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Electoral register

A revised Register of Electors is published every year. Voter registration forms are sent to each individual for completion. Paying council tax does not register you automatically.

People who can register to vote include:

  • anyone who is 18 years old or over during the life of the register.
  • a British or commonwealth citizen, a citizen of the Irish Republic or other state of the European Union.
  • those not disqualified from registration.

There are two types of registers published annually;

The full register

This register lists everyone who is entitled to vote. Certain people and organisations (including credit reference agencies) can have copies of the full register. For legal reasons, it is not possible to display the full register on-line. The register for our area only and is available for public inspection at our Council Offices at East Pallant House. The full register must be viewed under supervision.

Please note that the register is in street order.

The open register

This is for sale. You have the option whether or not you want your name to appear on this register. It is available for commercial sale to any person or organisation wishing to purchase a copy. If you do not want us to sell your details onto anyone please ensure you tick the Open Register box on the registration form every year as mentioned above, we are following advice from the Electoral Commission.

However, should you wish to have a permanent 'opt out' of the Open Register we will accept a separate statement/letter from elector signed and dated.

How to register and change address

To register online or change address you will need your national insurance number and date of birth.

Register to vote (opens new window)

If you need to find out if you are registered or you would like a paper form please call our helpline 01243 521010.


Contact us 

For further information and advice email Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 521010.

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