Social prescribing

Are you:

  • Worried about your housing or financial situation and need information and support on where to start?
  • Feeling lonely or isolated and want to have a greater sense of connection to your community?
  • Needing practical or emotional support, to help you cope in a challenging situation?
  • Interested in finding out about local groups, activities or courses?

If the answer is yes to any of the above, then why not consider speaking to a member of our Chichester Social Prescribing team.

What is Social Prescribing?

Social Prescribing is an opportunity for you to talk through some of the non-medical issues in your life, which may be having an adverse impact on your health and wellbeing. During your appointments, you can discuss ways to improve how you feel and explore opportunities for you to connect to the practical and emotional support available in your community.

Who do we work with?

We offer our support to anyone over the age of 13. The Chichester Youth Connections 13-19 Years service is our new service for younger people. The Youth Connections service offers support with confidence or social isolation.

Our adult service will be able to work with you, if you are ready to connect to the support in your community and are looking for help with:

  • Money, Debt or benefits advice.
  • Support getting into work or finding voluntary opportunities.
  • Caring for someone and needing a break or some extra help.
  • Changes in your home environment.
  • Support to make a lifestyle change, or to find more regular company or activities in your community

Whatever your challenge, we're here to talk it through and enable you to make a plan.

How can we help?

After we have received your referral, your local Social Prescriber who is connected to your GP practice, will contact you to introduce themselves. They will then arrange a suitable time with you to talk through the service and discuss what matters most to you.

They can simply signpost or refer you to other services. Or they can provide up to 6 appointments to support you to make a change.

Where do we work?

Chichester Youth Connections 13-19 years service, can support anyone living within the Chichester District.

Our adult service is funded by Primary Care and can only support people registered with the following GP surgeries: 

  • Loxwood Medical Practice
  • Petworth Surgery
  • Pulborough Medical Group
  • Riverbank Medical centre, Midhurst
  • Cathedral Medical Group, Chichester
  • Langley House Surgery, Chichester
  • Lavant Road Surgery, Chichester
  • Parklands Surgery, Chichester
  • Selsey Medical Practice
  • Southbourne Surgery
  • Tangmere Medical Centre
  • Witterings Medical Centre

How to refer

You can be referred into our service by your GP, or through our self-referral form.

This form can be completed by yourself, or a professional currently supporting you.

Make a Social Prescribing referral

If you are a professional supporting someone who may benefit from our services and would like a conversation prior to referring, please contact

If you are having any difficulties in completing your form, please contact the Chichester Wellbeing team on 01243 521041.


The Chichester Social Prescribing Service is not a crisis service. We are not able to provide crisis support. If you are in crisis and need urgent support, please contact one of the following services:

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