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Housing terms and conditions

Landlord accreditation assistance conditions

Pre-completion conditions

  1. The applicant must be aware that they will be responsible for any additional costs.
  2. All works approved for financial assistance must be completed within 12 months of the approval date. Any funding not claimed within 12 months of the approval date will be cancelled, unless an extension has been approved. Applicants may apply to for an extension in exceptional circumstances, and prior to the 12 month deadline. Applicants will be notified of the Council's decision within 14 days.
  3. Accreditation Assistance approval must have been received prior to the landlord commencing the works.
  4. The applicant must retain a qualifying interest in the property throughout the course of works. If the property is sold before completion of works the assistance will be cancelled and any interim payments must be repaid to the Council.


Post-completion conditions

  1. The applicant must remain a member of the Landlord Accreditation Scheme for a period of 5 years from the date the Council makes payment of funding. The applicant must also ensure the property is let or available for letting throughout this time, and landlords who remove a property from letting, or re-occupy the property themselves will no longer be a member of the scheme, and will be required to repay any funding. No interest, compound or otherwise, will be added.
  2. If the property is sold before completion of the works or the assistance application is cancelled any interim payments must be repaid in full. No interest, compound or otherwise, will be added.
  3. If the property is sold within 5 years of the day the Council makes the final payment of funding, all monies must be repaid in full within 28 days of sale. No interest, compound or otherwise, will be added.
  4. If membership of the Accreditation Scheme is refused or revoked at any time in the five years from the date the Council makes payment of funding, monies will be repayable in full, within 28 days of the monies being requested. No interest, compound or otherwise, will be added.
  5. The Council will notify those carrying out local land charge searches of the existence of grants with a relevant condition.

 Empty homes financial assistance conditions

Pre-completion conditions

  1. Funding will be approved based on the lowest quotation submitted, and approved works must be carried out by the contractor(s) on whose quotation(s) the assistance has been based. An alternative, more expensive contractor may undertake the works provided the Council has given prior consent to the change of contractor. The applicant must be aware that they will be responsible for any additional costs.
  2. All works approved for financial assistance must be completed within 12 months of the approval date. Any funding not claimed within 12 months of the approval date will be cancelled, unless an extension has been approved. Applicants may apply to for an extension in exceptional circumstances, and prior to the 12 month deadline. Applicants will be notified of the Council's decision within 14 days.
  3. Empty Homes Assistance approval must have been received prior to the landlord commencing the works.
  4. The applicant must retain a qualifying interest in the property throughout the course of works. If the property is sold before completion of works the assistance will be cancelled and any interim payments must be repaid to the Council.

Post-completion conditions

  1. If the property is sold before completion of the works or the assistance application is cancelled any interim payments must be repaid in full.
  2. If the property is sold within 5 years of the day the Council makes the final payment of funding, all monies must be repaid in full within 28 days of sale.
  3. If the lettings agreement with Chichester District Council is terminated by any party during the 5 year condition period monies will be repayable in full within 28 days of being requested.

In some cases the council may notify those carrying out local land charge searches of the existence of grants with a relevant condition.

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