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The Local Plan examination - submission documents and evidence base

The examination library contains a list of documents submitted for examination and background evidence documents that have informed the submission Local Plan. It also contains documents relating to the examination and will be updated as the examination progresses.

Examination Library (PDF) [582KB]

Submission documents and supporting evidence base grouped by topic area are listed below: 

Submission documents



Chichester Local Plan 2021-2039: Proposed Submission 

Chichester Local Plan 2021-2039 Proposed Submission (PDF) [5MB]

January 2023


Submission Policies Map - Schedule of Proposed Changes 

Schedule of Proposed Changes to the Policies Map (PDF) [6MB]

January 2023


Sustainability Appraisal 

Sustainability Appraisal - January 2023 (PDF) [6MB]

January 2023


Sustainability Appraisal - Non Technical Summary 

Sustainability Appraisal - Non-Technical Summary - January 2023 (PDF) [643KB]

January 2023


Habitats Regulations Assessment of Proposed Submission Plan 

Habitats Regulations Assessment January 2023 (PDF) [2MB]

January 2023SD04

Statement of Consultation (Regulation 22(c))

Statement of Consultation (Word doc) [341KB]

April 2024SD05

Duty to Cooperate Statement of Compliance

Duty to Cooperate Statement of Compliance (Word doc) [625KB]

April 2024SD06

Regulation 19 Local Plan: Equality Impact Assessment 

Equality Impact Assessment Reg 19 - Jan 2023 (PDF) [353KB]

January 2023SD07

Regulation 19 Local Plan: Health Impact Assessment 

Health Impact Assessment Reg 19 - Jan 2023 (PDF) [764KB]

January 2023SD08

Representations made in accordance with Regulation 20 - Local Plan Regulation 19 Representations (Plan Order)

Local Plan Reps Plan Order Final (PDF) [16MB]

April 2024SD09.01

Representations made in accordance with Regulation 20 - Local Plan Regulation 19 Representations (Respondent Order)

Local Plan Reps Respondent Order Final (PDF) [16MB]

April 2024SD09.02

Representations made in accordance with Regulation 20 - Policies Map Regulation 19 Representations (Document Order)

Policies Map Reps Document Order Final (PDF) [247KB]

April 2024SD09.03

Representations made in accordance with Regulation 20 - Policies Map Regulation 19 Representations (Respondent Order)

Policies Map Reps Respondent Order Final (PDF) [246KB]

April 2024SD09.04

Representations made in accordance with Regulation 20 - SA and HRA Regulation 19 Representations (Document Order)

SA and HRA Reg 19 Representations Document Order Final (PDF) [260KB]

April 2024SD09.05

Representations made in accordance with Regulation 20 - SA and HRA Regulation 9 Representations (Respondent Order)

SA and HRA Reg 19 Representations Respondent Order Final (PDF) [260KB]

April 2024SD09.06

Councils suggested modifications schedule

Councils suggested modifications schedule (Word doc) [191KB]

April 2024SD10.01

Councils suggested modifications schedule - Appendices 1-7

Councils suggested modifications schedule appendices 1 to 7 (Word doc) [12MB]

April 2024SD10.02

Councils suggested modifications schedule - Appendix 8 - Schedule of proposed changes to policies map

Appendix 8 -Schedule of proposed changes to the Policies Map (PDF) [62MB]

April 2024SD10.03

Councils suggested modifications schedule - Appendix 9 - Policy T1

Councils suggested modifications schedule Appendix 9 Policy T1 (Word doc) [1MB]

April 2024SD10.04

Addendum to Habitat Regulations Assessment: Pre-Submission Modifications

Habitat Regulations Assessment Pre-Submission Modifications (PDF) [1MB]

April 2024SD11

Supporting documentsDateReference

Adopted Chichester Local Plan: Key Polices 2014-2029 

Chichester Local Plan - Key Policies 2014 - 2029 (PDF) [11MB]

July 2015CD01

Authorities Monitoring Report 2022-2023 

Authorities Monitoring Report 2022-2023 (Word doc) [593KB]

February 2024CD02

Local Development Scheme 2024-2027 

Local Development Scheme 2024-2027 (Word doc) [262KB]

March 2024CD03

PAS Self-Assessment Toolkit - Part 4

PAS Self-Assessment Toolkit – Part 4 (Word doc) [136KB]

April 2024CD04

Site Allocation DPD 2014-2029 

Site Allocation DPD 2014 - 2029 (PDF) [8MB]

January 2019CD05

Statement of Community Involvement 

Statement of Community Involvement January 2024 (Word doc) [186KB]

January 2024CD06

5YHLS Position Statement (1st April 2023) 

5YHLS Position Statement - Chichester Five Year Land Supply as of 1 April 23 (PDF) [1MB]

February 2024CD07


Statements of common groundDateReference

Chichester District Council and East Hampshire District Council

Chichester District Council and East Hampshire District Council (Word doc) [1MB]

January 2024SC01

Wastewater Treatment in the Chichester Plan Area - Chichester District Council, Environment Agency and Southern Water

Statement of Common Ground between CDC, Environment Agency and Southern Water (Word doc) [173KB]

April 2024SC02

Chichester District Council and Havant Borough Council

Chichester District Council and Havant Borough Council (Word doc) [5MB]

May 2024SC03

Chichester and West Sussex County Council 

Chichester and WSCC Statement of Common Ground (Word doc) [213KB]

May 2024SC04

Chichester and Natural England

Chichester and Natural England Statement of Common Ground (June 2024) (Word doc) [232KB]

June 2024SC05

Chichester and Surrey County Council

Chichester and Surrey CC Statement of Common Ground (May 2024) (Word doc) [191KB]

May 2024SC06

Chichester and Horsham District Council

Chichester and Horsham District Council Statement of Common Ground (June 2024) (PDF) [750KB]

June 2024SC07

Chichester and South Downs National Park Authority

Chichester and SDNPA Statement of Common Ground (Word doc) [212KB]

June 2024SC08


A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document Consultation  

A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation SPD 

Draft A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (PDF) [462KB]

August 2023CN01
Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) Consultation  

Regulation 19 Statement of Representation Procedure and Statement of Fact 

Statement of Representation Procedure - January 2023 (PDF) [112KB]

January 2023


Strategic Wildlife Corridors Consultation  

Review of Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Technical Consultation Document

Strategic Wildlife Corridors Technical Consultation Document (Word doc) [9MB]

