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Supplementary planning documents and policy guidance

A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document

The A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by the council on 1 October 2024. The SPD provides detailed advice and guidance on the council's updated approach for securing development contributions to mitigate traffic impacts on the A27 Chichester Bypass. 

As part of our preparation for the emerging Chichester Local Plan 2021-2039, the evidence base has been updated. As a result, it has been necessary to revise our approach to securing planning obligations to address the cumulative impact of current and future development on the A27.  This will also help ensure that planned development can be delivered.

The SPD has been subject to two public consultations. The feedback provided in the second consultation has been used to amend the draft SPD before final approval and adoption. The modifications made in response to these representations are set out in the Statement of Consultation below.

The new SPD provides guidance on the use of Policies 8 and 9 of the adopted Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies 2014-2029 by responding to the updated evidence.  The SPD replaces the text within paragraph 4.46 - 4.54 of the Planning Obligations & Affordable Housing 2016 SPD. The revised approach guides how Policy 9 can be used to appropriately address the impact that current development is having on the A27 Chichester Bypass, through increasing the level of contributions sought.

Whilst paragraphs 4.46 - 4.54 within the 2016 Planning Obligations & Affordable Housing SPD have been superseded, in all other respects, it remains operative. The 2016 SPD should therefore, be read alongside this new SPD by applicants and developers seeking planning permission within the Chichester local plan area.

A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document

A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation SPD (PDF, 1 MB)

Adoption documents

Statement of Consultation (Word doc, 614 KB)

Adoption Statement (Word doc, 63 KB)


Chichester Vision

The Chichester Vision aims to establish a framework in which we can protect the essence of our past while enhancing the future vitality of Chichester as the cultural capital of West Sussex, as a place of learning, and as an entrepreneurial retail and business centre.

The Chichester Vision and its supporting documents can be viewed on our Business research and data webpage.

Delivering green infrastructure in the local plan Area

This guidance note has been prepared to help developers to incorporate green infrastructure into their proposals and to signpost to other green infrastructure initiatives.

Green Infrastructure Delivery document

Green Infrastructure Delivery Document January 2016 (PDF, 127 KB)

Joint Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Supplementary Planning Document

Regulation 14 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012

On 16 May 2017, Council adopted the Joint Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Supplementary Planning document. This SPD expands on the vision, objectives and policies of the adopted Development Plan Documents for Chichester District Council and Havant Borough Council. The information contained within the SPD will provide useful advice to those preparing planning applications and support the implementation of local planning policy and ensure a consistency of approach towards planning matters across the AONB.

The adopted Joint Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Supplementary Planning Document can be viewed along with the Adoption Statement:

Consultation documents

Adopted Joint Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Supplementary Planning Document May 2017 (PDF, 3 MB)

Adoption Statement (PDF, 44 KB)


Managing water quality and wastewater

A factsheet has been produced to provide an explanation on the roles and responsibilities of the organisations involved in planning development and managing water quality and wastewater in the Local Plan Area, and also includes a list of Frequently Asked Questions.  Please visit our Managing water quality and wastewater webpage.

Nutrient neutrality

Certain types of new development that are likely to discharge into Chichester Harbour will now need to be nutrient neutral to help protect the Harbour's ecology and conservation. For detailed guidance on how to prepare necessary nitrogen budgets for development proposals, please visit our nutrient neutrality webpage.

Parking standards

Guidance on car parking and the level of requirement in new developments is available on the West Sussex County Council - pre-application advice for roads and transport (opens new window) webpage. The guidance document and parking demand calculator can be found under the heading: Additional information.

Planning Noise Advice Document

The Planning Noise Advice Document provides Sussex-wide guidance on how to address noise issues in planning applications. The guidance has been produced by the CIEH Sussex Pollution Working Group and was adopted by the Council on 27 October 2021.

The purpose of this document is to provide clear and consistent guidance to developers, their consultants and planners on:

  • The information that will be required to be submitted with relevant planning applications, ideally as part of the validation process;
  • The existing noise standards to be considered in planning decisions.

The guidance complements the Noise Policy Statement for England (2010) and the National Planning Policy Framework (2012) and will be kept under review and updated as and when necessary.

Planning Noise Advice Document Sussex Nov 2023 (Word doc, 1 MB)


Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document

The Planning Obligations & Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by the Council on 26 January 2016, and took effect from 1 February 2016 at the same time as the CIL Charging Schedule.  

