Neighbourhood Planning
Neighbourhood planning is a way for local communities to decide the future of their areas. Successful Neighbourhood Plans will form part of the development plan used by Chichester District Council in determining planning applications.
The Localism Act (2011) gave powers to local communities and parish and town councils to produce Neighbourhood Plans. The Neighbourhood Planning Regulations (2012) set out the stages of producing a Neighbourhood Plan.
There are links from this page to a number of guidance documents that give more detail on the Neighbourhood Plan process and how the District Council can help community groups that are looking to produce a Neighbourhood Plan.
Guidance documents include:
CDC/16 - Settlement Boundary Review (December 2013) (PDF, 99 KB)
Guide to employing consultants (PDF, 50 KB)
Guide to producing a Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 400 KB)
Locality - Keeping it simple (PDF, 1 MB)
Neighbourhood Plans Roadmap Guide (Locality 2018) (PDF, 1 MB)
Support for Neighbourhood Planning Groups (PDF, 196 KB)
Neighbourhood Planning in the South Downs National Park
There are a number of Chichester District parishes that are now either wholly or partly within the South Downs National Park. Where any neighbourhood planning work is being considered within these parishes further details are available on their website. (opens new window).
Birdham Neighbourhood Plan
The Birdham Neighbourhood Plan has been compiled by local residents and the Parish Council. It establishes a vision for the evolution and long-term sustainability of Birdham Parish and village over the period 2014-2029. The plan sets out a vision for the future of the parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.
The Parish of Birdham covers an area of around 696 hectares located to the south west of Chichester on the Manhood Peninsula. It is a uniquely situated harbour-side village that lies within the Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Beauty and close proximity to Pagham Harbour and Medmerry compensatory habitat.
Following Cabinet on the 7 June 2016, at the Council meeting on 19 July 2016, Chichester District Council resolved to 'Make' the Birdham Neighbourhood Development Plan. This means that the Birdham Neighbourhood Development Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Birdham. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in Birdham will need to be made in accordance with the Birdham Neighbourhood Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Made Neighbourhood Plan
Birdham Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version March 2016 (PDF, 5 MB)
Birdham Regulation 20 Report (PDF, 180 KB)
The Birdham Neighbourhood Plan referendum was held on 5 May 2016, 90% of voters on the day said "Yes" to the Birdham Neighbourhood Plan.
Information for Voters (PDF, 464 KB)
Birdham Neighbourhood Plan for referendum March 2016 (PDF, 5 MB)
Janet Cheesley has been appointed as the Examiner for the Birdham Neighbourhood Plan. The examiner's final report has been received and is published below. Chichester District Council has now published its Decision Statement as agreed by Cabinet on 9 February 2016.
At the request of the examiner, the council wrote to all those who submitted representations as part of the Regulation 16 consultation to ask if their original representation(s) still stand or if there are any amendments to be made in the light of the council's statement on the adoption of the new Local Plan. Responses were requested no later than Monday 7 September 2015 and are available:
Examination documents
Birdham Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report (PDF, 381 KB)
Birdham Neighbourhood Plan decision statement (PDF, 272 KB)
Examiner Question re Response from Mr Knappett Birdham NP (PDF, 85 KB)
BPC 220915 Answers to Comments made to the Inspector (3) (PDF, 317 KB)
Further correspondence from Mr Knappett
Email from Mr Knappett regarding proofs (PDF, 77 KB)
Mark Hewett Proof of Evidence (PDF, 1 MB)
Mark Hewett Proof of Evidence - Summary (PDF, 888 KB)
Mark Hewett Proof of Evidence Appendix Part 1 (PDF, 4 MB)
Mark Hewett Proof of Evidence Appendix Part 2 (PDF, 5 MB)
Mark Hewett Proof of Evidence Appendix Part 3 (PDF, 4 MB)
Mark Hewett Proof of Evidence Appendix Part 4 (PDF, 2 MB)
Email from Mr Knappett regarding wastewater treatment works (PDF, 49 KB)
Wastewater Treatment Works email attachment 1 (PDF, 98 KB)
Wastewater Treatment Works email attachment 2 (PDF, 176 KB)
Wastewater Treatment Works email attachment 3 (Excel doc, 45 KB)
Wastewater Treatment Works email attachment 4 (PDF, 100 KB)
Wastewater Treatment Works email attachment 5 (PDF, 151 KB)
Wastewater Treatment Works email attachment 6 (PDF, 95 KB)
Wastewater Treatment Works email attachment 7 (PDF, 98 KB)
Publication (Regulation 16)
The Birdham Parish Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 11 December 2014 to 12 February 2015.
