Season ticket terms & conditions
By applying for season ticket, you are agreeing with the Terms and Conditions and declaring that all the information submitted is true and to the best of your knowledge accurate. Season tickets are monitored and incorrect use may result in a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) being issued and/or further action being taken by the council. For more information on what to do if you receive a PCN please visit Parking tickets.
1. Permit Use
When a season ticket is purchased, the name supplied to Parking Services will be deemed as the season ticket holder. The season ticket holder is responsible for ensuring that all the season ticket details are up to date.
Possession of a season ticket does not guarantee the availability of a space for the holder to park.
It is the responsibility of the season ticket holder to ensure the correct registration of the vehicle parking is assigned to the season ticket prior to leaving the vehicle parked. A season ticket is considered valid from the chosen start date and duration and when used in line with the Terms and Conditions.
It is the responsibility of the season ticket holder to update the vehicle registration logged against the season ticket prior to leaving the vehicle parked. For queries and updates relating to a season ticket please use your MiPermit online account (opens new window), the MiPermit App (opens new window) or you can call 0345 5207007 or email Please note that if you email MiPermit it will not be actioned immediately, so the other options are preferable.
If the season ticket holder is not changing a registration using MiPermit online, MiPermit and council opening hours on Bank Holidays, Public holidays and the Christmas period should be taken into consideration. For their operating hours please visit MiPermit (opens new window).
When managing a season ticket, it is the season ticket holders responsibility to:
- ensure that the phone or other device is sufficiently charged to enable any necessary update/changes to be made prior to parking the vehicle.
- check the accuracy of the season ticket details which have been provided as Parking Services cannot be held responsible for customer errors which result in the issue of a Penalty Charge Notice.
A maximum of one vehicle registration mark can be registered against the season ticket at one time.
Part-time season ticket holders are required to activate a stay when parking through MiPermit. Unused stays will not be redeemable following the expiry of the season ticket duration.
It is the responsibility of the season ticket holder to obtain information as to where the season ticket is valid. A map is provided below these Terms and Conditions and information can also be requested from Parking Services,
A person or administrator purchasing season tickets for other users should ensure that they inform and supply all users or the holder of the season ticket with the Terms and Conditions.
Season ticket holders should adhere to the Terms & Conditions and it is the responsibility of the season ticket holder to inform and supply all users of the season ticket with the Terms & Conditions.
The vehicle for which the season ticket applies must be parked wholly within the markings of a bay (all four wheels must be in the marked bay). If this is not possible alternative parking must be found, or the daily charges will apply for any additional bays used/occupied. Eg. If you park over two parking bays your season ticket will cover one and you must purchase a stay for the second bay used.
The season ticket holder can use any season ticket parking space in the car park for which the season ticket was issued with the exception of parking spaces allocated for a specific user.
2. Renewal
Season tickets can be renewed up to 14 days before the date of expiry. It is felt that it is the responsibility of the season ticket holder to renew the season ticket prior to parking. If a season ticket is not renewed 14 days after the date of expiry it may be necessary to apply for a new season ticket or join a waiting list, if applicable.
Whereas MiPermit may choose to send reminder emails (excluding Part-time Season Tickets), they should not be relied upon. We recommend making a calendar note to remind you of the renewal date.
A renewed season ticket will be valid from the date that the renewal is made and not the date after the previous season ticket expires.
3. General Information
The fact that a payment has been made does not guarantee that a season ticket will be issued.
Internet access or connectivity/signal difficulties are not considered as acceptable reasons for a vehicle to park without a valid season ticket as it is the responsibility of the season ticket holder to ensure that the season ticket is valid prior to parking.
Leaving a vehicle in a part of a car park not allocated for season ticket holders will render the season ticket void and the standard charges applicable to the car park in which the vehicle is parked will need to be paid.
The number of season tickets available in each car park will be restricted.
The council reserves the right to vary its season ticket Terms and Conditions and/or parking arrangements at any time without notice.
Council and MiPermit office opening hours on Bank Holidays, Public holidays and the Christmas period should be taken into consideration.
It is the responsibility of the season ticket holder to ensure that any vehicle with a valid season ticket has a valid MOT certificate and road tax. A vehicle observed without MOT and/or tax or registered as SORN may result in the season ticket being withdrawn and the vehicle requested to be removed from the car park.
It is only permitted to use a season ticket for the purpose of parking a vehicle.
To request a refund, the season ticket holder should email MiPermit at stating the season ticket holder's name, their email address and vehicle registration and the type of season ticket. Refunds can only be issued for the remaining full months of the season ticket and will be calculated from the date on which the request is received by MiPermit. MiPermit will process the refund. Please note that if you email MiPermit it will not be actioned immediately.
7. Withdrawal of Season Tickets
The council reserves the right to withdraw permits where it's deemed appropriate.
If a season ticket is found to be misused, it will be cancelled immediately, and no future applications accepted. If a season ticket has not been used in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, the council reserves the right to withdraw the season ticket and/or issue a Penalty Charge Notice.
8. Cancelled Season Tickets
The council will cancel permits upon request of the season ticket holder or authorised person.
9. Liability
Chichester District Council accepts no liability for loss or damage to any vehicle including the fittings or contents.
10. Penalty Charge Notice
Failure to comply with the Terms and Conditions and the Chichester District Council Parking Order may result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued. To view a parking order, visit Parking tickets.
11. Data Protection Statement
Chichester District Council uses the data you provide to process parking season tickets which are issued in respect of off-street parking places. All processes are carried out using secure systems. The data is required to carry out the efficient provision of parking services within the administrative District. The information you provide will only be used for the parking related purposes for which it was obtained. For further information please see Chichester District Council's compliance with the Data protection and freedom of information. You can also view the MiPermit privacy policy (opens new window). To view MiPermit's privacy information, please visit MiPermit privacy policy (opens new window).
Season ticket areas in car parks
If your season ticket is valid in any of the following car parks, it is only permitted to park in designated season ticket holder areas;
Pound Street Car Park - Petworth
(Area to the rear of the car park)

Cattle Market and Northgate Car Park - Chichester
(Only the area North Festival theatre side of the access road between Northgate and the tennis courts entrance of Oaklands Way.

Cattle Market
Only the area beyond the mini roundabout, which is marked by a white line.

D, Orchard Street Car Park - Chichester
(Only the area north of the entrance nearest the roundabout)

Last updated: December 2023