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Housing to rent


You can apply for housing through the Chichester Housing Partnership. We work with local Registered Providers of Social Housing (RPs, also known as housing associations). Together, we aim to provide accommodation for people in housing need.

We manage the Chichester Housing Partnership Register on behalf of our partners by processing the housing application forms and providing advice and support to applicants and the RPs throughout the process.

The RP partners own about 8,000 properties across the district of various types, including houses, flats, bungalows and sheltered or supported accommodation. There is a very large demand to live in the district and the supply of affordable homes is low. Consequently, most applicants can expect to wait many years.

Applications should be completed online wherever possible. In exceptional circumstances a paper form can be requested from the Homemove Team. Paper forms will only be issued where it can be demonstrated that the applicant has no means to complete the application online either by themselves or with support. The application form will be considered carefully and we will contact you if we require further information. Once it's registered, we will send out an acknowledgement, including details of how to contact us for further advice.

We must be advised of changes to your circumstances or changes to your address so we can review your application.

Housing register change of address or circumstances form

Choice based letting system - Sussex Homemove

Choice Based Lettings has been implemented to give applicants more choice in deciding where they want to live. This does not mean that more homes will be available. However, it will give you more information about vacant properties and what types of home are being offered. Properties will be advertised fortnightly on the Homemove website. Eligible applicants can bid for (express an interest in) these homes.

This system does not change the way in which you apply to join the housing register.

Joining Homemove

Anyone aged 16 or over who wishes to take part in the Homemove choice-based lettings scheme must complete a housing application. You can apply for our housing register on our housing register page. 

Once we receive your completed application and any supporting documentation we will assess the urgency of your need for housing based on the following criteria:

  • A - Emergency Need
  • B - Very High/High Need
  • C - Medium/Low Need
  • D - No Assessed Need

The Allocation Scheme document gives full details of the criteria which are assessed within each band. Housing Allocation Scheme Feb 2025 (Word doc, 249 KB)

Finding a property

Every Registered Provider of Social Housing property to be let under the scheme will be advertised in a fortnightly free online magazine published on the Homemove website. Within each advert, the eligibility criteria will be set for the property to enable you to decide whether the property would be suitable and whether you would like to place a bid to be considered for a tenancy. You are able to bid for up to three properties each fortnight either through the internet, by text, telephone or in person at our offices.

If you find it difficult to access the free magazine or hard to place bids or understand the way that Choice Based Lettings works then please:

  • Talk to your support worker, social worker or someone else who helps you manage your affairs.
  • Ask for a personalised property list to be sent to you at home each fortnight (a small charge is made for this service).
  • Telephone our Customer Services Team who can talk you through the available properties and bidding process.

Mutual exchange

The Homemove Scheme has an online mutual exchange facility called Exchange Locata (opens new window). If you are a Housing Association tenant on an assured or fixed term tenancy and wish to swap your home, please complete the online form.


At the end of each bidding round, Homemove places all eligible bids in priority order and this shortlist is provided directly to the landlord who advertised the property. Registered Providers of Social Housing are obliged to offer a viewing and first refusal of the property to the bidder with the highest assessed need (unless special restrictions or conditions apply which may rule them out of consideration). They will hear directly from the prospective landlord if they have been successfully selected for a property.

Contact us 

For further information and advice email Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 785166.

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