Submission documents
Birdham Neighbourhood Development Plan (PDF, 1 MB)
Birdham Neighbourhood Plan Basic Condition Statement (PDF, 489 KB)
Birdham Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF, 587 KB)
Birdham Neighbourhood Development Plan public notice (PDF, 63 KB)
Birdham Neighbourhood Plan summary of representations (PDF, 126 KB)
List of Birdham responses
List of responses - Birdham Neighbourhood Plan 2015
Pre-submission (Regulation 14)
The Birdham Parish Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 9 June 2014 to 21 July 2014. For more information please visit the Birdham Parish Council (opens new window) website.
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Birdham Parish Neighbourhood Plan Summary of responses from Consultation Bodies (SEA) (PDF, 7 KB)
Neighbourhood Area Designation
Birdham Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 1 MB)
Letter approving designation of Birdham Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 43 KB)
Bosham Neighbourhood Plan
The Bosham Parish Neighbourhood Plan has been produced by a Project Team appointed by and reporting to the Parish Council and as a result of the careful consideration of numerous consultation exercises and responses from the community and a wide variety of local stakeholders. Detailed consideration has also been given to numerous evidential sources including local survey information and higher level planning policies and guidance. This work has been undertaken with the assistance of the Bosham Association and community volunteers and with the advice and support of the CDC and the Chichester Harbour Conservancy. The BPNP reflects community wide observations, comments, concerns and aspirations about planning, development and related issues for the period up until 2029.
Following Council meeting on 22 November 2016, Chichester District Council resolved to 'Make' the Bosham Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan. This means that the Bosham Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Bosham. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in Bosham will need to be made in accordance with the Bosham Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Made Neighbourhood Plan
Bosham Neighbourhood Plan for referendum October 2016 (PDF, 4 MB)
Bosham Regulation 20 Report (PDF, 181 KB)
The Bosham Neighbourhood Plan referendum was held on Wednesday 16 November 2016, 90% of voters on the day said "Yes" to the Bosham Neighbourhood Plan .
Information for Voters (Word doc, 1 MB)
Bosham Neighbourhood Plan for referendum October 2016 (PDF, 4 MB)
Janet Cheesley has been appointed as the Examiner for the Bosham Neighbourhood Plan. The Examiner's Final Report has been received and is published along with the Parish Council's revised comparison report. The other documents have been published in response to queries raised by the examiner. The examiner has also taken account of relevant documents submitted by Luken Beck obo Barratt David Wilson to Bosham Parish Council as part of their regulation 14 consultation.
Examination documents
Bosham Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report (PDF, 370 KB)
Bosham Neighbourhood Plan decision statement (PDF, 340 KB)
Bosham Neighbourhood Plan Parish Council revised comparison report (PDF, 838 KB)
1 Examiners Query re Policy 3 16th December 2015 (PDF, 31 KB)
2 Bosham Neighbourhood Plan - Examiner's Query re Bosham PC Notes to Policy 3 (PDF, 50 KB)
3 Email Correspondence to Examiner re BPC confirmation of continuance of examination (PDF, 246 KB)
4 Letter to CLG to extend determination period 16 November 2016 (PDF, 107 KB)
5 Letter from CLG 30 November 2015 (PDF, 67 KB)
6 CDC advise examiner of intention to issue decision notice to permit (PDF, 49 KB)
7 BPC Response re source of map on page 44 of BNP (PDF, 902 KB)
Publication (Regulation 16)
The Bosham Neighbourhood Plan is now published for consultation according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 27 August to 9 October 2015.
Submission documents
Bosham Neighbourhood Development Plan (PDF, 4 MB)
Bosham Neighbourhood Development Plan Basic Condition Statement (PDF, 2 MB)
Bosham Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultation Statement (PDF, 6 MB)
Bosham Neighbourhood Development Plan Representation Form (Word doc, 190 KB)
Bosham Neighbourhood Plan summary of representations (PDF, 571 KB)
List of Reps Southbourne NPR Submission April 2021 (PDF, 433 KB)
List of Bosham responses
List of responses - Bosham Neighbourhood Plan 2015
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Pre-submission (Regulation 14)
The Bosham Parish Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 12 November 2014 to 31 December 2014. For more information please visit theBosham Parish Council (opens new window) website.
