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Help with health and wellbeing

Help with health and wellbeing overview video

What is Chichester Wellbeing and how can it help me?

The Chichester Wellbeing service offers free, friendly, and confidential advice to help improve your mental and physical wellbeing. They can help with things like:

  • healthy eating on a budget;
  • reducing alcohol intake;
  • losing weight;
  • stopping smoking;
  • being more active; and,
  • improving your emotional wellbeing.

Chichester Wellbeing Advisors are here to support you and can give you practical suggestions as to how you can improve the way you are feeling. This may include recommending lifestyle changes you can make to help yourself, such as advice on healthy eating, giving up smoking, and cutting down on alcohol, which could help you save money in the long term. 

They may also suggest ways to help improve your mood, for example, by taking more exercise or taking up a new activity, and the importance of connecting with others if you're feeling isolated. If you need more specialised support, they can also help signpost you to outside organisations that can help with your mental health.

If you would like to book in for a free one-to-one appointment, a Wellbeing Check or NHS Health Check, please call Chichester Wellbeing on 01243 521041 or email You can find more information on the Chichester Wellbeing website. (opens new window)

I'm feeling very low as I'm struggling to make ends meet. How can the Chichester Wellbeing service help me?

Chichester Wellbeing Advisors are here to support you and can give you practical suggestions as to how you can improve the way you are feeling. This may include recommending lifestyle changes you can make to help yourself, such as advice on healthy eating, giving up smoking, and cutting down on alcohol, which could help you save money in the long term. 

They may also suggest ways to help improve your mood, for example, by taking more exercise or taking up a new activity, and the importance of connecting with others if you're feeling isolated. If you need more specialised support, they can also help signpost you to outside organisations that can help with your mental health.

Your Wellbeing Advisor may recommend you speak to one of Chichester's Social Prescribers.

What is a social prescriber and how can they help me?

Our Social Prescribers are friendly and approachable and will give you the opportunity to talk through some of the non-medical issues in your life, which may be having an adverse impact on your health and wellbeing.

If the service is right for you, you may be offered up to six one-to-one appointments when you can discuss ways to improve how you feel and explore opportunities for you to connect to the practical and emotional support available in your community.

You can be referred to a Social Prescriber by your GP, or through our self-referral form.


What is Chichester Youth Connections and how can it help me?

Chichester Youth Connections is a service aimed at supporting the health and wellbeing of young people aged 13-19 who live or go to school in the Chichester District. It can support those who are looking for help with: loneliness and isolation, improving self-confidence, and making connections with other people. The team can also help young people find their next steps in education and employment.

As part of this service, young people can access six to eight individual sessions that are specifically tailored to help address the issues that are most important to them. Through practical advice and signposting, the team can connect individuals to the most appropriate support. This could include a counselling service; advice on careers, money or housing; or activities that could lead to a new interest, such as sports or the arts.

If you are, or you know of, a young person aged between 13 and 19 who may benefit from this help and support, please visit our Chichester Youth Connections web page to find out more and to complete a quick and easy contact form. You can also email the team on:

How can I get help to stop smoking?

Our Chichester Wellbeing team has a number of qualified Smoking Cessation Advisors and offer up to 12 weeks of free one-to-one support. This includes free Nicotine Replacement Therapy, which could save you money. Please contact our team to make an appointment.

Can I get help to reduce my alcohol intake?

You can book in for a free and confidential one-to-one session with an Alcohol Wellbeing Advisor. They will help you create a realistic and manageable plan to reduce your drinking to low risk levels. You will be offered 6-8 sessions of dedicated advice tailored to you. Please contact our team to make an appointment.

I want to reduce my food bills and eat more healthily, how can Chichester Wellbeing help?

We are all aware that good food is essential to good health, whatever age you are. Eating a balanced diet will not only keep you healthy but also reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers.

There are lots of tips on healthy eating on our Chichester Wellbeing website, as well as some easy to prepare and budget-friendly recipes.  Your Wellbeing Advisor will also be able to help you with planning healthy meals on a budget.

I've been advised to lose weight by my GP — how can Chichester Wellbeing help me?

Chichester Wellbeing offer both group and one-to-one support when it comes to eating well and weight management. The Weigh Better Life course is a 12-week programme for adults led by a qualified nutritionist. The programme focuses on healthy eating and educates you about food and nutrition to help you achieve sustainable weight loss.

I would like to improve my general health and get more active — how can Chichester Wellbeing help?

Wellbeing Advisors help people to make small changes to their lifestyle. Book in for a free one-to-one appointment or Wellbeing Check-In to discuss any healthy lifestyle changes you would like to make and you will be signposted to the most appropriate support.

For those eligible, Wellbeing Advisors also offer one-to-one support to help you take up a new activity. They also offer regular free guided walks called Heartsmart Walks to help you become more active.

I'm in my 70's and am starting to have falls — how can Chichester Wellbeing help?

For those that are over 65 and have experienced a fall, feel unsteady on their feet, or have concerns about falling in the future, Chichester Wellbeing has a community-based prevention initiative. Well-balanced for Wellbeing aims to help you reduce your risk of falling, identifying hazards that cause falls, how to avoid them and what you should do if you have a fall. The 24-week rolling course offers group strength and balance classes.


I feel isolated. Are there any other organisations that can help me?

If you are someone who feels isolated, you may want to sign up to Age UK's free telephone friendship service (opens new window). They offer two different free friendship services - one matches over 60s with a friendly volunteer for a weekly chat, while they also offer a 24 hour helpline service, where people can call for a chat, day or night, whatever the reason.


New Supporting You service

We've launched a new holistic service to support those who are struggling with the cost of living. This is delivered by a dedicated team of trained advisors - our Supporting You team - who are able to support people with a range of challenging issues at once. You can contact the
team on or 01243 534860. For more information, read our .

Supporting You leaflet

The rise in the cost of living has impacted on all of us in many ways. Whether you are struggling to pay bills, feel isolated, or are concerned about rising energy costs, the council and our partners are here to help.

We have produced a new leaflet called Supporting You, which aims to highlight key information. This includes support for the vulnerable; help with finances; and energy tips, and you can read this here. Supporting You leaflet (PDF) [321KB]


Contact us

For further information and advice email Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 521041.

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