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Housing strategies and studies

This page lists the strategies and background documents that assist us in providing the right housing for the district.

Housing strategy 

Share you views on our draft Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy (2025-2030)

Take part in our consultation between 20 January and 3 March 2025.

We're currently inviting people to have their say on the aims and actions that we are considering including in our new Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy. To share your views, take part in our quick 'Let's Talk: Housing' survey (opens new window) before 5pm on Monday 3 March 2025.

The new strategy, which covers the period 2025 to 2030, looks at how the council will work with partners to prevent people from becoming homeless; create and retain affordable housing for young people and families; address the housing needs of older people; and improve housing standards for all of its residents.

For background information about the consultation, including a range of frequently asked questions and to view a copy of the draft strategy, please visit our designated consultation web hub. (opens new window).

For those who do not have access to a computer, paper copies of the survey are available on request by emailing: or calling 01243 521226.

Existing Housing Strategy (2020-2025):

Chichester District Housing Strategy 2020-25 (PDF, 410 KB)

Homelessness Review 2020 (Word doc, 143 KB)

Private sector renewal

Housing Standards Financial Assistance and Enforcement Policy 2021 -2026 (amended July 2023)003 (Word doc, 117 KB)

Tenancy strategy

Tenancy Strategy 2020 (Word doc, 70 KB)

Research and evidence used to inform our strategy

Chichester Housing Stock Modelling Report 2020 (PDF, 6 MB)


Contact us

For further information and advice email Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 785166.

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