District Dispatch - 17 December 2024
For most of us, Christmas provides us with the chance to spend valuable time with our family and friends and get involved in local festive celebrations.

Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to be in this position. As a council we are encouraging everyone to keep an eye out for anyone who might be alone or need some extra support. Just a friendly face can make a huge difference, but it's also about making sure that people are warm and safe. This is especially important at this time of year when the temperature drops, and we are at risk of severe weather.
It's important that people know what services are available to help in these circumstances. One of the schemes that we provide to help keep people warm and well is the Chichester Warm Homes Initiative. This scheme is for residents on a low income and can contribute towards a whole-house efficient heating system; thermal insulation; boiler repair; hot water tank repair or replacement; or window repair or replacement, to name just a few examples. If you know someone who would benefit from this, please encourage them to apply through our 'Housing Financial Assistance' page. We also offer free home energy visits if your home is cold and damp; you are suffering from health problems; or, you are worried about your heating bills. You can find out more by calling Citizens Advice on 01243 974063.
As Oona mentioned in more detail last week, we also have a dedicated team that works directly with rough sleepers to try and support them back into accommodation. If you are concerned about an individual rough sleeping, please let us know by filling in the details on the Streetlink website (opens new window). This referral will go directly to our team, who will attempt to find the individual and assess their needs.
Our Community Wardens are also keeping an eye out for those who are on their own or feeling vulnerable. They have even joined together with a small group of volunteers to make Christmas lunch for around eighty local people in Oving. These acts of kindness can make a huge difference to people who feel lonely or isolated. I know this is one of many examples where local residents are giving their time to help and support others. We are very lucky to have such wonderful volunteers across the district who make such a big difference in our local communities.
Christmas is also a time when we should be supporting our local businesses. As a council, we have been running our annual 'Countdown to Christmas' campaign, helping to highlight what's happening across the district over the festive period and encourage people to support local. Our local shops and businesses have so much to offer and so if you still have some last-minute Christmas shopping to do, please support our local businesses.
Please also be aware that some waste and recycling collection dates will change over the festive period. The best way to keep track of this and receive personalised reminders, is by downloading our Chichester District Council app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store. You just need to remember to switch your notifications on. You can find out more about this through our Chichester District Council 'Mobile app'. Alternatively, you can access your bin collection dates through our 'Check Your Bin Day' page.
We are also working with St. Wilfrid's Hospice to provide a Christmas tree recycling scheme. St. Wilfrid's wonderful team of volunteers will collect your tree between 10 and 13 January in return for a donation to the hospice. To register for the scheme or to find out more, please visit the St Wilfrid's Hospice website (opens new window).
Finally, I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year from all of us at Chichester District Council.
Best Wishes
Cllr Adrian Moss
Leader of Chichester District Council