Neighbourhood Area Designation
Bosham Parish Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 983 KB)
Letter approving designation of Bosham Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 41 KB)
Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan
The Parish is set at the foot of the South Downs, with the northern part of the Parish located within the South Downs National Park. Boxgrove is a small village located on relatively flat land between the A27 and the settlement of Halnaker. Goodwood House, with which the village has strong historical associations, lies about a mile to the north west. The centre of the village of Boxgrove is designated as a conservation area, and is linear stretching north-south along The Street, with many historic buildings. Boxgrove Parish also includes the smaller settlements of Crockerhill and Strettington.
A Benedictine monastery was founded at Boxgrove by William de la Haye in 1115. The priory church remains as the Church of England parish church of St. Mary and St. Blaise, minus the original parish church, the monks church became the parish church, and mostly dates from the 13th century.
Following Cabinet on 1 June 2021, at the Council meeting on 22 June 2021, Chichester District Council resolved to 'Make' the Boxgrove Neighbourhood Development Plan. This means that the Boxgrove Neighbourhood Development Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Boxgrove. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in Boxgrove will need to be made in accordance with the Boxgrove Neighbourhood Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Made Neighbourhood Plan
Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version (PDF, 5 MB)
Boxgrove NP Regulation 20 Statement (Word doc, 67 KB)
The Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan Referendum will be held on Thursday 6 May 2021.
Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version (PDF, 5 MB)
Boxgrove Basic Conditions Statement Referendum Version (PDF, 1 MB)
Boxgrove Information Statement (Word doc, 1 MB)
Tony Burton was appointed as the examiner of the Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan and the Examiner's Final Report has been received and is published below.
Following receipt of the Examiner's report into the Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan, the Council's Decision Statement was agreed by Cabinet on 7 July and has been published.
The Neighbourhood Plan is now able to move forward to referendum but in accordance with current Government advice this will not be held until 6 May 2021 (in accordance with Regulation 13 of the Postponement of Elections and Referendum Regulations 2020). However, Government guidance is that the plan may carry significant weight where relevant to a planning application, even though it would not have been tested through referendum.
Examination documents
Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan - Examiners Report - Final (PDF, 1 MB)
Boxgrove NP Decision Statement July 2020 (PDF, 367 KB)
Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and Appropriate Assessment Statement and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
The progress of a number of neighbourhood plans has been impeded over recent months as a result of changes in the law following various European Court decisions and the subsequent interpretation of new case law. In order to progress the various plans steps are being taken to take account of the changing legislative environment and provide the most robust position for the neighbourhood plan as it moves forward.
There are changes in relation to both the required Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) and Appropriate Assessment Statement and also, as a consequence of the need to undertake such an assessment, the need for Strategic Environmental Assessment.
The Boxgrove Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and Appropriate Assessment Statement below was published for a period of 5 weeks of public consultation ending on 15 May 2019. The representations received are shown below and have been forwarded to the examiner.
Final Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan HRA Statement (PDF, 102 KB)
Boxgrove NP HRA Responses (PDF, 1 MB)
Strategic Environmental Assessment
The final version of the Environmental Report for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan, including non-technical summary document, completed in accordance with the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004, has now been published and submitted to the Examiner of the Neighbourhood Plan.
Boxgrove NP SEA Scoping Report Responses (PDF, 1 MB)
Boxgrove NP Draft SEA Environmental Report July 2019 (PDF, 562 KB)
Boxgrove NP SEA Environmental Report Oct 2019 (PDF, 854 KB)
Boxgrove NP SEA Environmental Report Non-Technical Summary Oct 2019 (PDF, 463 KB)
Boxgrove NP Responses (Word doc, 84 KB)
Submission documents
Boxgrove Submission NDP 2017 - 2029 (PDF, 1 MB)
Boxgrove Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 685 KB)
Consultation Statement (PDF, 171 KB)
Consultation Statement Appendix A - Reg 14 responses and actions (PDF, 124 KB)
Reg 16 Boxgrove Response Form for website (Word doc, 166 KB)
Boxgrove NP Reg 16 Summary of Reps Apr - Jun 2018 (PDF, 334 KB)
List of Boxgrove responses
List of responses - Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan 2018
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Boxgrove Neighbourhood Area Designation
Letter approving designation of Boxgrove Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 43 KB)
Boxgrove Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 680 KB)
Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan
The Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan has been compiled by local residents and the Parish Council. It establishes a vision for the evolution and long-term sustainability of Chidham and Hambrook Parish over the period 2014-2029. The plan sets out a vision for the future of the parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.
The Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Area covers just under 11 km² and is made up of three communities; Chidham, Hambrook and part of East Nutbourne. The Neighbourhood Area is bounded by the A27 to the north, and the Chichester Harbour AONB to the south.