July 2021CN03.01

Review of Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Map 1 Proposed Nutbourne to Hambrook Strategic Wildlife Corridor

Map 1 Proposed Nutbourne to Hambrook Strategic Wildlife Corridor (Word doc) [3MB]

July 2021CN03.02

Review of Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Map 2 Proposed change to Pagham to Westhampnett Strategic Wildlife Corridor

Map 2 Proposed change to the Pagham to Westhampnett Strategic Wildlife Corridor (Word doc) [6MB]

July 2021CN03.03

Review of Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Map 3 Proposed change to Aldingbourne and Elbridge Rife Strategic Wildlife Corridor

Map 3 Proposed change to the Aldingbourne and Elbridge Rifes Strategic Wildlife Corridor (Word doc) [4MB]

July 2021CN03.04

Review of Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Map 4 West of City Strategic Wildlife Corridors Comparison of Preferred Approach and proposed changes

Map 4 West of City Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Comparison of Preferred Approach and Proposed Changes (Word doc) [5MB]

July 2021CN03.05

Review of Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Map 5 East of City Strategic Wildlife Corridors Comparison of Preferred Approach and proposed changes

Map 5 East of City Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Comparison of Preferred Approach and Proposed Changes (Word doc) [6MB]

July 2021CN03.06

Review of Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 1 South Downs Barbastelle Project

Appendix 1 South Downs Barbastelle Project_draft September 2015-Part 1 (PDF) [1MB]

July 2021CN03.07

Review of Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 2 Bat Monitoring Report

Appendix 2 Bat Monitoring Report (PDF) [1MB]

July 2021CN03.08

Review of Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 3 Bat Monitoring Report

Appendix 3 Bat monitoring Report Hambrook (PDF) [2MB]

July 2021CN03.09

Review of Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 4 SxBRC Search

Appendix 4 SxBRCsearchforAL3site (PDF) [443KB]

July 2021CN03.10

Review of Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 5 Water Vole Survey

Appendix 5 Water Vole Survey at Reed Farm (PDF) [2MB]

July 2021CN03.11
Preferred Approach (Regulation 18) Consultation  

Local Plan Preferred Approach

Local Plan Review 2016-2035: Preferred Approach (PDF) [27MB]

December 2018CN04

Schedule of Proposed Changes to Policies Map

Local Plan Review 2035 - Schedule of proposed changes to policy map (PDF) [20MB]

December 2018CN05

Sustainability Appraisal - Review of Scoping Report and Updated Sustainability Appraisal

Review of Scoping Report (2017) and Updated Sustainability Appraisal Framework (Word doc) [149KB]

September 2021CN06.01

Sustainability Appraisal

Sustainability Appraisal for the Chichester Local Plan Review - Preferred Approach (PDF) [1MB]

October 2018CN06.02

Sustainability Appraisal Non Technical Summary

Non-technical summary of the Sustainability Appraisal (PDF) [1MB]

October 2018CN06.03

Equalities Impact Assessment

Equalities Impact Assessment (PDF) [479KB]

December 2018CN07

Habitat Regulations Assessment

Habitat Regulations Assessment: Chichester Local Plan Review (PDF) [3MB]

November 2018CN08
Issues and Options Consultation  

Issues and Options Consultation

Chichester Local Plan Review 2034 Issues and Options Consultation (PDF) [5MB]

June 2017CN09

Issues and Options Questionnaire

Chichester Local Plan Review Issues & Options Questionnaire (PDF) [499KB]

June 2017CN10

Sustainability Appraisal

Complete Sustainability Appraisal of the Chichester District Local Plan June 17 (PDF) [2MB]

June 2017CN11.01

Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report December 2016 (PDF) [702KB]

December 2016CN11.02

Equalities Impact Assessment

Chichester Local Plan Review Issues and Options Consultation: Equalities Impact Assessment - June 2017 (PDF) [211KB]

June 2017CN12

Habitat Regulations Assessment

Habitats Regulations Assessment: Chichester District Council Local Plan Review – Issues and Evidence Base (PDF) [370KB]

May 2017CN13


Background papersDateReference

Climate Change

Climate Change Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [83KB]

May 2024BP01

Economic Development and Employment

Employment Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [74KB]

May 2024BP02

Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople

Gypsy and Traveller Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [9MB]

May 2024BP03

Horticultural Development Areas

Horticultural Development Areas Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [736KB]

May 2024BP04

Housing Distribution

Housing Distribution Background Paper - July 2024 (Word doc) [1MB]

July 2024BP05

Housing Need

Housing Need Background Paper - July 2024 (Word doc) [996KB]

July 2024BP06

Housing Supply

Housing Supply Background Paper - July 2024 (Word doc) [255KB]

July 2024BP07

Nutrient Budget

Nutrient Budget Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [86KB]

May 2024BP08


Retail Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [3MB]

May 2024BP09

Settlement Boundaries

Settlement Boundary Review Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [2MB]

May 2024BP10

Settlement Hierarchy

Settlement Hierarchy Update Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [101KB]

May 2024BP11

Southbourne Broad Location for Development

Southbourne BLD Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [765KB]

May 2024BP12

Strategic Wildlife Corridors

Strategic Wildlife Corridors Background Paper June 2024 (Word doc) [8MB]

June 2024BP13

Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 1

Appendix 1 South Downs Barbastelle Project 2015 (PDF) [1MB]

June 2024


Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 2

Appendix 2 Static Bat Surveys 2019 (PDF) [1MB]

June 2024BP13.2

Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 3

Appendix 3 Bat Monitoring Report Hambrook 2020 (PDF) [2MB]

June 2024BP13.3

Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 4

Appendix 4 Water Vole Survey Chalk Stream Sites (PDF) [4MB]

June 2024BP13.4

Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 5

Appendix 5 Water Vole Survey at Reed Farm (PDF) [2MB]

June 2024BP13.5

Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 6

Appendix 6 East of Chichester Wildlife Corridor static bat survey report 2021 (PDF) [1MB]

June 2024BP13.6

Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 7

Appendix 7 Goodwood Barbastelle Study Advanced Bat Survey report 2023 (PDF) [3MB]

June 2024BP13.7

Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 8

Appendix 8 Forest Research Network Mapping Methodology (PDF) [1MB]

June 2024BP13.8

Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 9

Appendix 9 Westbourne and chalk streams Biodiversity Opportunity Area (PDF) [109KB]

June 2024BP13.9

Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 10

Appendix 10 Fishbourne and chalk streams Biodiversity Opportunity Area (PDF) [106KB]

June 2024BP13.10

Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 11

Appendix 11 Data Sources (Word doc) [16KB]

