Media and Publicity Protocols
When carrying out all forms of communications with the public, Chichester District Council must comply with the Code of Practice on Local Government Publicity, issued under the Local Government Act 1986 (amended 1988 and 2001).
This code covers the rules around content and style of publicity, dissemination, advertising, promotion of individual councillors and restrictions during the election period.
Paragraph 20 of the Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity says:
'The main purposes of local authority publicity are to increase public awareness of the services provided by the authority and the functions it performs to allow local people to have a real and informed say about issues that affect them, to explain to electors and ratepayers the reasons for particular policies and priorities; and in general to improve local accountability.'
Local authorities face more legal restrictions than private bodies when it comes to external publicity. Most importantly, councils cannot publish material which appears to be designed to affect public support for a political party.
Chichester District Council and the media
The council has a media service within the Public Relations Section and this is the first port of call for all media enquiries. Trained and experienced staff are able to respond to all calls and, where appropriate, arrange interviews with senior councillors.
Please contact Public Relations for all media enquiries.
Contact us
For further information and advice email Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 534679.