Following Cabinet on the 20th September 2016, at the Council meeting on 20th September 2016, Chichester District Council resolved to 'Make' the Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Development Plan. This means that the Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Development Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Chidham and Hambrook. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in Chidham and Hambrook will need to be made in accordance with the Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Made Neighbourhood Plan
Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version September 2016 (PDF, 3 MB)
Chidham and Hambrook Regulation 20 Report (PDF, 183 KB)
Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan referendum was held on 13th September 2016, 94% of voters on the day said "Yes" to the Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan.
Information for Voters (PDF, 337 KB)
Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan for referendum September 2016 (PDF, 3 MB)
Janet Cheesley was appointed as the Examiner for the Chidham & Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan. The Examiner's Final Report has been received and is published below. Chichester District Council has now published its Decision Statement as agreed by Cabinet on 3 May 2016.
Examination documents
Chidham & Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan 2015 Report by Independent Examiner (PDF, 363 KB)
Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan decision statement (PDF, 345 KB)
Publication (Regulation 16)
The Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan is now published for consultation according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 27 August to 9 October 2015.
Submission documents
Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Development Plan (PDF, 6 MB)
Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Development Plan Basic Condition Statement (PDF, 474 KB)
Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultation Statement (PDF, 1 MB)
Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Development Plan Representation Form (Word doc, 190 KB)
Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan summary of representations (PDF, 296 KB)
List of Chidham and Hambrook responses
List of responses - Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan 2015
Pre-submission (Regulation 14)
The Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan has been published for representations according to Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. The consultation period ran for 6 weeks until 8 September 2014. For more information please visit the Chidham and Hambrook Parish Council (opens new window) website.
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan Summary of responses from Consultation Bodies (PDF, 111 KB)
Neighbourhood Area Designation
Chidham & Hambrook Designation Letter (PDF, 48 KB)
East Wittering and Bracklesham Neighbourhood Plan
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Neighbourhood Area Designation
East Wittering & Bracklesham Designation Approval Notice (PDF, 20 KB)
Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan
The Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan has been compiled by local residents and the Parish Council. It establishes a vision for the evolution and long-term sustainability of Fishbourne Parish and village over the period 2014-2029. The plan sets out a vision for the future of the parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.
The Fishbourne Neighbourhood Area covers just under 4 km² and is situated directly to the west of Chichester at the head of the Fishbourne Channel. The A27 forms the northern and eastern boundaries of the village.
Following Cabinet on the 8 March 2016, at the Council meeting on 31 March 2016, Chichester District Council resolved to 'Make' the Fishbourne Neighbourhood Development Plan. This means that the Fishbourne Neighbourhood Development Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Fishbourne. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in Fishbourne will need to be made in accordance with the Fishbourne Neighbourhood Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan was 'made' on 31 March 2016. The Plan included Appendix FNP3 - Fishbourne Settlement Area (outlined in red) April 2014. A drafting error in relation to this map was identified. The modification document, agreed by Council on 22 November 2016, sets out Chichester District Council's modification to rectify the situation and correct the error by substituting a replacement map. Fishbourne Parish Council has consented to the modification.
A copy of the Modification Document is available to view below:
The Made Neighbourhood Plan
Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version January 2016 (PDF, 3 MB)
Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan Modification Document November 2016 (PDF, 811 KB)
Fishbourne Regulation 20 Report (PDF, 181 KB)
Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan referendum was held on 11th February 2016. 94% of voters on the day said "Yes" to the Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan.
Information for Voters (PDF, 410 KB)
Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version January 2016 (PDF, 3 MB)
The Examiner's Final Report has been received and is published. Chichester District Council has now published its Decision Statement as agreed by Cabinet on 1 December 2015.
The representations and submission documents were submitted for independent examination on 11 July 2014. In light of representations made by Iceni Projects in accordance with Regulation 16, Chichester District Council requested the suspension of the examination. The examination has now been resumed.
The Examiner has asked for a period of consultation to be undertaken on the amendments to the SEA determination and the text and wording of Policy SD1 set out in the documents below. This consultation ran until 6 March 2015.
At the request of the Examiner the Council wrote to all those who submitted representations as part of the Regulation 16 consultation to ask if their original representation(s) still stand or if there are any amendments to be made in the light of the Council's Statement on the adoption of the new Local Plan. Responses were requested no later than Monday 7 September 2015 and are listed below.
