by local community groups and individuals. We want to build on this and encourage even more people to get behind this important campaign. I have already adopted an area and will be supporting the campaign as it moves forward."

Against Litter Waitrose, Chichester

"We're very proud to be one of the first to 'adopt an area,' and are excited to be supporting this campaign. It's always been important to us that we do our bit to keep the local environment clean and tidy. By adopting an area, we'll be increasing the scale of our regular litter picks and we are keen to help raise awareness of the campaign in the local community," says Allan Swan, Deputy Branch Manager at Waitrose Chichester.

Against Litter Everyone Active

Stuart Mills, Contract Manager for Everyone Active, says, "At Everyone Active we want to play our part and help protect the district. Staff at each of our centres in Chichester, Midhurst and Southbourne will be keeping the areas around our sites clean and tidy and they will be helping to make people aware of this important campaign."

Against Litter Chichester BID

The Chichester Business Improvement District (BID) is proud to support the Adopt an Area campaign. "We actively encourage our members to take pride in Chichester's stunning City, and ask visitors to keep the centre litter-free."

Against Litter East Walls Hotel

"As a family-run business in the heart of Chichester, we're proud to be part of the local community. It's important to us that we help preserve the city's character and beauty as much as we can for everyone that lives, works and visits here. Since we started renovation work on the hotel, we've picked up any litter that we've seen in the neighbourhood, and now we're delighted to officially 'adopt our area' and be part of the Against Litter scheme." Celia and Damon, proprietors of East Walls Hotel.

Tod Anstee Hancock

"Tod Anstee Hancock, as a company and individuals, would like to help our environment and raise awareness about the impact plastic and waste contribute to climate change, so we can pull together as a community to protect our Planet and make a difference now, for our future generations. This is why we are backing the Adopt an Area scheme, which is a great way of bringing the whole district together."

Want to get involved?

If you've been inspired by our Community Heroes there are lots of ways you can support the Against Litter campaign.

  • Sign up to support our campaign and receive regular news and updates or report any fly tipping, dog fouling or litter problems to us.
  • Join our Adopt an Area scheme and become a community clear-up hero. We can support your initiatives whether you hold an event once a year, every month or every week.
  • Make sure if you are doing any decorating / household work that you dispose of your waste both legally and safely.
  • Be alert to fly tipping in your area- have you seen unfamiliar vehicles at strange times of day?
  • Ask your child's school if it would like to have a Waste Buster education programme.
  • Tell us about someone you know who helps to keep your neighbourhood litter free.
  • Follow Chichester's Against Litter campaign on Twitter (opens new window) and Facebook (opens new window)
  • Use our posters to promote our Against Litter messages in your area.
  • Talk with your local councillor and community about your neighbourhood litter concerns.
  • Take your rubbish home with you including dog waste. You can also use either our dog bins or litter bins that are close to your favourite dog walking routes.

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