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Gaming, betting and lottery licensing

The Gambling Act 2005 (the 'Act') gives to Chichester District Council, as the 'Licensing Authority', responsibilities for administering applications for various licences, permits, notices and other notifications.

Application forms

Premises licences

The statutory forms to be completed when submitting an application for a Premises Licence are available from this page, along with the forms to be used to give 'Notice' of your application to both 'Responsible Authorities' (e.g. Environmental Health Services, Her Majesty's Commissioners of Customs and Excise, Sussex Police etc) and 'Interested Parties' (e.g. a person who lives sufficiently close to the premises to be likely to be affected by the authorised activities, has business interests that might be affected by the authorised activities or represents either of these groups).

G03 Application for a Premises Licence (Word doc, 214 KB)

G04 Application for a Premises Licence (Vessels) (Word doc, 215 KB)

G05 Notice of Application for a Premises Licence (Form A) (Single Applicants) (Word doc, 162 KB)

G06 Notice of Application for a Premises Licence (Form B) (Joint Applicants) (Word doc, 45 KB)

G07 Notice of Application to be Published for a Premises Licence (Word doc, 156 KB)

G08 Application to Vary a Premises Licence (Word doc, 212 KB)

G09 Application to Transfer a Premises Licence (Word doc, 73 KB)

G10 Application for the Reinstatement of a Premises Licence (Word doc, 199 KB)


Provisional statements

Under Section 204 of the Act, a person may make an application to the Licensing Authority for a Provisional Statement in respect of premises that he or she expects to be constructed, expects to be altered or expects to acquire a right to occupy.

G11 Application for a Provisional Statement (Word doc, 211 KB)

G12 Application for a Provisional Statement (Vessels) (Word doc, 211 KB)

G13 Notice of Application for a Provisional Statement (Form A) (Single Applicants) (Word doc, 160 KB)

G14 Notice of Application for a Provisional Statement (Form B) (Joint Applicants) (Word doc, 44 KB)

G15 Notice of Application to be Published for a Provisional Statement (Word doc, 33 KB)


Non-commercial society registration

Under Part 5 of Schedule 11 to the Gambling Act 2005, a non-commercial society may apply to the Licensing Authority in which its 'principal premises' is located (i.e. the main or head office) seeking 'registration' in order that it can operate small society lotteries.  Provided below is a letter outlining the application process along with the application form.

Once registered, it is a requirement that a society provides certain information in the form of a statutory 'return' after each lottery.  This 'return' must be sent to the Licensing Authority to which the society is registered no later than three months beginning on the day on which the draw, or last draw, of a lottery took place.  Below is a 'return' form produced by this Licensing Authority that may assist.

Enquiry letter to register as a non-commercial society (PDF, 185 KB)

G26 - Application Form for Registration of Non-Commercial Society (v5) (Word doc, 196 KB)

G28 - Lottery Return Form (v5) (Word doc, 166 KB)

Important Ticket Information (PDF, 233 KB)


Gaming machines in licensed premises

Under the Gambling Act 2005 (the 'Act'), the holder of a Premises Licence granted under the Licensing Act 2003, is permitted to submit either of the following in order that they may make gaming machine(s) of Category C or D only available on the premises:

(a) A notification under Section 282 of the Act advising of the intention to make up to a maximum of two gaming machines of either Category C or D available; or

(b) An application under Section 283 of the Act for the grant, variation or transfer of a Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permit in relation to more than two gaming machines of Category C or D.

In either of the above cases, it is a requirement that the premises which is the subject of the notification/application, must be licensed to sell alcohol for consumption on the premises without the requirement that alcohol is served only with food. There must also be a bar for serving alcohol to customers on the premises. Please carefully read the guidance notes at the rear of the form prior to formally submitting it.

G17 Notification of 2 or less Gaming Machines and Application for Grant, Variation or Transfer of a Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permit (Word doc, 188 KB)


Unlicensed family entertainment centre gaming machine permits

Under Section 247 and Schedule 10 of the Gambling Act 2005, an application for a Permit may be made by a person who occupies, or intends to occupy a premises which is to be used as an Unlicensed Family Entertainment Centre. An 'Unlicensed Family Entertainment Centre' refers to a premises in which an unlimited number of Category D gaming machines may be made available for use.

To assist Applicants in the submission of a complete and correct new or renewal application, this Licensing Authority has produced an application form which can be accessed from this page. However, Applicants should be aware of the following specific requirements:

  • If the Applicant for a Permit is an individual, they must be over 18 years of age;
  • The Applicant must not have been convicted of a 'relevant offence' as specified in Schedule 7 of the Gambling Act 2005;
  • The premises which is the subject of the application, would have to be 'wholly' or 'mainly' used for making gaming machines available;
  • The Applicant must demonstrate that they have a full understanding of the maximum stakes and prizes of the gambling which is permissible in an Unlicensed Family Entertainment Centre;
  • That staff are trained to have a full understanding of the maximum stakes and prizes; and
  • That policies and procedures would be in place to protect children from harm.