On 19 July 2016, the Council adopted a formal amendment to the SPD which added wording at paragraphs 4.46 - 4.54 setting out the Council's approach for securing development contributions to mitigate additional traffic impacts on the A27 Chichester Bypass. This is now superseded by the A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) adopted on 1 October 2024 which replaces the text at the paragraphs 4.46 - 4.54. 

Please note that in paragraph 4.74 the off-site access management mitigation in respect of Chichester and Langstone Harbours to be funded from S106 has changed from 1 April 2021 to a scheme where the scale of contributions differs according to the number of people expected to live in the property, which is calculated per bedroom.  The aim is that the average contribution per net additional dwelling for the year 2024/2025 will be £777. The contributions are currently:

  • £465 for 1 bedroom dwelling
  • £671 for 2 bedroom dwelling
  • £875 for 3 bedroom dwelling
  • £1029 for 4 bedroom dwelling
  • £1207 for 5 bedrooms or more
  • £777 Flat rate

These figures will in future be increased on 1 April each year in line with the Retail Price Index (RPI) rounded to the nearest whole pound.

In paragraph 4.75 the mitigation in respect of Pagham Harbour was increased to £1,153 on 1 April 2017. However on 9 May 2017 CDC's Cabinet approved changes to the joint scheme of mitigation as a result of an increase in Arun DC's housing numbers and a change in the definition of in-perpetuity funding. As a result the mitigation contribution then decreased to £871 per dwelling.  From 1 April 2024 the current rate of contribution will increase to £950 per dwelling.

For more advice and guidance on these schemes of mitigation please see the below document:

Recreational Disturbance of Birds in Special Protection Areas April 2024 (Word doc, 24 KB)

Calculate your open space requirements (Excel doc, 14 KB)

Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document

Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing SPD (PDF, 192 KB)

Affordable housing guidance

First Homes Interim Position Statement (Word doc, 792 KB)

Adoption documents

A27 contributions Adoption Statement July 2016 (PDF, 81 KB)

A27 contributions Statement of Consultation July 2016 (PDF, 274 KB)

A27 contributions Strategic Environmental Assessment screening determination July 2016 (PDF, 246 KB)

Adoption Statement January 2016 (PDF, 77 KB)

SPD Statement of Consultation (PDF, 650 KB)

SPD SEA Screening Opinion (PDF, 329 KB)


Sites in Chichester City North

The council agreed to adopt the Sites in Chichester City North development brief as council policy on 24 January 2012. The background to the brief is that:

Development of Graylingwell and Roussillon Barracks is underway and other sites in North East Chichester are attracting interest from developers. This Brief concerns two sites: land owned by Sussex Partnership NHS Trust and land at Barnfield Drive owned by the Council and sets out the appropriate development for them; and the University. The NHS Trust land may be suitable for residential development providing that: (1) provision is made for a new access to the University -which is something the Council and the University have wanted to achieve for a long time; and (2) the playing fields that are so important to the character of the area and for sports use are retained. The Barnfield lands may be suitable for employment or retail uses providing that any retail uses complement the city centre shops rather than compete with them.

Consultation on a draft development brief took place from 26 August until 23 September 2011. The council considered all the comments received on the draft brief before deciding to make changes to the wording and to adopt the finalised brief as council policy.

Sites in Chichester City North Development Brief (24 January 2012) (PDF, 405 KB)

Sites in Chichester City North Map 2012 (PDF, 5 MB)

Summary of Comments received on Draft Brief (Word doc, 122 KB)

Response to comments on Draft Brief 24 Jan 2012 (Word doc, 69 KB)


Shopping frontage monitoring

The Local Plan defines a Primary Shopping Frontage in Chichester's city centre. Policy 27 explains how applications in the Primary and Secondary Shopping Frontage will be determined. The policy sets a number of criteria for assessment. Criterion 1 explains that additional uses will be permitted provided that "additional use (Class A2-A5) results in no more than 25% of the sum total of the street frontages in non-shopping (A1) uses" and 75% in secondary shopping frontages (second criterion 1). 

As of February 2025, 31.55% of the primary shopping frontage was in non-retail use. In the secondary shopping frontage, 56.23% was in non-retail use.