June 2024BP13.11

Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Appendix 12

Appendix 12 SxBRC search for A8 site (PDF) [443KB]

June 2024BP13.12


Transport Background Paper - July 2024 (Word doc) [4MB]

July 2024BP14


Climate change and natural environmentDateReference

Landscape Capacity Study (Revised) - Section A Introduction

Section A - Introduction (Revised) (PDF) [911KB]

March 2019CC01.01

Landscape Capacity Study (Revised) - Section B East-West Corridor Reports

Section B - East-West Corridor Reports (Revised) (PDF) [17MB]

March 2019CC01.02

Landscape Capacity Study (Revised) - Section C Manhood Peninsula Reports

Section C - Manhood Peninsula Reports (Revised) (PDF) [5MB]

March 2019CC01.03

Landscape Capacity Study (Revised) - Section D North East Reports

Section D - North-East Reports (Revised) (PDF) [4MB]

March 2019CC01.04

Landscape Capacity Study (Revised) - Section E Record Sheets

Section E - Record Sheets (Revised) (PDF) [6MB]

March 2019CC01.05

Landscape Capacity Study (Revised) - Section F Appendices

Section F - Appendices (Revised) (PDF) [13MB]

March 2019CC01.06

Landscape Gap Assessment

Landscape Gap Assessment May 2019 (PDF) [7MB]

May 2019CC02

Natural England's condition review of Chichester Harbour sites: intertidal, subtidal and bird features

Natural England's Condition review of Chichester Harbour sites: intertidal, subtidal and bird features (opens new window)

February 2021CC03

Sequential Test (April 2024)

Sequential Test April 2024 (PDF) [1MB]

April 2024CC04

Sequential Test (January 2023)

Sequential Test for CDC Local Plan 2021 - 2039 (PDF) [938KB]

January 2023CC05

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 1 (December 2023)

Level 1 SFRA Report (PDF) [7MB]

December 2023CC06

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 2 (December 2023)

Level 2 SFRA Report (PDF) [5MB]

December 2023CC07

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 1&2 Appendices (December 2023)

SFRA December 2023 Documents (opens new window)

December 2023CC08

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Report

Level 1 SFRA Report - Final - Dec 22 (PDF) [12MB]

December 2022CC09.01

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Appendix A Mapping Grids

Appendix A - SFRA Appendix Mapping grids (PDF) [1MB]

December 2022CC09.02

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Appendix B Historic Flood Risk

Appendix B - Historic Flood Risk (PDF) [12MB]

December 2022CC09.03

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Appendix C Watercourses

Appendix C - Watercourses (PDF) [1MB]

December 2022CC09.04

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Appendix D Flood Zones

Appendix D - Flood Zones (PDF) [12MB]

December 2022CC09.05

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Appendix E Fluvial and Tidal Climate Change

Appendix E - Fluvial and Tidal Climate Change (PDF) [10MB]

December 2022CC09.06

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Appendix F Risk of Flooding from Surface Water

Appendix F - Risk of Flooding from Surface Water (PDF) [25MB]

December 2022CC09.07

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Appendix G Groundwater

Appendix G - Groundwater (PDF) [13MB]

December 2022CC09.08

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Appendix H Reservoir

Appendix H - Reservoir (PDF) [11MB]

December 2022CC09.09

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Appendix I EA Flood Defence

Appendix I - EA Flood Defence (PDF) [30MB]

December 2022CC09.10

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Appendix J Flood Defence

Appendix J - Flood Warning and Alert Areas (PDF) [11MB]

December 2022CC09.11

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Appendix K Site Screening Table

Appendix K - Level 1 SFRA site screening table (Excel doc) [265KB]

December 2022CC09.12

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Appendix L Sequential Test Methodology

Appendix L - Sequential Test Methodology (PDF) [995KB]

December 2022CC09.13

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Appendix M SFRA Update Undefended Climate Change Modelling

Appendix M - SFRA Update - Undefended climate change modelling December 2021 (PDF) [604KB]

December 2022CC09.14

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Interim) Level 1 - Appendix M SFRA Update Coastal Modelling

Appendix M - SFRA Update - Coastal modelling (v1 Oct 2022) (PDF) [2MB]

December 2022CC09.15

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 2 - Report

Level 2 Interim Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (Final Report) – December 2022 (PDF) [1MB]

January 2023CC10.01

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 2 - Appendix A Site Summary

Appendix A - Site Summary Tables (PDF) [638KB]

January 2023CC10.02

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 2 - Appendix B Flood Maps B1-AL3

Appendix B - Flood Maps - B1 - AL3 (PDF) [10MB]

January 2023CC10.03

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 2 - Appendix B Flood Maps B2-AL5

Appendix B - Flood Maps - B2 - AL5 (PDF) [22MB]

January 2023CC10.04

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 2 - Appendix B Flood Maps B3-HWH0014

Appendix B - Flood Maps - B3 - HWH0014 (PDF) [7MB]

January 2023CC10.05

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 2 - Appendix B Flood Maps B4-AL6

Appendix B - Flood Maps - B4 - AL6 (PDF) [8MB]

January 2023CC10.06

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 2 - Appendix B Flood Maps B5-HSY0010b

Appendix B - Flood Maps - B5 - HSY0010b (PDF) [21MB]

January 2023CC10.07

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 2 - Appendix C Groundwater Assessment

Appendix C - Groundwater Assessment (PDF) [1MB]

January 2023CC10.08

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 2 - Appendix D Cumulative Impact Assessment

Appendix D - Cumulative Impact Assessment (PDF) [8MB]

January 2023CC10.09

Wastewater Treatment Headroom (Estimated) (as at Jan 2024)

Estimated Wastewater Treatment Headroom as at 1st Jan 2024 (Word doc) [20KB]

March 2024CC11

Wastewater Treatment Headroom (Estimated) (as at Jan 2023)

Estimated Wastewater Treatment Headroom as at 1st Jan 2023 (Word doc) [20KB]

March 2023CC12

Wastewater Treatment Headroom (Estimated) (as at Jan 2022)

Estimated wastewater treatment headroom as at 1 Jan 2022 (Word doc) [20KB]

March 2022CC13

Wastewater Treatment Headroom (Estimated) (as at Jan 2021)

Estimated waste water treatment headroom as at 1 Jan 2021 (Word doc) [20KB]

March 2021CC14

WWTW Position Statement - Apuldram

Apuldram WWTW Position Statement - December 2018 (Word doc) [23KB]

