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Hire of car parks

Chichester District Council manages a range of car parks across the district to assist with meeting parking demand. The main aim of Car Parks is to provide parking for visitors, residents and businesses which assists with reducing congestion on local roads, supporting businesses, and encouraging tourism.

Car parks are reviewed on a regular basis for capacity. It is recognised that there are some car parks and some times of year where there is scope for alternative use of car parks on a limited basis for event or land hire.  However, the priority for car parks will always be the provision of parking.

Chichester District Council's Parking Order sets out the 'rules' for use of the car park. this includes a reference to what is or is not permitted in the car parks. This enables enforcement to be undertaken under the Traffic Management Act 2004, where there are any contraventions of the activity taking place.  A provision within the Parking Order for Chichester District Council enables an exemption to the requirements subject to the authority granting agreement. 

Please visit our Parking tickets page to review the parking order and subsequent amendments.

Events and activities guidance notes and policy

If you would like to hire any of our car parks for events or activities. Please view our events policy document:

Hire of Car Parks for Events and Activities - Policy (Word doc, 34 KB)

For a full list of our car parks and a detailed information on each, please visit our Car parks page.

For guidance notes please visit Hire of land for events.

Application to hire a car park

To apply to hire a car park, please fill in the hire of car parks for events & activities application form, along with supplying all the support documents requested:

  • Insurance for event organiser - public & liability in excess of 10 million.
  • Risk assessment
  • Map of location in car park
  • Detailed site/event plan
  • Route plan

Should a risk assessment and Insurance for event organiser documents not be provided your request will be rejected. 

Hire of Car Parks for Events & Activities Application Form - May 2024 (Word doc, 147 KB)

Once your application has been received, parking services will contact you within 10 working days, detailing the fees and charges if applicable, or advising if further time is required to review your request. 

Please note: we require 6 weeks notice for any event/activity to be held, with exception of emergency maintenance.

Hire of car park charges

Commercial, charity and non-charity events/activities will all be charged a hire fee.

Space usage is relevant to how big the area to be used for an event/activity is. This should be indicated on a site plan when organisers apply to hire in the car park(s).

Charges are worked out by the following factors:

  • All administration costs (including set up and take down fee, if require before and after the event or activity)
  • Licence fee
  • Level of income lost
  • Any additional costs occurred on an adhoc basis
  • Level of income being made by the hirer
  • Location/demand on the car park 

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