Examination documents
Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report (PDF, 1 MB)
Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan decision statement (PDF, 401 KB)
Amendment regarding SEA Basic Condition Document (PDF, 2 MB)
Amendment of Policy SD1 and pages 17-19 of the Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 990 KB)
Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan - Suspension of Examination (PDF, 121 KB)
Fishbourne NP Further Consultation Responses on Policy SD01 (Word doc, 35 KB)
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Fishbourne Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report undertaken by Lepus (PDF, 1 MB)
Publication (Regulation 16)
The Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan was published for representations according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 29 May 2014 to 10 July 2014.
The representations and submission documents were submitted for independent examination on 11 July 2014.
Submission documents
Fishbourne Neighbourhood Development Plan (PDF, 2 MB)
Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan - Basic Condition Statement (PDF, 2 MB)
Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan - Consultation Statement (PDF, 1 MB)
Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan summary of representations (PDF, 572 KB)
List of Fishbourne responses
List of responses - Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan 2015
Pre-submission (Regulation 14)
The Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan was published for representations according to Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 1 December 2013 to 24 January 2014. For more information please visit the Fishbourne Parish Council (opens new window) website.
Hunston Neighbourhood Plan
Hunston is a rural village, a mile and a half south of Chichester on the Manhood Peninsula. The northern boundary of the Parish is along the A27, the southern just north of Sidlesham Common. Hunston Village is the only substantial settlement in the parish. There is a golf course to the south of the village surrounded by agricultural land. The north western section of the parish is along the Chichester Canal, which runs from Chichester Basin to Chichester Marina and is navigable from Chichester Basin to the Donnington Road (B2201) through Hunston. The Chichester Free School established in 2013, moved to its current site in September 2018. The school was built on the site of a fire-damaged Carmelite Convent and caters for children from ages 4 to 16.
Withdrawal of the Neighbourhood Plan
As a result of the findings of Examiner's report, the Parish Council has requested that the submitted plan and supporting documentation is withdrawn from any further consideration by Chichester District Council. A copy of the request email and the agreed decision are available to view:
CDC - NP letter 7 June 2022 (PDF, 195 KB)
Delegated Authority for Hunston NP Withdrawal June 2022 (Word doc, 133 KB)
Jeremy Edge was appointed as the Examiner for Hunston Neighbourhood Development Plan 2019-2037.
The Examiner's Final Report has been received and is available to view:
Hunston NDP Examination Report - April 22 (Word doc, 422 KB)
Publication of the Hunston Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2037
Hunston Parish Council is undertaking a Neighbourhood Plan. All the background supporting work undertaken by the parish can be found on the Hunston Parish Council website .
The Hunston Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2037 was published for consultation according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 15 July to 9 September 2021.
All representations received have now been published, and are available to view. Please note that any other personal information will be processed by Chichester District Council in line with the principles and rights set out in the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018, which cover such things as why and for how long we use, keep and look after your personal data.
Hunston Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version (PDF, 8 MB)
Hunston Neighbourhood Plan - Appendix 2 Views and Vistas Assessment (PDF, 10 MB)
Hunston Neighbourhood Plan - Appendix 3 Local Identified Buildings (PDF, 10 MB)
Hunston Neighbourhood Plan - Proposals Map (PDF, 1015 KB)
Hunston Neighbourhood Plan - Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 156 KB)
Hunston Neighbourhood Plan - SEA Report (PDF, 3 MB)
Hunston Neighbourhood Plan - Consultation Statement (PDF, 404 KB)
Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Response Form (Word doc, 166 KB)
Final Hunston NP HRA Statement July 2021 (Word doc, 37 KB)
List of Hunston responses
List of responses - Hunston Neighbourhood Plan 2021
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Hunston NP - Final SEA Screening Determination July 21 (Word doc, 207 KB)
Neighbourhood Area Designation
Letter approving the designation of the Hunston Neighbourhood Area (Word doc, 71 KB)
Kirdford Neighbourhood Plan
Following Cabinet on 3rd June 2014, at the Council meeting on 22nd July 2014, Chichester District Council resolved to 'Make' the Kirdford Neighbourhood Development Plan. This means that the Kirdford Neighbourhood Development Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Kirdford. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in Kirdford will need to be made in accordance with the Kirdford Neighbourhood Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Made Neighbourhood Plan
Kirdford Parish Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 4 MB)
Kirdford Regulation 20 Report (PDF, 114 KB)
Kirdford Neighbourhood Plan Referendum - on the 1 May 2014, 95% of voters on the day said 'Yes' to the Kirdford Neighbourhood Plan.