December 2018CC15

WWTW - Review of Position Statement for Thornham (2024)

Review of Thornham Position Statement 2024 (Word doc) [158KB]

March 2024CC16

WWTW Position Statement - Thornham

Thornham WWTW Position Statement November 2021 (Word doc) [61KB]

November 2021CC17

Water Neutrality - Natural England's Position Statement

Position statement on Water Neutrality Sept 21 2021 (PDF) [165KB]

September 2021CC18

Water Neutrality - Joint Statement of Common Ground

Position statement on Water Neutrality Sept 21 2021 (PDF) [165KB]

July 2021CC19

Water Neutrality - Joint Topic Paper

Joint Topic Paper Water Neutrality May 2023 (Word doc) [1MB]

May 2023CC20

Water Neutrality - Progress Update (July 2023)

Water neutrality progress update (July 2023) (PDF) [474KB]

July 2023CC21

Water Neutrality - Project Update (October 2023)

Water Neutrality Project Update - October 2023 (PDF) [138KB]

October 2023CC22

Water Neutrality - Project Update (May 2024)

Water Neutrality Project Update May 2024 (PDF) [184KB]

May 2024CC22.02

Water Neutrality Study (Part A - Individual Local Authority Assessment)

Sussex North Water neutrality study - part A (PDF) [907KB]

July 2021CC23.01

Water Neutrality (Part B - In Combination Assessment)

Water Neutrality Study: Part B - In-combination Final Report April 2022 (PDF) [1MB]

April 2022CC23.02

Water Neutrality (Part C - Mitigation)

Sussex North Water Neutrality Study: Part C Mitigation Strategy (PDF) [2MB]

November 2022CC23.03

Water Neutrality - Part C Mitigation Strategy - Natural England's Endorsement

Natural England's endorsement of Sussex Water Neutrality Study: Part C Mitigation Strategy (PDF) [574KB]

November 2022CC24

Water Quality Assessment 

Chichester Water Quality Assessment (PDF) [10MB]

August 2018CC25
Other relevant documents  

Air Quality and Emissions Mitigation Guidance for Sussex

Air Quality and Emissions Mitigation Guidance for Sussex (PDF) [844KB]

April 2021RCC01

Arun and Western Streams Abstraction Licensing Strategy

Arun and Western Streams Abstraction Licensing Strategy (opens new window)

June 2022RCC02

Chichester Air Quality Action Plan

AQAP final report (Word doc) [2MB]

February 2021RCC03

Chichester Climate Emergency Detailed Action Plan

Climate Emergency Detailed Action Plan (Word doc) [82KB]

January 2021RCC04

Chichester Climate Emergency Detailed Action Plan Progress Report

20230103 Web 2023 Climate Action Plan Progress Report (Word doc) [574KB]


Chichester Harbour AONB Joint SPD

Adopted Joint Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Supplementary Planning Document May 2017 (PDF) [3MB]

May 2017RCC06

Chichester Harbour AONB Landscape Character Assessment

Chichester Harbour AONB Landscape Character Assessment (opens new window)

April 2019RCC07

Chichester Harbour Management Plan

Chichester Harbour Management Plan 2019 - 2024 (PDF) [9MB]

January 2019RCC08

Chichester Harbour Planning Principles 2019-2024

Chichester Harbour Planning Principles 2019-2024 (opens new window)


Chichester Local Biodiversity Action Plan

Local Biodiversity Action Plan 2020 - 2024 (PDF) [237KB]


Chichester Surface Water and Foul Drainage SPD

Adopted Surface Water and Foul Drainage SPD - Sept 2016 (PDF) [6MB]

September 2016RCC11

Climate Resilience and Adaptation - ICZM 2021 and beyond

Climate Resilience and Adaptation – ICZM 2021 and beyond (opens new window)

June 2021RCC12

DEFRA Environment Improvement Plan 2023

DEFRA Environment Improvement Plan 2023 (opens new window)

January 2023RCC13

DEFRA Noise Policy Statement for England

DEFRA Noise Policy Statement for England (opens new window)

March 2010RCC14

England Biodiversity List

England Biodiversity List (opens new window)

November 2022RCC15

Environment Agency/DEFRA Water Stressed Areas - 2021 Classification Policy Paper

Environment Agency/DEFRA Water Stressed Areas – 2021 classification Policy paper (opens new window)

July 2021RCC16

Environment Agency National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping

Environment Agency National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping (opens new window)


Forestry Commission and Natural England Guidance - Ancient woodland, ancient trees and veteran trees; advice for making planning decisions

Forestry Commission and Natural England Guidance 'Ancient woodland, ancient trees and veteran trees; advice for making planning decisions (opens new window)

January 2022RCC18

Institute of Air Quality Management Guidance on Land-use Planning Development Control: Planning for Air Quality

Institute of Air Quality Management Guidance on Land-Use Planning and Development Control: Planning for Air Quality (opens new window)

January 2017RCC19

National Planning Practice Guidance - Natural Environment

National Planning Practice Guidance “Natural Environment” (opens new window)

February 2024RCC20

Natural England's Framework Approach for Responding to Wetland Mitigation Proposals

Framework Approach for Responding to Wetland Mitigation Proposals (PDF) [2MB]

May 2022RCC21

Natural England's Guide to Assessing Development Proposals on Agricultural Land

Natural England's Guide to Assessing Development Proposals on Agricultural Land (opens new window)

February 2021RCC22

North Solent Shoreline Management Plan

North Solent Shoreline Management Plan Summary Document (PDF) [2MB]

December 2010RCC23

Pagham Harbour Local Nature Reserve Management Plan

Pagham Harbour Local Nature Reserve Management Plan (opens new window)


Part G Building Regulations 2010

Part G Building Regulations 2010 (opens new window)

March 2016RCC25

Part L Building Regulations 2010

Conservation of fuel and power: Approved Document L (opens new window)


Planning Noise Advice Document - Sussex

Planning Noise Advice Document: Sussex (Word doc) [1MB]

November 2023RCC27

Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Guidance

Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Guidance (opens new window)

August 2023RCC28

Solent Recreation Mitigation Strategy

Solent Recreation Mitigation Strategy (opens new window)

December 2017RCC29

Solent Waders and Brent Goose Strategy

Solent Waders and Brent Goose Strategy (opens new window)


Solent Waders and Brent Goose Strategy - Guidance on Mitigation and Off-setting Requirements

