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The Local Plan examination - post-submission documents

The examination library contains a list of documents submitted for examination and background evidence documents that have informed the submission Local Plan. It also contains documents relating to the examination and will be updated as the examination progresses.

Examination Library (PDF) [582KB]

Post Submission documents are listed below: 

Inspectors Documents

Inspectors Documents                                DateReference

Inspector Letter 120624

ID01 Inspector letter 120624 (PDF) [392KB]


Inspectors Preliminary Questions July 2024

ID02 Inspectors Preliminary Questions July 2024 (PDF) [144KB]


Letter from MHCLG to PINS re Local Plan Examinations July 2024

ID03 Letter from MHCLG to PINS re Local Plan Examinations July 24 (PDF) [3MB]


ID04 Inspectors' Guidance Notes

ID04 Inspectors' Guidance Notes (PDF) [219KB]


ID05 Inspectors' Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) 

ID05 Inspectors' Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) (PDF) [331KB]


ID06 Draft Hearing Programme V1

ID06 Draft Hearing Programme V1 (PDF) [166KB]



Council Documents

Council DocumentsDateReference

Council response to ID01 Inspectors Letter

CDC01 Council response to IDO1 Inspectors letter of 12 June 2024 (PDF) [121KB]


Council response to ID02 Inspectors Letter of July 2024

CDC02 Council Response to ID02 Inspectors Letter of July 2024 (PDF) [312KB]


Notification of Examination Hearings (Regulation 24)

CDC03 Notification of Examination Hearings (Regulation 24) (Word doc) [520KB]



Post Submission Documents

Supporting Documents        DateReference

Local Development Scheme 2024 - 2027 (Revised July 2024)

PS/CD03a Local Development Scheme 2024-2027 (Word doc) [265KB]



Statements of Common Ground          DateReference

CDC and Arun District Council Statement of Common Ground

PS.SC09 Chichester and Arun Statement of Common Ground (Word doc) [951KB]

July 2024PS/SC09


Background Papers                               DateReference
Content may follow  


Topic Based Evidence

Climate Change and Natural EnvironmentDateReference

Joint Water Neutrality Topic Paper Policy Update (July 2024)

Joint Water Neutrality Topic Paper Policy Update July 2024 (Word doc) [669KB]

July 2024PS/CC20a
Housing                                                                     Date Reference
Content may follow  
Employment and Economy                                   DateReference
Content may follow  
Placemaking, Health and Wellbeing                     DateReference
Content may follow  
Transport and Accessibility                                  DateReference
Content may follow  
Infrastructure                                                         DateReference
Content may follow  
Strategic and Area Based Policies                       DateReference
Content may follow  


Documents from Other Parties

Documents from Other PartiesDateReference

Natural England Response to HRA Addendum May 2024

OD01 Natural England Response to HRA Addendum May 2024 (PDF) [98KB]


Natural England Response to HRA Air Quality Addendum June 2024

OD02 Natural England Response to HRA Air Quality Addendum June 2024 (PDF) [88KB]



Programme Officer Documents

Programme Officer DocumentsDateReference

Programme Officer Introduction Letter

PO01 Programme Officer Introduction letter 180624 (PDF) [164KB]


Cover Letter for Inspectors' Hearing Documents

PO02 PO Cover letter for Inspectors' Hearing Documents - August 24 (PDF) [174KB]



For Submission Documents and Evidence Base visit: The Local Plan examination - submission documents and evidence base.

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