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Report fly tipping is expensive to remove and unsightly. Report it here.
District Dispatch - 9 August 2023 sure that our residents feel safe is a top priority for the council and its partners. Although the district is a safe place, all areas experience issues ...
District Dispatch - 30 January 2024, like me, you're beginning to look ahead to all of the events and activities that you don't want to miss in 2024, you'll be pleased to hear that our team at ...
Hire of car parks and activities guidance notes and policy Application to hire a car park Hire of land charges & deposit free Terms and conditions of hire Chichester Distr...
District Dispatch - 31 August 2023 you haven't been to Midhurst for a while, then September is going to be a wonderful time to visit. I'm delighted that Chichester District Council is funding ...
Equality and diversity council is committed to equal opportunities, and continuing diversity, in employment.
District Dispatch - 29 October 2024 this time of year, and on the run up to Christmas, we often experience severe weather, which can sometimes disrupt our waste and recycling services. This...
Statement of accounts Statement of Accounts provides valuable information about how the council has used the financial resources available to it. The report is required by law an...
Conditions of hire of an outdoor facility/pavilion for sporting activities hirers and clubs 1. Booking The Council reserves the right to refuse a booking. If the Council accepts the booking, the person, or persons, a...
Textiles and small electrical collections are currently trialling a free kerbside collection service for your unwanted textiles and broken small electrical items. The trial will initially cover appro...
Garden recycling service - terms and conditions Council will: i). provide a regular collection service in accordance with the collection calendar. If it is not possible to complete a scheduled collection ...
Health and safety is a national health and safety public advice service provided by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). HSE Infoline can be contacted on 0300 790 6787 fo...
Rural housing and support for rural parish councils and communities to deliver rural affordable housing.
Conditions of hire of a pavilion / Occasional Hirers and Clubs 1. Booking Hirers must state on the individual sports booking form if they wish to use the Pavilion on the site of the spo...
Street care and cleaning council is responsible for keeping highways and public areas across the district clean and tidy. We spend £1 million every year litter picking and sweeping ...
Listed buildings out which buildings are listed and the rules for making changes to listed buildings.
Tree works and preservation is an offence to carry out works to a protected tree, or remove it, without the approval of the council.
Neighbourhood Planning is a way for local communities to decide the future of their areas.
Council tax exemptions property may be exempt in certain circumstances even if occupied. If you feel your property meets any of the following criteria then please contact the counci...
How to make a complaint about a Councillor procedure This web page is intended as a helpful outline of the process - if there is any difference between this web page and the documents below (t...
Council tax discounts person discount Second and empty homes Disregards Disabled band reduction Annexes Empty homes premium How to appeal Single person discount If only one ad...
Resident permits - what zone am I in? Parking Zones (CPZ) Chichester Table of all parking zones and related roads. Zone Roads Zone A Belgrave Crescent Birdham Road (even Nos. 6-34 inclu...
Bulky bag service terms and conditions Agreement is made between the resident ('the Customer') and Chichester District Council ('the Council'). By paying for and using the Council's bulky bag se...
Planning enforcement strategy Enforcement Strategy explains the planning enforcement function. It gives clear guidance on what we can do and the prioritisation of complaints.
Supplementary planning documents and policy guidance Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document The A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by the c...