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Issues and Options - consultation June 2017

The first stage of consultation was held between 22 June and 3 August 2017. All the comments received were carefully considered and helped shape the Local Plan Review: Preferred Approach.

All responses are publicly available, and identifiable by name and organisation (where applicable). Please note that any other personal information provided will be processed by Chichester District Council in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.

The documents below contain summaries of the issues raised by the representations submitted.

Results of Consultation- Main Issues raised (Questions 1 to 10) (PDF) [277KB]

Results of Consultation- Main Issues raised (Questions 11 to 20) (PDF) [321KB]

Results of Consultation- Main Issues raised (Questions 21 to 30) (PDF) [246KB]

Results of Consultation- Main Issues raised (Questions 31 to 40) (PDF) [275KB]

Results of Consultation- Main Issues raised (Questions 41 to 45) (PDF) [233KB]

Alternatively, all documents submitted as part of representations to the consultation are available to view on the consultation website under Question 45.

The published consultation documents included:

  • Issues & options consultation document and questionnaire
  • Initial Sustainability Appraisal
  • Initial Habitats Regulations Assessment

At the same time the council consulted on the Revised Statement of Community Involvement.

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