In addition to the completion of the application form, it is also a requirement that the Applicant pays the statutory fee, and also provides a plan of the premises which clearly shows the exact area in which the gaming machines would be permitted to be made available for use.

Please note that upon receipt of a new or renewal application, the Licensing Authority is under a statutory duty to consult with the Chief Officer of Police.

The application form may also be used by an existing Permit holder to notify this Licensing Authority of a change to their name or address. Please note that it is not possible to transfer a permit.

G16 Application for the Grant, Change of Name or Renewal of an Unlicensed Family Entertainment Centre Gaming Machine Permit (Word doc, 185 KB)


Legislation, guidance and information

Legislation and guidance - Gambling Act 2005 (opens new window) - Gambling Act 2005 Explanatory Notes (opens new window) 

Gambling Commission Guidance to Licensing Authorities (opens new window)

Gambling Commission Guidance to Licensing Authorities - 5th Edition - September 2015 (opens new window)


Chichester District Council, as 'Licensing Authority' under  ('the Act'), is producing information on various topics covered by the Act.

Please note that the information provided within these documents is believed to be correct at the time of writing. They may however be subject to amendment in the light of changes in legislation, guidance or judicial interpretation. It is not intended to be, nor is it a substitute for independent legal advice, which should be sought in relation to individual cases.

Lotteries (v2) (Word doc, 94 KB)


Fees and charges

Under the Gambling Act 2005 (the 'Act), the Secretary of State has given each individual Licensing Authority in England and Wales the freedom to set a range of fees associated with Premises Licence applications up to a defined maximum. In accordance with the requirements of the Act and its subordinate Regulations, this Licensing Authority's current fees were considered, and subsequently approved, at a meeting of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee on the 23rd January 2009.

Fees associated with Registering as a 'Non-Commercial Society' in order to operate Small Society Lotteries, and fees in connection with the various 'Permits' available under the Act, have all been prescribed by Central Government.

The various fees and charges associated with all matters under the Gambling Act 2005 are provided below.


You can pay a gambling licence application and annual fees online.

Premises Licences

The following fees associated with Premises Licences were considered and subsequently approved at a meeting of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee on Friday 23 January 2009.

Premises licence fees Premises licence fees
Bingo, Adult Gaming Centre, Betting (Tracks & Others) and Family Entertainment Centre Premises Licences (SI 2007 No. 479)
Type of Premises LicenceApplication fee in respect of provisional statement premisesApplication fee in respect of other premisesAnnual FeeFee for application to vary licenceFee for application to transfer a licenceFee for application for reinstatement of a licenceFee for application for provisional statementCopy of licenceNotification of change (e.g. change of address)
Bingo Premises Licence£1,200£3,500£1,000£1,750£1,200£1,200£3,500£25£50
Adult Gaming Centre Premises Licence£1,200£2,000£1,000£1,000£1,200£1,200£2,000£25£50
Betting Premises (Track) Licence£950£2,500£1,000£1,250£950£950£2,500£25£50
Family Entertainment Centre Premises Licence£950£2,000£750£1,000£950£950£2,000£25£50
Betting Premises (Other) Licence£1,200£3,000£600£1,500£1,200£1,200£3,000£25£50


Licensed premises - gaming machine fees Licensed premises gaming machine fees
Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permit (SI 2007 No. 1833)
NewVariationTransferAnnual FeeChange of NameCopy of Permit


Family entertainment gaming machine fees Family entertainment gaming machine fees
Family Entertainment Centre Gaming Machine Permit (SI 2007 No. 454)
NewRenewalChange of NameCopy of Permit


Prize gaming permit - fees Prize gaming permit fees
Prize Gaming Permit (SI 2007 No. 455)
NewRenewalChange of NameCopy of Permit
Club gaming permit - fees Club gaming permit fees
Club Gaming Permit (SI 2007 No. 1834)
Application by an Operator who does not hold a Club Premises Certificate granted under the Licensing Act 2003Application by an Operator who does hold a Club Premises Certificate granted under the Licensing Act 2003Renewal fee where Permit holder does not hold a Club Premises Certificate under the Licensing Act 2003Renewal fee where Permit holder does hold a Club Premises Certificate under the Licensing Act 2003VariationAnnual Fee Copy of Permit


Club machine - fees Club machine fees
Club Machine Permit (SI 2007 No. 1834)
Application by an Operator who does not hold a Club Premises Certificate granted under the Licensing Act 2003Application by an Operator who does hold a Club Premises Certificate granted under the Licensing Act 2003Renewal fee where Permit holder does not hold a Club Premises Certificate under the Licensing Act 2003Renewal fee where Permit holder does hold a Club Premises Certificate under the Licensing Act 2003VariationAnnual Fee Copy of Permit


Fee for lotteries Lottery fees
Registration of Non-Commercial Societies to operate Small Society Lotteries (SI 2007 No. 2328)
Application Fee Annual Fee


A notification can only be made in respect of premises where a Premises Licence which authorises alcohol to be consumed on the premises under the Licensing Act 2003 is in force, and where a maximum of 2 gaming machines of Category C or D are going to be made available.