Solent Waders and Brent Goose Strategy – Guidance on Mitigation and Off-setting Requirements (opens new window)

October 2018RCC31

South Downs Shoreline Management Plan

South Down's Shoreline Management Plan Summary Document (PDF) [6MB]


Southern Water Drainage and Wastewater Management Plan - Arun and Western Streams River Basin Catchment

Southern Water Drainage and Wastewater Management Plan - Arun and Western Streams River Basin Catchment (opens new window)

May 2023RCC33

South Inshore and South Offshore Marine Plan - South Marine Plan

South Inshore and South Offshore Marine Plan South Marine Plan (opens new window)

July 2018RCC34

Sussex Bat Special Area of Conservation Planning and Landscape Scale Enhancement Protocol

Sussex Bat Special Area of Conservation Planning and Landscape Scale Enhancement Protocol (opens new window)


The Future Homes and Buildings Standards: 2023 consultation

The Future Homes and Buildings Standards: 2023 consultation (opens new window)

December 2023RCC36

Towards Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) on the Manhood Peninsula

Towards Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) on the Manhood Peninsula (PDF) [3MB]


Waterwise Water Efficiency Strategy for the UK

Waterwise Water Efficiency Strategy for the UK (opens new window)

June 2017RCC38

West Sussex County Council Strategy for the West Sussex Landscape

West Sussex County Council Strategy for the West Sussex Landscape (opens new window)

October 2005RCC39



Caravan and Houseboat Needs Assessment

Caravan and Houseboat Needs Assessment (PDF) [398KB]

November 2023H01

Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Assessment (GTAA) Update (April 2024)

Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Assessment (GTAA) Update (April 2024) (Word doc) [97KB]

April 2024H02

Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Assessment (GTAA) (2022)

GTAA Final Report - Dec 2022 (PDF) [2MB]

December 2022H03

Gypsy and Traveller - Pitch Deliverability Assessment

Pitch Deliverability Assessment (Final Report) – February 2022 (ORS) (PDF) [1MB]

February 2022H04

Gypsy and Traveller - Pitch Capacity Assessment

Gypsy and Traveller Pitch Capacity Assessment - December 2022 (PDF) [5MB]

February 2022H05

Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) (2022)

Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment - April 2022 Final Report (Word doc) [16MB]

April 2022H06

Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) (2020)

Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment - September 2020 Update (Word doc) [6MB]

September 2020H07

Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) (2018)

Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment Aug 2018 (Word doc) [3MB]

August 2018H08

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (2021)

HELAA Report 2021 (Word doc) [240KB]

April 2021H09

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (2021) Appendix 1 Sites already in the planning process 

Appendix 1_Sites already in the planning process 2021 update (Word doc) [57KB]

April 2021H09.01

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (2021) Appendix 2 Sites discounted with reasons 

Appendix 2 Sites discounted with reasons 2021 update (Word doc) [61KB]

April 2021H09.02

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (2021) Appendix 3 Detailed site assessment forms

Appendix 3 Detailed site assessment forms 2021 update (Word doc) [387KB]

April 2021H09.03

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (2021) Appendix 4 Indicative trajectories

Appendix 4 Indicative trajectories 2021 update (Word doc) [110KB]

April 2021H09.04

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (2021) Appendix 5 Plan area residential capacity

Appendix 5 Plan area residential capacity 2021 update (Word doc) [44KB]

April 2021H09.05

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (2021) Appendix 6 HELAA Parish Maps

Appendix 6 HELAA 2021 Parish Maps (PDF) [25MB]

April 2021H09.06

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (2021) Appendix 7 Summary of Changes in HELAA 2021

Appendix 7 Summary of Changes in HELAA 2021 (Word doc) [49KB]

April 2021H09.07

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (2020)

HELAA Report 2020 (Word doc) [267KB]

September 2020H10

Lambert Smith Hampton Policy Advice Note

LSH Policy Advice Note (PDF) [1MB]

February 2023H11

Lambert Smith Hampton 5YHLS Critical Friend

LSH 5YHLS Critical Friend Review - 1 April 2023 (PDF) [1MB]

February 2024H12

Self and Custom Build Note

Self and Custom Build Note (PDF) [275KB]

March 2024H13
Other relevant documents  

Building Regulations 2010 Access to and use of buildings Approved Document M

Building Regulations 2010 Access to and use of buildings Approved Document M (opens new window)


Custom and Self Build Register

Custom and self-build housing


Housing Strategy

Chichester District Housing Strategy 2020-25 (PDF) [410KB]


Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing SPD

Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing SPD (PDF) [192KB]



Employment and economyDateReference

Employment Land Audit

Employment Land Audit (Word doc) [73KB]

March 2021EE01

Retail Study (Update 2022)

Chichester Retail Study 2022 (PDF) [893KB]

March 2022EE02

Retail Study (2020)

Chichester Retail Study Update November 2020 (PDF) [660KB]

November 2020EE03

Retail Study (2018)

Chichester Retail Study and Main Town Centre Uses Study (PDF) [5MB]

July 2018EE04
Other relevant documents  

Coastal West Sussex Strategic Economic Plan


March 2014REE01

Economic Development Strategy for Chichester District

Economic Development Strategy update 2022-2025 (Word doc) [45KB]

February 2022REE02

Gatwick 360 - Coast to Capital (LEP) Strategic Economic Plan 2018-30

Gatwick 360 – Coast to Capital (LEP)Strategic Economic Plan 2018-30 (opens new window)


Goodwood Estate - Socioeconomic Contribution 2022  

The Goodwood Estate - Socioeconomic Contribution 2022 July 2023 (PDF) [1MB]

July 2023REE04

Rolls Royce Motorcars Pressclub Article (27.04.2023)

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Pressclub article 27.04.2023 (opens new window)

April 2023REE05

Shopfront and Advertisement Design Guidance

Shopfront and Advertising Design (PDF) [1MB]


West Sussex County Council Economy Plan 2020-24

West Sussex County Council Economy Plan 2020-24 (opens new window)

November 2020REE07


Placemaking, health and wellbeingDateReference

Housing Density Evidence Study

Housing Density Evidence Study 2024 (Word doc) [1MB]

April 2024PH01.01

Housing Density Evidence Study - Appendix A Permissions Data Analysis

Housing Density Evidence Study Appendix A Permissions Data Analysis (Excel doc) [129KB]

April 2024PH01.02

Housing Density Evidence Study - Appendix B GIS Existing Density Analysis

Housing Density Evidence Study Appendix B GIS Existing Density Analysis (Excel doc) [45KB]

