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Heritage at risk

Since 1998 English Heritage has published an annual National Register of Listed Buildings at Risk more recently called the Heritage at Risk Register. This Register includes Grade I and II* Buildings, Listed places of worship, Scheduled Monuments, Registered Parks and Gardens, Registered Battlefields, Protected Wreck Sites and Conservation Areas known to be at risk as a result of neglect, decay or inappropriate development.

Chichester District has maintained its own Listed Buildings, now Heritage at Risk Register since 1993. Unlike English Heritage's Register our register includes Grade II Listed Buildings and important unlisted buildings at risk. In future we will be adding information on monuments at risk.

What is included in the register

This Register was reviewed in 1998 and updates published in 2002 and 2003. More recently in 2011/12 a review of procedures to bring them in line with English Heritage guidelines was undertaken and an in-house survey carried out and the Register updated.

To be included on the Heritage at Risk Register, buildings, monuments or structures need to exhibit a combination of factors. Firstly there needs to be a degree of structural deterioration. Secondly if the building, structure or monument is vacant or unsecured then the degree of risk is that much higher. English Heritage guidelines have been used to prioritise the buildings, which is measured on a scale of A to F; A being the highest priority and F the lowest, where a repair scheme is in progress and an end use has been secured.

The register allows us to highlight vulnerable buildings and site and encourages better management through appropriate works, re-use, conversion or renovation. Inclusion on the list is not a criticism.

The list helps highlight the extent and nature of the problem and the type of building most likely to be at risk. This informs decisions as to what positive action can be taken. In some cases very little is known about the ownership or status of the buildings. All information contained is believed to be correct at the time of publication. Owners or interested parties are encouraged to contact us for further information and advice. Details of buildings included on the Register can be found by following the links below. A copy of the English Heritage's Guidance Note for the owners of Vacant Building document is available for download.


Contact us

For further information and advice email Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 785166.

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