Southern Gateway
Welcome to our section about the Southern Gateway regeneration in Chichester.
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This video below gives a brief overview of what you can expect from the project and how it will benefit the public.
It features aerial footage of Chichester to show you where the Southern Gateway site is situated and all the different sites which will be included as part of the regeneration.
The Southern Gateway is the biggest regeneration project that the city has seen for decades. In November 2017 our councillors adopted the Southern Gateway Masterplan (PDF, 3 MB) which sets out the basis on which the area can be comprehensively regenerated. There is also an accompanying transport study (PDF, 21 MB) and an appendix containing the technical studies (PDF, 8 MB)
The can be found in our latest news section.
At the moment, the masterplan comprises of various parcels of land:
- the bus station and depot
- Basin Road car park
- law courts
- part of the former Chichester Police Station playing field
- part of the former high school
- the Royal Mail depot buildings
- part of the Network Rail site, and
- 5 -6 Southgate.
The project will involve transforming this largely brownfield area into a vibrant and attractive new quarter, with the aim of providing:
- new homes
- business and retail space
- leisure and tourism facilities;
- improved transport links with a focus on cycling, walking and public transport, plus
- improved public realm and open spaces.
Why is regeneration needed?
The Southern area of Chichester is a key gateway to the city. The community wants to make this area look more attractive and welcoming to people arriving in the city.
The scheme is the flagship project for the Chichester Vision (PDF, 2 MB) which looks ahead over the next 20 years to see how the city centre can be enhanced, while at the same time protecting our important heritage.
The aim is to better connect the centre of Chichester to other city locations such as the canal basin and the public transport hub.
At the moment traffic dominates this part of Chichester. Reducing traffic in the city centre and creating a more diverse evening culture were the two aspects that people wanted improved as part of the Chichester Vision.
Another key aim is to help boost local jobs and the economy. We want to attract high growth, high value sectors such as finance, digital, pharmaceutical and creative industries to the area as well as create homes, public space and community facilities.
How will this be achieved?
We are working with our partner West Sussex County Council (opens new window) to deliver this opportunity.
We have also engaged with the Chichester BID (opens new window) (Business Improvement District), Visit Chichester (opens new window), University of Chichester (opens new window) and Chichester City Council (opens new window) to identify future needs.
The brief explores opportunities that improve the visitor offer such as hotel accommodation and entertainment space to bolster the night time economy and create a more diverse evening culture.
Contact us
For further information and advice phone 01243 521063.