April 2024PH01.03

Housing Density Evidence Study - Appendix C Sustainable Location Maps

Housing Density Evidence Study Appendix C Sustainable Location Maps (Word doc) [2MB]

April 2024PH01.04

Housing Density Evidence Study - Appendix D Case Study Narratives

Housing Density Evidence Study Appendix D Case Study Narratives (Word doc) [5MB]

April 2024PH01.05

Housing Density Evidence Study - Appendix E Case Study NDSS Analysis

Housing Density Evidence Study Appendix E Case Study NDSS Analysis (Excel doc) [19KB]

April 2024PH01.06

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Open Space Update 2024

Chichester Open Space Part 1 Update (May 2024) (Word doc) [21MB]

May 2024PH02.01

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Open Space Update 2024 Appendix 1 - Open Space Provision by Parish

Appendix 1 - Open Space Provision by Parish (PDF) [79MB]

May 2024PH02.01.01

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Open Space Update 2024 Appendix 2 - Access Maps by Typology and Parish

Appendix 2 - Allotments (PDF) [77MB]

Appendix 2 - Amenity Green Space (PDF) [78MB]

Appendix 2 - ANGS2ha300m (PDF) [76MB]

Appendix 2 - ANGS10ha1km (PDF) [75MB]

Appendix 2 - ANGS15mins (PDF) [77MB]

Appendix 2 - ANGS20ha2km (PDF) [74MB]

Appendix 2 - ANGS100ha5km (PDF) [72MB]

Appendix 2 - Parks and Recreation Grounds (PDF) [78MB]

Appendix 2 - Play Space (Children) (PDF) [78MB]

Appendix 2 - Play Space (Youth) (PDF) [77MB]

May 2024PH02.01.02

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Open Space Update 2024 Appendix 3 Quality Audit Results by Parish 

Appendix 3 - Quality Audit Results by Parish (PDF) [33MB]

May 2024PH02.01.03

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Open Space Update 2024 - Sub Area Analysis

Chichester Open Space Sub Area Analysis Part 2 Update (May 2024) (Word doc) [33MB]

May 2024PH02.02

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Review of Chichester Playing Pitch Strategy 2024

Review of Chichester Playing Pitch Strategy Final Report (February 2024) (PDF) [1MB]

February 2024PH02.03

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Review of Chichester Playing Pitch Strategy 2024 - Updated Action Plans

Review of Chichester PPS Updated Action Plans (February 2024) (PDF) [1MB]

February 2024PH02.04

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy- Review of Chichester Playing Pitch Strategy 2024 - Note on Provision at Shopwyke

Chichester PPS Additional Planning Matters Note on Shopwyke (February 2024) (PDF) [616KB]

February 2024PH02.05

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy- Review of Chichester Playing Pitch Strategy 2024 - Report on Police Playing Field, Chichester

Chichester PPS Additional Planning Matters Report on Police Playing Field (February 2024) (PDF) [438KB]

February 2024PH02.06

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment

Chichester Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment Final Report (April 2024) (Word doc) [15MB]

April 2024PH02.07

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment - Appendix 1

Appendix 1 - Chichester District - Policy and Strategic Context (Word doc) [8MB]

April 2024PH02.07.1

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment - Appendix 2

Appendix 2 - Chichester District - Detailed Facilities Audit (Excel doc) [53KB]

April 2024PH02.07.2

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment - Appendix 3

Appendix 3a - 3aw - Chichester District - Built Leisure Facility Audits (Excel doc) [223KB]

April 2024PH02.07.3

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment - Appendix 4

Appendix 4 - Chichester District - NGB Responses (Word doc) [5MB]

April 2024PH02.07.4

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment - Appendix 5

Appendix 5 - Chichester District - Neighbouring Authority Responses (Word doc) [68KB]

April 2024PH02.07.5

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment - Appendix 6

Appendix 6 - Chichester District - Schools Consultation Analysis (Word doc) [754KB]

April 2024PH02.07.6

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment - Appendix 7

Appendix 7 - Chichester District - Sports Club Consultation Analysis (Word doc) [813KB]

April 2024PH02.07.7

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment - Appendix 8

Appendix 8 - Chichester District - Parish and Town Council Consultation Analysis (Word doc) [610KB]

April 2024PH02.07.8

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment - Appendix 9

Appendix 9 - Chichester District - Stakeholder Consultation (Word doc) [55KB]

April 2024PH02.07.9

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment - Appendix 10

Appendix 10 - Chichester District - FPM Sports Halls (PDF) [1MB]

April 2024PH02.07.10

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment - Appendix 11

Appendix 11 - Chichester District FPM - Swimming Pools (PDF) [1MB]

April 2024PH02.07.11

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment - Appendix 12

Appendix 12 - Chichester District - New Refurbished Built Facility Projects Completed Since 2017 (Excel doc) [42KB]

April 2024PH02.07.12

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment - Appendix 13

Appendix 13 - Chichester District - Current Demand for Health and Fitness 2023 (Excel doc) [20KB]

April 2024PH02.07.13

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment - Appendix 14

Appendix 14 - Chichester District - Future Demand for health and Fitness 2039 (Excel doc) [21KB]

April 2024PH02.07.14

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Open Space Executive Summary

Open Space Executive Summary (PDF) [239KB]

June/July 2018PH03.01

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Part 1

Open Space Study Part 1 Final (PDF) [5MB]

June/July 2018PH03.02

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Part 2 Sub Area Analysis

Open Space Study Part 2 - Sub Area Analysis (PDF) [6MB]

June/July 2018PH03.03

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Open Space Cost Calculator

Open Space Cost Calculator (Excel doc) [31KB]

June/July 2018PH03.04

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Playing Pitch Executive Summary

Playing Pitch Strategy Executive Summary (PDF) [204KB]

June/July 2018PH03.05

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Final Strategy

Playing Pitch Strategy - Final Strategy (PDF) [1MB]

June/July 2018PH03.06

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Final Action Plans

Playing Pitch Strategy - Final Action Plans (PDF) [1MB]

June/July 2018PH03.07

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Standards for Playing Pitches

Playing Pitch Strategy - Standards for Playing Pitches (PDF) [2MB]

June/July 2018PH03.08

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Stage C Key Findings and Issues

Playing Pitch Strategy - Stage C: Key Findings and Issues Report (PDF) [638KB]