Referendum documents
Notice of Referendum - Kirdford - 1 May 2014 (Word doc, 48 KB)
Kirdford Referendum Information Statement (PDF, 645 KB)
Information for Voters - Kirdford - 1 May 2014 (Word doc, 1 MB)
Kirdford Neighbourhood Plan Examination
The Kirdford Neighbourhood Plan was examined in January 2014. The Examiner's report has now been received. The Examiner recommended that the Kirdford Neighbourhood Plan proceed to referendum subject to modifications. Chichester District Council published its Decision Statement which was taken to Cabinet.
Examination documents
Kirdford Neighbourhood Development Plan Final March 2014 (PDF, 4 MB)
Kirdford Neighbourhood Plan Decision Statement (PDF, 471 KB)
Kirdford Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report (PDF, 383 KB)
Summary of Regulation 16 Consultation Responses (PDF, 155 KB)
Publication (Regulation 16)
The Kirdford Neighbourhood Plan has been published for representations according to regulation 16 of the the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. The consultation ran from the 19 July to 2 September 2013 at 5pm.
Copies of the Neighbourhood Development Plan and supporting documentation are available to view.
Submission documents
Kirdford Neighbourhood Development Plan (PDF, 3 MB)
Kirdford Neighbourhood Plan Basic Condition Statement (PDF, 1 MB)
Kirdford Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF, 959 KB)
Kirdford Neighbourhood Plan Sustainability Appraisal (PDF, 2 MB)
Neighbourhood Area Designation
Letter approving designation of Kirdford Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 64 KB)
Kirdford Parish Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 1 MB)
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan
The Loxwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan has been compiled by local residents and the Parish Council. It establishes a vision for the evolution and long-term sustainability of Loxwood Parish and village over the next 10 to 15 years. The plan sets out a vision for the future of the parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.
Loxwood parish is located in the north east part of Chichester District adjacent to the border with Surrey. It lies outside the boundary of the South Downs National Park and is made up of the village of Loxwood together with the hamlets of Alfold Bars to the north and Roundstreet Common to the south. The parish includes several local lanes such as Oakhurst Lane, Pigbush Lane, Brewhurst lane, Skiff Lane and Drungewick Lane. The Plan Area is rural, with the main settlement area being Loxwood.
Following Cabinet on the 7 July 2015, at the Council meeting on 14 July 2015, Chichester District Council resolved to 'Make' the Loxwood Neighbourhood Development Plan. This means that the Loxwood Neighbourhood Development Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Loxwood. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in Loxwood will need to be made in accordance with the Loxwood Neighbourhood Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan will remain in place after a High Court legal challenge by developers against Chichester District Council failed. The plan was formally made last July following a referendum, but developer Crownhall Estates Limited decided to launch a legal challenge against the council's decision to make the plan. A court hearing was held in November and on Thursday 21 January, Chichester District Council was informed that all grounds for the challenge had failed. A copy of the Final Judgement can be seen below.
The Made Neighbourhood Plan
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan March 2015 (PDF, 3 MB)
Loxwood Regulation 20 Report (PDF, 88 KB)
Loxwood Final Judgement 21 January 2016 (PDF, 444 KB)
Referendum 2015
The Referendum for the Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan was held on the 25 June 2015.
Information Statement May 2015 (Word doc, 1 MB)
Examination March 2015
The Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan was examined in December 2014 to February 2015. The Examiner's report has now been received and published. The Examiner recommended that the Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan proceed to referendum subject to modifications. Chichester District Council has now published its Decision Statement as agreed by Cabinet on 24 April 2015.
Examiner's Report
Examiner's Report Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan March 2015 (PDF, 349 KB)
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan decision statement April 2015 (PDF, 126 KB)
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan March 2015 (PDF, 3 MB)
Examination Documents January 2015
CDC response to Crown Hall representations 27th January 2015 (PDF, 104 KB)
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan (resubmitted) legal advice 27th January 2015 (PDF, 162 KB)
Proposed Amendment to Policy 1 (PDF, 181 KB)
Examiner request for extra reasoning statement (PDF, 11 KB)
CDC background information regarding second Loxwood Examination (PDF, 91 KB)
CDC request for response to Crown Hall representations (PDF, 11 KB)
Examiner response to CDC request to Crown Hall representations (PDF, 13 KB)
Examiner's query re Policy 1 (PDF, 31 KB)
CDC response to Examiner's query re Policy 1 (PDF, 48 KB)
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Summary of Representations (PDF, 153 KB)
Loxwood NP Plan - Policy 1 Amendment Consultations Responses (February 2015) (Word doc, 54 KB)
Further representations February 2015 (PDF, 87 KB)
Chichester District Council received a legal challenge on its decision to hold a referendum following the independent examination of the Neighbourhood Plan. The challenge was based around the failure of the District Council to carry out a legally compliant screening opinion process to determine whether a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the plan was required.
