Environmental permits
Under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010, local authorities must regulate certain types of factory and other activities such as dry cleaners. This is to reduce any pollution they may cause and, in particular, to help improve air quality. Businesses which operate these premises must have a permit.
These premises are known as "installations". Some are called 'Part B', and local authorities can only deal with air pollution from them. Many different sorts of pollution are controlled at 'Part A2' installations. The Part B regime is known as Local Air Pollution Prevention and Control (LAPPC), and the A2 regime as Local Authority Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control (LA-IPPC).
You must have an environmental permit if you operate a regulated facility in England or Wales.
A regulated facility includes:
- Installations or mobile plants carrying out listed activities
- Waste operations
- Waste mobile plant
- Mining waste operations
Listed activities include:
- Energy - burning fuel, gasification, liquefaction and refining activities
- Metals - manufacturing and processing metals
- Minerals - manufacturing lime, cement, ceramics or glass
- Chemicals - manufacturing chemicals, pharmaceuticals or explosives, storing chemicals in bulk
- Waste - incinerating waste, operating landfills, recovering waste
- Solvents - using solvents for printing or painting
- Other - manufacturing timber products, coating, printing, manufacturing new tyres, intensive pig and poultry farming
How to apply for an environmental permit
Part A activities
Part A permits control activities with a range of environmental impacts, including:
- Emissions to air, land and water
- Energy efficiency
- Waste reduction and minimisation
- Noise
- Accident prevention
Apply for an environmental permit part A2 (opens new window)
Part B activities
Part B permits control activities which cause emissions to air. The permit your business requires depends on the specific processes involved and resulting emissions. Permits are available from the Environment Agency or your local council (the regulator) depending upon the category your business falls within:
- Part A(1) installations or mobile plants are regulated by the Environment Agency
- Part A(2) and Part B installations or mobile plants are regulated by the local council, except waste operations carried out at Part B installations which are regulated by the Environment Agency
- Waste operations or waste mobile plant carried on other than at an installation, or by Part A or Part B mobile plants, are regulated by the Environment Agency
- Mining waste operations are regulated by the Environment Agency
Apply for an environmental permit part B (opens new window)
Further detailed descriptions of the listed activities can be found in Schedule 1 of the The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 (opens new window).
For specific information on these controls see the Defra guidance on Local Authority Pollution Control (LAPC) regime (opens new window).
Eligibility to apply for an environmental permit
Applications must be made on the form provided, or online and must include specified information which will vary depending on the operation. If further information is required you will be notified by the regulator and you must provide this information or the application will be deemed to be withdrawn. The application must be from the operator of the regulated facility. For waste operations no licence will be granted unless any required planning permission had first been granted.
The cost of an environmental permit
There are a number of charges set by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) (opens new window) for applications and substantial changes to existing processes. There is also an annual subsistence fee. Charging levels for Local Air Pollution Prevention and Control (LAPPC - Part B) and Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (LA-IPPC - A(2)) regimes.
How an environmental permit application is processed
The regulator will pay regard to the protection of the environment taken as a whole by, in particular, preventing or, where that is not practicable, reducing emissions into the air, water and land. The regulator may inform the public of the application and must consider any representations. The application must be from the operator of the regulated facility and the regulator must be satisfied that they must operate the facility in accordance with the environmental permit.
Process application timescales
It can take up to five months to process an application for an environmental permit.
Are applications granted automatically?
No. It is in the public interest that the authority must process your application for an environmental permit before it can be granted. Once we have received your application we will confirm within 10 working days as to whether or not the application can be accepted. Once your application has been accepted it can take up to five months to process. If you have not heard from us within this time please contact us.
Reasons to contact us
Please contact us to:
- view a copy of the register document;
- complain about a permit holder;
- if you are unhappy with conditions on a permit;
- you wish to appeal if an application is refused;
- notify us of any changes to an environmental permit
- if, after the 5 months processing time, you have not heard from us
Please contact, or send all correspondence to:
- Environmental Protection
Chichester District Council
East Pallant House
East Pallant
West Sussex
PO19 1TY - Telephone: 01243 534598
- Email: environmentalprotect@chichester.gov.uk
Current applications for Part A2 and Part B environmental permits
You can view our environmental permits register document:
Chichester DC Part B and A2 installations 01.04.2020 (Excel doc) [15KB]
Please note that recent changes in the Environmental Permitting Regulations now requires that timber treatment activities with a daily production capacity of greater than 75 m3 must now apply for and obtain a Part A2 permit if operators want to continue operating after the 7 July 2015.
Timber Treatment
The company known as David Cover and Son Limited has applied to Chichester District Council for a permit to operate a wood preservation activity.
Please see the for documents supporting the application:
2. Permit Support doc-Tan E (PDF) [645KB]
3. Info on high press process-Tan E (PDF) [891KB]
4. Info on low press process-VacAq (PDF) [287KB]
5. Environmental management (PDF) [227KB]
7. Fluid Usage Annual (2014 Actual Usage) (PDF) [232KB]
10. Tanalith E8000 (PDF) [134KB]
11. Prestige Waste Disposal Note (PDF) [351KB]
12. Covers Site condition report (PDF) [24MB]
13. Covers Environmental Policy (PDF) [1MB]
14. Environmental management (PDF) [227KB]