June/July 2018PH03.09

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Stage C Final Needs Assessment

Playing Pitch Strategy - Stage C: Final Needs Assessment Report (PDF) [2MB]

June/July 2018PH03.10

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Pitch Supply and Demand

Appendix 1E - Pitch Supply and Demand (Excel doc) [486KB]

June/July 2018PH03.11

Open Space, Sport Facilities, Recreation Study and Playing Pitch Strategy - Consultation Report

Community and Stakeholder Consultation Report (PDF) [1MB]

June/July 2018PH03.12

Residential Space Standards Evidence Study 2023

Residential Space Standards Evidence Study 2023 (Word doc) [869KB]

August 2023PH04.01

Residential Space Standards Evidence Study 2023 - Appendix B Data Analysis

Residential Space Standards Evidence Study Appendix B Data Analysis (Excel doc) [96KB]

August 2023PH04.02
Other relevant documents  

Chichester Vision

Chichester Vision - Chichester Tomorrow (PDF) [2MB]


Heritage at Risk Register

Heritage at Risk Register (opens new window)


Historic Environment Record

Historic Environment Record (HER)


Historic Environment Strategy and Action Plan

Historic Environment Strategy - Adopted February 2017 (PDF) [4MB]

February 2017RPH04

Nationally Described Space Standards

Nationally Described Space Standards (opens new window)

March 2015RPH05

National Design Guide

National Design Guide (opens new window)

January 2021RPH06

Natural England's Green Infrastructure Framework - Principles and Standards for England

Natural England’s Green Infrastructure Framework – Principles and Standards for England (opens new window)

January 2023RPH07

Professional Practice Guidance on Planning and Noise

Professional Practice Guidance on Planning and Noise (opens new window)

May 2017RPH08

Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight

Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight (opens new window)


West Sussex Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

West Sussex Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (opens new window)


West Sussex Joint Health and Well-being Strategy

West Sussex Joint Health and Well-being Strategy (opens new window)


West Sussex County Council Creating Healthy and Sustainable Places

West Sussex County Council Creating Healthy and Sustainable Places (opens new window)



Transport and accessibilityDateReference

Southbourne Level Crossing Baseline Safety Review (August 2020)

Stantec Report on Southbourne Level Crossing May 2021 (PDF) [1MB]

August 2020TA01

Southbourne Level Crossing - Paramics Model Update (March 2023)

Southbourne Level Crossing – Paramics Model Update (March 2023) (Word doc) [5MB]

March 2023TA02

Transport Study 2024

Transport Assessment April 2024 (PDF) [7MB]

April 2024TA03.01

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix A

Appendix A Base Model LMVR (PDF) [19MB]

April 2024TA03.02

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix B

Appendix B - Model Verification Technical Note (PDF) [3MB]

April 2024TA03.03

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix C

Appendix C_Reference Case Development List Assumptions (PDF) [612KB]

April 2024TA03.04

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix D

Appendix D_Reference Case Scheme List Assumptions (PDF) [89KB]

April 2024TA03.05

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix E

Appendix E_2039 Flow Changes Without Mitigation (PDF) [520KB]

April 2024TA03.06

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix F

Appendix F_2039 Volume to Capacity Outputs (PDF) [1013KB]

April 2024TA03.07

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix G

Appendix G_2039 Link Delay Outputs (PDF) [1MB]

April 2024TA03.08

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix H

Appendix H Chichester Local Plan - Impacts on Arun LP Highway Mitigation Schemes (PDF) [889KB]

April 2024TA03.09

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix I

Appendix I Chichester Local Plan - Impacts on A259 in Hampshire (PDF) [10MB]

April 2024TA03.10

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix J

Appendix J Chichester Local Plan - A27 Junctions Local Plan Trips - Technical Note (PDF) [304KB]

April 2024TA03.11

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix K Part 1

Appendix K Terminus Road Feasibility and Fishbourne Part1 (PDF) [15MB]

April 2024TA03.12

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix K Part 2

Appendix K Terminus Road Feasibility and Fishbourne Part2 (PDF) [18MB]

April 2024TA03.13

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix K Part 3

Appendix K Terminus Road Feasibility and Fishbourne Part3 (PDF) [18MB]

April 2024TA03.14

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix L

Appendix L Reference Case versus Local Plan Flow Differences with Highway Mitigation (PDF) [520KB]

April 2024TA03.15

Transport Study 2024 - Appendix M

Appendix M Chichester Local Plan Review - 2026 and 2031 Interim Year Review (PDF) [14MB]

April 2024TA03.16

Transport Study 2024 - Annex A

Annex A Chichester Local Plan Review - District Wide Collision Review (PDF) [2MB]

April 2024TA03.17

Transport Study 2024 - Annex B

Annex B Chichester Local Plan Review - Seasonal Impact (PDF) [1MB]

April 2024TA03.18

Transport Study 2024 - Annex C

Annex C Chichester Local Plan Review - Air Quality Assessment (PDF) [2MB]

April 2024TA03.19

Transport Study - Monitor and Manage - Provisional Methodology (June 24 V1)

TA03.20 Monitor and Manage Provisional Methodology June 24 V1 (Word doc) [6MB]

June 2024TA03.20

Transport Study (2023)

Chichester Transport Study (Local Plan Review Transport Assessment) (PDF) [3MB]

January 2023TA04.01

Transport Study (2023) - Appendices

Transport Study 2023 - Appendices (PDF) [32MB]

January 2023TA04.02

Transport Study (2023) - Annex A District Wide Collision Review

Annex A - District Wide Collision Review (PDF) [2MB]

January 2023TA04.03

Transport Study (2023) - Annex B Seasonal Impact Report

Annex B - Seasonal Impact Report (PDF) [1MB]

January 2023TA04.04

Transport Study (2023) - Annex C 2026-2031 Interim Year Review

Annex C - 2026 and 2031 Interim Year Review (PDF) [14MB]

January 2023TA04.05

Transport Study (2023) - Annex D Air Quality Assessment

Annex D - Air Quality Assessment (PDF) [46MB]

January 2023TA04.06

A27 Stockbridge Roundabout and Link Road Assessment

A27 Stockbridge Roundabout and Link Road (Word doc) [6MB]

March 2021TA05.01

A27 Stockbridge Roundabout and Link Road Assessment - Appendix C

Stockbridge Roundabout and Link Road Assessment Appendix C (Word doc) [449KB]