In order to remedy this error, the District Council carried out a formal screening opinion process. The Parish Council issued an up to date Basic Conditions Statement and re-submitted the Neighbourhood Plan to the District Council for consultation. Following this the Neighbourhood Plan will be the subject of an independent examination before a further anticipated referendum.
The consultation ran from the 23 October to the 4 December 2014.
Publication (Regulation 16) (October 2014)
Regulation 16 Re-Submission documents
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan - Consultation Feedback Table (Dec 2013) (Excel doc, 114 KB)
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement - Jan 2014 (PDF, 339 KB)
Loxwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 268 KB)
Loxwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan differences between referendum and judicial review (PDF, 51 KB)
Loxwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan response form (Word doc, 190 KB)
Loxwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan public notice (PDF, 23 KB)
Loxwood Parish re-submission Neighbourhood Plan Oct 2014 (PDF, 3 MB)
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Loxwood Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report undertaken by Lepus (PDF, 1 MB)
Loxwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan Summary of responses from Consultation Bodies (SEA) (PDF, 13 KB)
Referendum 2014
The Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan referendum was held on 24 July 2014. The result is available to view on this page.
Loxwood Declaration of Result for Referendum 24 July 2014 (PDF, 119 KB)
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan - Final May 2014 (PDF, 4 MB)
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan Decision Statement (PDF, 370 KB)
Notice of Referendum (Word doc, 48 KB)
Information for voters (Word doc, 1 MB)
Examination 2014
The Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan examination was held in March 2014. In April 2014 the council received the Examiner's report, which concludes that subject to modifications that the Plan should proceed to referendum.
Examination documents
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan Examiners Report - April 2014 (PDF, 318 KB)
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan - Summary of representations (PDF, 37 KB)
Publication (Regulation 16)
The Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan was published for representations according to Regulation 16 of the the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. The consultation ran from 17 January to 28 February 2014.
Submission documents
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan Submission Document (PDF, 3 MB)
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement - Jan 2014 (PDF, 339 KB)
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 463 KB)
Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan - Consultation Feedback Table (Dec 2013) (Excel doc, 114 KB)
List of Loxwood responses
List of responses - Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan 2014
Neighbourhood Area Designation
Letter approving designation of Loxwood Parish Council Neighbourhood Area (PDF, 42 KB)
Loxwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 740 KB)
Plaistow and Ifold Neighbourhood Plan
The Parish is situated in the North East of Chichester District in a rural setting. It borders to the North with Dunsfold Parish, Surrey; to the West with the South Downs National Park and Northchapel Parish; to the South with Kirdford Parish and to the East with Loxwood Parish. There are four settlement areas in the Parish - Ifold, Plaistow, Durfold Wood and Shillinglee. Outside of these areas, the Parish is rural and largely undeveloped, other than sporadic residential development and agricultural activity with a number of established large farms. The Parish is characterised as remote and tranquil. It comprises undulating, pastoral landscape of green fields interspersed with belts of woodland, including ancient woodland, ancient assarts, hedgerows and shaws extending from the Arun valley to the east and the Western extent of the Low Weald.
Withdrawal of the Neighbourhood Plan
As a result of the Revised Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) Screening Matrix and Appropriate Assessment Statement, the Parish Council has requested that the submitted plan and supporting documentation is withdrawn from any further consideration by Chichester District Council. The request letter and the agreed decision are available to view:
Letter to CDC re FORMAL withdrawal of P and I NP from examination February 2022 (PDF, 288 KB)
Delegated Authority for P and I NP Withdrawal May 2022 (Word doc, 132 KB)
Janet Cheesley was appointed as the Examiner for the Plaistow and Ifold Parish Neighbourhood Plan. The Examiner issued the procedural guidance below for information. All representations received during the consultation periods have been published.
July 2021 - The Examiner suspended the Examination to allow the Council to undertake a further Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) Screening Matrix and Appropriate Assessment Statement of the plan in the light of a new issue raised by Natural England in relation to development in the Sussex North Water Supply Zone which includes the parish. A Revised Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) Screening Matrix and Appropriate Assessment Statement has now been published below.
