Application forms
Club premises certificate
Available below are the main application and supporting forms for the grant and variation of a Club Premises Certificate. Please carefully read the relevant enquiry letter and applicant guidance booklet as these will assist in the submission of a valid application.
Application for a Club Premises Certificate
Club Premises Certificate Application - Enquiry Letter (PDF, 183 KB)
L30 Advertising Declaration form (v2) (Word doc, 63 KB)
Application to vary a Club Premises Certificate
Club Premises Certificate Variation Application - Enquiry Letter (PDF, 185 KB)
L19 Application to vary a Club Premises Certificate (v5) (Word doc, 240 KB)
L30 Advertising Declaration form (v2) (Word doc, 63 KB)
Application to make a minor variation to a Club Premises Certificate
Club Premises Certificate Minor Variation Application - Enquiry Letter (PDF, 183 KB)
Club Premises Certificate (Minor Variation Applications) Applicant Guidance (v3) (Word doc, 84 KB)
Personal licence
Personal Licences authorise individuals to make, or authorise others to make on their behalf, retail sales of alcohol. This does not permit sales from any premises, but applies only to those which have also been granted a Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 which includes the retail sale of alcohol as a licensable activity.
Once granted a Personal Licence has effect until such time that it is forfeited, suspended or surrendered.
Please note that a correct and complete application (forms, supporting documents and fee) must be received by this Licensing Authority in order that we can validate an application, incomplete applications are regarded as having not been properly made and will not be accepted.
Criminal conviction check reminder
As stated in the applicant guidance (which should be read before submitting an application), in all cases, the certificate or search results for a criminal convictions search must not have been issued earlier than one calendar month prior to the submission of a valid application to the authority.
You can pay a personal licence application fee online.
Application for a Personal Licence
Personal Licence Application - Enquiry Letter (PDF, 185 KB)
Personal Licence Applicant Guidance (v11) (Word doc, 98 KB)
L06 Application for a Personal Licence (v7) (Word doc, 267 KB)
L08 Disclosure of convictions and declaration (v4) (Word doc, 183 KB)
L21 Photograph Declaration for a Personal Licence Application (v3) (Word doc, 57 KB)
Premises licence
Available below are the main application and supporting forms for the grant, variation and transfer of a Premises Licence, application for a Provisional Statement as well as submission of an Interim Authority Notice or Notification of an Interest in Premises. Please carefully read the relevant enquiry letter and applicant guidance booklet as these will assist in the submission of a valid application.
New or full variation application adverts
Please note that when submitting a new or variation Premises Licence application, this Licensing Authority always recommends that you do not place the advert in the newspaper until you have received confirmation that the application has been accepted as valid. This avoids the need for the advert to be placed again if the application transpires to be invalid, as this is a costly element of the application.
You can pay a premises licence application fee online.
Application for a Premises Licence
Premises Licence Application - Enquiry Letter (PDF, 189 KB)
Premises Licence (New and Full Variation Applications) Applicant Guidance (v18) (Word doc, 521 KB)
L09 Application for a Premises Licence (v7) (Word doc, 267 KB)
L14 Designated Premises Supervisor Consent (v3) (Word doc, 162 KB)
L30 Advertising Declaration form (v2) (Word doc, 63 KB)
Application to vary a Premises Licence
Premises Licence Variation Application - Enquiry Letter (PDF, 185 KB)
Premises Licence (New and Full Variation Applications) Applicant Guidance (v18) (Word doc, 521 KB)
L11 Application to vary a Premises Licence (v5) (Word doc, 252 KB)
L30 Advertising Declaration form (v2) (Word doc, 63 KB)
Application to make a minor variation to a Premises Licence
Premises Licence Minor Variation Application - Enquiry Letter (PDF, 182 KB)
Premises Licence (Minor Variation Applications) Applicant Guidance (v5) (Word doc, 88 KB)
Application to transfer a Premises Licence
Premises Licence Transfer Application - Enquiry Letter (PDF, 185 KB)
L13 Application to transfer a Premises Licence (v6) (Word doc, 260 KB)
L25 Consent of Premises Licence Holder to Transfer (v2) (Word doc, 161 KB)
Application to vary a Premises Licence to specify an individual as Designated Premises Supervisor
Designated Premises Supervisor Variation Application - Enquiry Letter (Word doc, 43 KB)
L14 Designated Premises Supervisor Consent (v3) (Word doc, 162 KB)
Application by a Management Committee for the Alternative Alcohol Condition at a Community Premises
Alternative alcohol condition at Community Premises - Enquiry Letter (PDF, 143 KB)
L70 Alternative Alcohol Condition Application (v2) (Word doc, 76 KB)
Application for a Provisional Statement
L10 Application for a Provisional Statement (v4) (Word doc, 273 KB)
Submission of an Interim Authority Notice
L15 Interim Authority Notice (v4) (Word doc, 239 KB)
Notification of Interest in Premises
L16 Notification of an interest in premises under section 178 (v3) (Word doc, 194 KB)
Contact us
For further information and advice email Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 534740.