Benefit fraud
If you suspect someone is receiving benefits to which they are not entitled to, you should report this to the National Benefit Fraud hotline. You can do this by reporting benefit fraud (opens new window), calling 0800 854440, or by post NBFH, POBOX 224, Preston, PR1 1GP.
Council tax fraud
Examples of Council tax fraud are:
- Claiming an incorrect discount, e.g. claiming 25% single person discount when you do not live alone
- Claiming an incorrect exemption, e.g. claiming the property is unoccupied or occupied when it is not
- Claiming to be a full time student when the course has ended or you are no longer attending the course
Council tax reduction fraud
Council tax reduction fraud is when someone obtains a council tax reduction they are not entitled to. This can either be by failing to declare the correct circumstances at the time of application, or failing to declare when circumstances change.
Examples of council tax reduction fraud are:
- Failing to declare a partner in the household
- Failing to declare another person in the household
- Failing to declare earnings or an increase in earnings
- Failing to declare the correct amount of savings or an increase in savings
- Failing to declare additional income
- Failing to declare no longer living at the claim address
If you suspect any form of council tax fraud, council tax reduction fraud or any other fraud against Chichester District Council you can contact us on 01243 534590.
Corporate fraud team
Chichester District Council's corporate fraud team investigate all fraud against the council. We have a 24 hour phone number 01243 534590 so people can report in complete confidence any suspicions they may have that fraud is being committed. The main fraud investigated is council tax fraud and council tax reduction fraud.
The National Benefit Fraud Hotline is 0800 854440.