Supplementary planning guidance

This Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) supplements Policy 27.

Detailed Guidance on Policy 27 Primary Shopping Frontages (Word doc, 24 KB)

Latest Shopping Frontage Monitoring - February 2025 (Excel doc, 41 KB)


Southern Gateway Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document

The Southern Gateway Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document was adopted by the council on 21 November 2017. The SPD sets out a range of different land uses for development sites within the Southern Gateway area. It also provides design guidance for those sites.

The masterplan aims to transform the area, which is one of the key points of access and arrival to the city. It provides the opportunity to create a vibrant new quarter, linking the city centre with the canal basin, public transport hubs and pedestrian, cycle and leisure routes. Proposals in the draft masterplan would improve the environmental quality and appearance of the area, as well as bringing huge economic benefits to this part of the city.

The masterplan illustrates how the area could deliver new homes, business space, and tourism and leisure facilities. It would also improve transport links, providing more emphasis on cycling, walking and public transport; and regenerate the area, making first impressions count when people arrive in the city.

The area includes: the law courts and bus station; bus depot and Basin Road car park; Royal Mail sorting office and depot; land at the police station and former high school; land at Chichester Station; and Government offices.

Southern Gateway Masterplan SPD (PDF, 3 MB)

Southern Gateway Masterplan SPD Adoption Statement (Word doc, 22 KB)


Statement of Community Involvement

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) details how the council will involve people in the preparation and revision of planning documents, and in determining planning applications. The council adopted a revised version of the SCI on 23 January 2024.

Statement of Community Involvement 2024 (Word doc, 186 KB)


Surface Water and Foul Drainage Supplementary Planning Document

On the 20th September 2016, Council adopted the Surface Water and Foul Drainage Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). This SPD builds on the background studies that were produced as evidence to the Chichester Local Plan and adds more detail to the principles and policies within the adopted Chichester Local Plan. It provides clarity and guidance for developers, residents and consultants when preparing planning applications, it also provides information on and highlights problems with surface water and flooding issues on the coastal plain. This SPD only applies to the Local Plan Area, not the part of the District covered by the South Downs National Park Authority.  With regard to the headroom tables referred to in the SPD, a current headroom table for Thornham Wastewater Treatment Works is available below, whilst estimated wastewater treatment headroom as at 1 January 2024 for all wastewater treatment works in the Local Plan area can be accessed on our Climate change & the natural environment page. Current information regarding connection to wastewater treatment works other than Apuldram and Thornham can be obtained direct from Southern Water Services. 

Two Position Statements are currently in place to manage headroom in specific catchments:

Apuldram: A Position Statement on managing new housing development in the Apuldram Wastewater Treatment Works Catchment prepared by the Environment Agency and Southern Water Services with the involvement of the Council's Water Quality Group was agreed by Planning Committee as a material consideration on 19 December 2018.  The Position Statement aims to support those involved in planning development within the Apuldram WWTW Catchment area.

Thornham : A Position Statement on managing remaining headroom in the Thornham Wastewater Treatment Works Catchment was agreed between the Environment Agency, Southern Water Services and the Council on 25th November 2021.  The Statement should be read alongside the headroom table which will be updated on a regular basis until capacity is reached.

The adopted Surface Water and Foul Drainage Supplementary Planning Document, Adoption Statement, Statement of Consultation, Apuldram WWTW Position Statement, Thornham Position Statement and headroom table are all available to view. 

Surface water and foul drainage

Adopted Surface Water and Foul Drainage SPD - Sept 2016 (PDF, 6 MB)

SPD Adoption Statement (Word doc, 62 KB)

SPD Statement of Consultation (PDF, 425 KB)

Apuldram WWTW Position Statement - December 2018 (Word doc, 23 KB)

Thornham WWTW Position Statement November 2021 (Word doc, 61 KB)

Headroom Monitoring for Thornham WWTW February 2025 (Word doc, 17 KB)

Water neutrality

Part of Chichester District (and surrounding area) falls within the Sussex North Water Supply Zone. This area is served by supplies from a groundwater abstraction where there is potential to impact upon the Arun Valley, a Special Area Conservation (SAC), Special Protection Area (SPA) and Ramsar site. For further advice please visit our Water neutrality - planning applications and Water neutrality - planning policy webpages.

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