March 2021TA05.02

A27 Stockbridge Roundabout and Link Road Assessment - Appendix D

Stockbridge Roundabout and Link Road Assessment Appendix D (Word doc) [100KB]

March 2021TA05.03

A27 Stockbridge Roundabout and Link Road Assessment - Appendix E

Stockbridge Roundabout and Link Road Assessment Appendix E (Word doc) [143KB]

March 2021TA05.04

Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures - Report

Main report - Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures (PDF) [7MB]

December 2018TA06.01

Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures - Appendix A Trip Rates Technical Note

Appendix A - Trip Rates Technical Note (PDF) [12MB]

December 2018TA06.02

Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures - Appendix B Scenario 2 Outputs

Appendix B - Scenario 2 Outputs (PDF) [2MB]

December 2018TA06.03

Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures - Appendix C Scenario 3 Outputs

Appendix C - Scenario 3 Outputs (PDF) [2MB]

December 2018TA06.04

Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures - Appendix D Junction Performance Outputs

Appendix D - Junction Performance Outputs (PDF) [637KB]

December 2018TA06.05

Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures - Appendix E Scenario 1 Outputs for Havant and Arun

Appendix E - Scenario 1 Outputs for Havant and Arun (PDF) [1MB]

December 2018TA06.06

Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures - Appendix F Journey Times

Appendix F - Journey Times (PDF) [8MB]

December 2018TA06.07

Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures - Appendix G Air Quality Assessment

Appendix G - Air Quality Assessment (PDF) [3MB]

December 2018TA06.08

Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures -  Appendix H Noise Assessment

Appendix H - Noise Assessment (PDF) [12MB]

December 2018TA06.09

Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures - Appendix I Scenario 1 Outputs

Appendix I - Scenario 1 Output (PDF) [1MB]

December 2018TA06.10

Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures - Appendix J Reference Case Outputs

Appendix J - Reference Case Outputs (PDF) [853KB]

December 2018TA06.11

Transport Study of Strategic Development Options and Sustainable Transport Measures - Appendix K Analysis of Traffic Flow Changes Resulting from Mitigation Strategy

Appendix K - Analysis of Traffic Flow Changes Resulting From Mitigation Strategy (PDF) [364KB]

December 2018TA06.12
Other relevant documents  

Building Regulations 2010 Infrastructure for the charging of electric vehicles: Approved Document S 2021 edition

Building Regulations 2010 Infrastructure for the charging of electric vehicles: Approved Document S 2021 edition (opens new window)


Chichester District Council Parking Strategy 2023-2027

Parking Strategy 2023-2027 (Word doc) [3MB]


Chichester Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)

Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) (PDF) [29MB]

January 2021RTA03

Goodwood Noise Study

Goodwood Noise Study - An Assessment of Motor Circuit and General Aviation Noise Criteria Evaluation for Future Development 2018 (PDF) [3MB]


Government's General Aviation Handbook for stakeholders including local planning authorities

Government's General Aviation Handbook for stakeholders including local planning authorities (PDF) [6MB]


Local Transport Note 1/20 Cycle Infrastructure Design

Local Transport Note 1/20 Cycle Infrastructure Design (opens new window)

July 2020RTA06

West Sussex County Council Guidance on Parking at New Developments

West Sussex County Council Guidance on Parking at New Developments (opens new window)

September 2020RTA07

West Sussex County Council Walking and Cycling Strategy 2016-2026

West Sussex County Council Walking and Cycling Strategy 2016-2026 (opens new window)


West Sussex Cycling Design Guide

West Sussex Cycling Design Guide (opens new window)

August 2019RTA09

West Sussex Transport Plan

West Sussex Transport Plan (opens new window)

April 2022RTA10




Infrastructure Delivery Plan

Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2024 (Word doc) [352KB]

April 2024IN01

Viability Assessment - Update

Viability Assessment - Further Update Note January 2023 (PDF) [831KB]

January 2023IN02.01

Viability Assessment - Stage 2 Report

Stage 2 Viability Assessment - Final Report (PDF) [2MB]

January 2023IN02.02

Viability Assessment - Stage 2 Appendix I 

VA Stage 2 Appendix I (PDF) [719KB]

January 2023IN02.03

Viability Assessment - Stage 2 Appendix II

VA Stage 2 Appendix II - Final Residential Typology (PDF) [773KB]

January 2023IN02.04

Viability Assessment - Stage 2 Appendix III

VA Stage 2 Appendix III - Strategic Sites Results (PDF) [1MB]

January 2023IN02.05

Viability Assessment - Stage 2 Appendix IV

VA Stage 2 Appendix IV (PDF) [2MB]

January 2023IN02.06

Viability Assessment - Stage 1 Report

Stage 1 Viability Assessment - Final Report April 2021 (PDF) [3MB]

April 2021IN03.01

Viability Assessment - Stage 1 Appendix I

Stage 1 - Appendix I - Appraisal Assumptions (PDF) [1MB]

April 2021IN03.02

Viability Assessment - Stage 1 Appendix IIa

Stage 1 - Appendix IIa - Residential Results (PDF) [1MB]

April 2021IN03.03

Viability Assessment - Stage 1 Residential Appraisal Summaries

Stage 1 - Residential Appraisal Summaries (PDF) [1MB]

April 2021IN03.04

Viability Assessment - Stage 1 Appendix IIb

Stage 1 - Appendix IIb - Residential Sensitivity Matrix (PDF) [1MB]

April 2021IN03.05

Viability Assessment - Stage 1 Appendix IIc

Stage 1 - Appendix IIc - Strategic Allocations (PDF) [1MB]

April 2021IN03.06

Viability Assessment - Stage 1 Appendix IId

Stage 1 - Appendix IId - Commercial Results (PDF) [1MB]

April 2021IN03.07

Viability Assessment - Stage 1 Commercial Appraisal Summaries

Stage 1 - Commercial Appraisal Summaries (PDF) [712KB]

April 2021IN03.08

Viability Assessment - Stage 1 Appendix III

Stage 1 - Appendix III - Market Research (PDF) [9MB]

April 2021IN03.09


Strategic and area based policiesDateReference

West Sussex County Council Joint Minerals Local Plan 

West Sussex County Council Joint Minerals Local Plan (opens new window)

July 2018ST01

West Sussex Minerals and Waste Safeguarding Guidance

West Sussex Minerals and Waste Safeguarding Guidance (opens new window)

March 2020ST02

West Sussex Waste Local Plan

West Sussex Waste Local Plan (opens new window)

April 2014ST03


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