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Is my building listed?

Chichester District contains over 3,000 listed buildings, which have been individually surveyed and listed as being of special architectural or historic interest.

If you want to find out whether your building is listed visit the English Heritage website. This will allow you to search through a database of listed buildings. If you are still unsure whether a building is listed or not contact Chichester District Council. We hold the "Greenbacks" which are the books which contain all the listed building descriptions for the district as well as having access to a number of databases and original maps. Anyone can have access to the "Greenbacks", these are held at Planning reception.

Check if your building is listed (opens new window)

View listed buildings in your area

By using our web mapping software, you can view listed buildings any where in the district.


Contact us 

For further information and advice email Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 785166.

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