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Polling district, polling places and polling station review 2024

Notice of review

In accordance with Section 17 of the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013, Chichester District Council gives notice that a review of all polling districts and polling places in Chichester is to be conducted.

The Returning Officer will comment on the suitability of the polling station within each polling district. These will be made available on the district council webpages and offices after the close of the representation period.

Any elector within the authority may make a representation. The authority would welcome the views of all residents and any person or body able to make a representation on accessibility issues. Anyone making a representation should, where possible, give alternative places that may be used as a polling place.

All representations should be made in writing, either by post or email. The postal address, e-mail address and website address at which relevant information and documents can be inspected and representations made are as follows:

  • Postal address:        
    Electoral Services
    East Pallant House
    1 East Pallant
    West Sussex
    PO19 1TY

E-mail address:

Any representations must be made by 5 July 2024

Timetable of review


Publication of notice of review

20 May 2024

Closing date for representations

5 July 2024

Proposals to the boundary review panel

July/ August 2024 - date to be confirmed

Report to full council

19 November 2024

2019 register of Electors published incorporating any changing

1 December 2024


Polling Places Review Schedule - 1st Schedule (Word doc) [36KB]


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