Notification - fees Notification fees
Notification of Gaming Machines in Alcohol Licensed Premises (SI 2007 No. 1832)
Notification Fee


Notices - fees Notices fees
Occasional Use Notice (Section 39)
Notice FeeCopy of Notice
No fee payableNo fee payable


Temporary use - fee Temporary use fee
Temporary Use Notice (Section 60 and SI 2007 No. 3157)
Notice FeeCopy of Notice


Forms to surrender, request replacement or change address of holder

Premises Licence holders are required under the Gambling Act 2005 to notify us as soon as possible of a change to the address at which they reside or attend. In order to notify us of such a change you may wish to complete form G44.

In addition, holders of a Premises Licence must also notify us immediately if the licence is lost, stolen or damaged and request a replacement using form G43.

Holders of a Premises Licence who do not wish to continue to hold a licence can formally surrender it using form G41.

G44 Premises Licence - Notification of Change of Address of Holder (Word doc, 74 KB)

G43 Premises Licence - Request for a Replacement Copy (v2) (Word doc, 78 KB)

G41 Premises Licence - Notification to Surrender (v2) (Word doc, 77 KB)

Responsible authorities under the Gambling Act 2005

Under Section 157 of the Gambling Act 2005 (the 'Act'), various bodies have been given particular rights of involvement and/or consultation in relation to applications for Premises Licences and other procedures set out in Part 8 of the Act.

Please note that where a copy of the application must be given to 'the local planning authority', that this can be either 'Development Management' or 'South Downs National Park Authority', dependent upon whether the premises is located in the South Downs National Park. You can check whether a premises is within the South Downs National Park (opens new window).

Development Management


Chichester District Council
East Pallant House
1 East Pallant
West Sussex
PO19 1TY
United Kingdom

Web: Planning enforcement




DX:30340 (Planning)

Environmental Protection


Chichester District Council
East Pallant House
1 East Pallant
West Sussex
PO19 1TY
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 01243 534598


Gambling Commission


4th Floor
Victoria Square House
Victoria Square
B2 4BP
United Kingdom

Web: Gambling Commission (opens new window)

Telephone: +44 01212 306666


Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs

Betting and Gaming National Registration Unit


Portcullis House
21 India Street
G2 4PZ
United Kingdom

Web: HM Revenue and Customs (opens new window)


+44 01415 553495

Licensing Team


Chichester District Council
East Pallant House
West Sussex
PO19 1TY
United Kingdom

Web: Licensing

Telephone: 01243534740


Sussex Police - Licensing

Chief Officer of Sussex Police


c/o Licensing Officer
Centenary House
Durrington Lane
West Sussex
BN13 2PQ
United Kingdom

Web: Sussex Police (opens new window)


West Sussex Local Safeguarding Children Board


c/o Children's Safeguarding Unit
Room 24, Durban House
Durban Road
Bognor Regis
West Sussex
PO22 9RE
United Kingdom

Web: West Sussex County Council (opens new window)

Telephone: +44 03302 223337


West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service

Business Fire Safety


Hurst Road
West Sussex
United Kingdom

Web: West Sussex County Council (opens new window)

Telephone: +44 0330 2223333


South Downs National Park Authority


c/o Head of Planning Services, Development Management
Chichester District Council
1 East Pallant
PO19 1TY
United Kingdom

Web: South Downs National Park Authority (opens new window)

Telephone: +44 01243 534734



Statement of policy 2025-2028

The Gambling Act 2005 (the 'Act') requires Chichester District Council, as a Licensing Authority, to prepare and publish at least every three years a statement of licensing principles that it proposes to apply in exercising its various functions under the Act, commonly known as a 'Statement of Policy' (the 'policy').  Our previous policy expired on 31 January 2025 and therefore it has been necessary to prepare and consult upon a revised policy.

The revised policy has been the subject of extensive consultation, with particular emphasis on those who represent the business interests of persons carrying on gambling businesses within the Chichester District, as well as those who represent the interests of persons who are likely to be affected by the exercise of the Licensing Authority's functions under the Act.

Our proposed policy for 2025 - 2028 was presented to council on the 19 November 2024 and was formally approved.

The new policy took immediate effect on 1 February 2025 and will be used to consider applications until 31 January 2028.

A copy of the policy is available to view:

Statement of Policy 2025 - 2028 (PDF, 854 KB)


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