Local Plan - Regulation 19 consultation
The following information relates to the Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) Local Plan. For the submitted version of the Local Plan, please visit Chichester Local Plan 2021 - 2039 examination.
- Regulation 19 consultation - 3 February and 17 March 2023 - NOW CLOSED
- What happened to your comments
Representations made during the Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) consultation period are available to view via the Consultation Portal How to view representations online (PDF, 263 KB)
Results from earlier consultations are also available to view.
Regulation 19 consultation - 3 February to 17 March 2023
Your views are important to us, and they are a vital part of the plan-making process. You may remember that in the Preferred Approach consultation we asked for your detailed views on our policies and proposals. The Proposed Submission version of the Plan took this feedback into account, along with the supporting evidence base, and is available to view. Please visit The Local Plan - Regulation 19 evidence.
The consultation on the Proposed Submission Local Plan invited you to comment on three specific questions or tests - Is it legally compliant? Is it 'sound'? Does it comply with the Duty to Cooperate? This is known as the Regulation 19 consultation phase and was one of the final stages before submitting the plan for examination.
View the Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) Local Plan (opens new window)
View the Proposed Submission schedule of proposed changes to the policies map (opens new window)
View the Proposed Submission policies map (opens new window)
What happened to your comments
The representations made during the consultation period have been reviewed and are available to view online via the consultation portal.
The full detail of these representations has been provided, alongside the submission documents, to the Planning Inspectorate for independent examination on behalf of the Secretary of State.
The appointed Inspector will now use your comments to inform their consideration of the Local Plan as part of the examination process.
Further information on the Regulation 19 consultation and the Proposed Submission Local Plan can be found on the following useful pages: