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Against litter campaign

Our Against Litter campaign aims to bring everyone together in the fight against the crime of littering.

About Against Litter

Find out about the many ways in which we are tackling the issue of littering across our district, and how you and your community can help us keep our district beautiful.

Adopt an Area

Adopt an Area is the latest stage of our Against Litter campaign. Its purpose is to encourage residents and businesses to get more involved by adopting an area.

Against Fly Tipping

Fly tipping is when waste is illegally dumped on roads or land which is not licensed for waste.

Against Dog Fouling

Dog fouling is the offence of being in charge of a dog and failing to clean up after it defecates in a public place.

Community heroes

A community hero is someone who has made a significant contribution to keeping our district clean and tidy.

Green Dog Walkers® scheme

This scheme offers a proven, non-confrontational and friendly way to change attitudes about dog fouling and encourages responsible dog ownership.

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