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Design and heritage guidance

How to seek advice about works to listed buildings and other heritage assets

Before submitting an application for listed building consent you are advised to contact us about what you propose. Although we cannot guarantee a favourable decision they can point you in the right direction.

The council can provide advice and guidance on works to, or affecting, a listed building or schedules ancient monument, and developments within conservation areas through our Pre-Application Advice Service.

The South Downs National Park Authority operates their own pre-application advice service (opens new window).

Guidance documents

The council has produced guidance on external alterations to listed buildings (PDF, 434 KB) and works to shopfronts and adverts (PDF, 1 MB). These should be considered if you are planning to carry out works to a listed building. The council is in the process of reviewing its guidance documents, and any updated guidance notes will be published here.

Certificate of lawfulness of proposed works to a listed building

If you require formal confirmation that Listed Building Consent will not be required, please submit an application for a certificate of lawfulness of proposed works to a listed building (opens new window).


There is no fee for an application for a certificate of lawfulness of proposed works to a listed building.

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