Plaistow and Ifold NP - Examiner email 03/11/20 (Word doc, 15 KB)
Plaistow and Ifold NP - New Issue from Natural England (PDF, 976 KB)
Plaistow and Ifold NP - New Issue from Natural England - Examiners Response (PDF, 844 KB)
Plaistow and Ifold NP HRA Statement June 2021 (Word doc, 93 KB)
Open Letter to Plaistow and Ifold Parish (PDF, 189 KB)
Plaistow and Ifold NP legal Opinion September 2021 (Word doc, 28 KB)
Further P and I NP Legal Advice Response October 2021 (Word doc, 16 KB)
Repeat Publication of the Plaistow and Ifold Parish Neighbourhood Plan
The Plaistow and Ifold Parish Neighbourhood Plan was published in February for consultation from 27 February to 30 April 2020. However, due to the impact of Covid19 restrictions during the consultation it was necessary for Chichester District Council to repeat the formal Regulation 16 consultation period. Details of the consultation are set out below and the consultation period ended at 5pm on Thursday 29 October 2020.
All previously received representations have been sent to the Examiner along with all those submitted during this further consultation period.
All comments will be publicly available and identifiable by name and (where applicable) organisation. Please note that any other personal information will be processed by Chichester District Council in line with the principles and rights set out in the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018, which cover such things as why and for how long we use, keep and look after your personal data.
Submission documents
Plaistow and Ifold Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029 (Submission version) (PDF, 5 MB)
Plaistow and Ifold Parish Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 410 KB)
Plaistow and Ifold Parish Neighbourhood Plan Statement of Consultation (PDF, 545 KB)
Statement of Consultation - Appendix B - Regulation 14 Statutory Consultees Comments (PDF, 884 KB)
Statement of Consultation - Appendix C - Consultation Statement Table (PDF, 342 KB)
Statement of Consultation - Appendix D - Regulation 14 Representations (PDF, 1 MB)
Plaistow and Ifold Parish Neighbourhood Plan Health Check Report (April 2018) (Word doc, 67 KB)
Plaistow and Ifold Parish Neighbourhood Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment (Word doc, 75 KB)
Plaistow and Ifold Parish Neighbourhood Plan Response Form (September 2020) (Word doc, 192 KB)
List of Plaistow and Ifold responses
List of responses - Plaistow and Ifold Neighbourhood plan 2020
Strategic Environment Assessment
Plaistow and Ifold Neighbourhood Area Designation
Plaistow and Ifold
Plaistow and Ifold Parish Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 584 KB)
Selsey Neighbourhood Plan
Selsey is located at the end of one of the busiest B roads in the UK, the B2145, and at the southern tip of the Manhood Peninsula, a flat coastal plain and one of the few undeveloped coastal strips along the south coast.
In 1899 when Selsey's population was just over 1,200, most properties were concentrated around the High Street with open fields immediately behind. Selsey was then sparsely populated, with dwellings and workshops situated on just three main streets or lanes.
The pattern of the original lanes is still evident today, forming the principal routes that fed the successive waves of development that occurred through the 20th century. Since the end of the 19th century, Selsey has evolved from a fishing village into a quintessential British seaside destination and residential settlement. Today it is the second-largest conurbation in Chichester district. Typical of other coastal towns, Selsey is also favoured by retirees, with many of its permanent residents having previously been visitors or tourists to the area over many years. The town is popular with visitors from London and the Home Counties, who make frequent visits to the area, attracted by a mix of local amenities as well as the short travel times.
Selsey Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029
Following Cabinet on 1 June 2021, at the Council meeting on 22 June 2021, Chichester District Council resolved to 'Make' the Selsey Neighbourhood Development Plan. This means that the Selsey Neighbourhood Development Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Selsey. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in Selsey will need to be made in accordance with the Selsey Neighbourhood Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Made Neighbourhood Plan
Selsey Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version (PDF, 1 MB)
Selsey NP Regulation 20 Statement (Word doc, 67 KB)
The Selsey Neighbourhood Plan Referendum will be held on Thursday 6 May 2021.
Selsey Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version (PDF, 1 MB)
Selsey NP Information Statement (Word doc, 1 MB)
Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and Appropriate Assessment Statement and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
The progress of a number of neighbourhood plans has been impeded over recent months as a result of changes in the law following various European Court decisions and the subsequent interpretation of new case law. In order to progress the various plans steps are being taken to take account of the changing legislative environment and provide the most robust positon for the neighbourhood plan as it moves forward.
There are changes in relation to both the required Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) and Appropriate Assessment Statement and also, as a consequence of the need to undertake such an assessment, the need for Strategic Environmental Assessment.
The Selsey Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and Appropriate Assessment Statement was published for a period of 5 weeks of public consultation ending on 1 May 2019. The representations received are show below and have been forwarded to the examiner.
Selsey NP HRA Statement March Final 2019 (PDF, 103 KB)
Selsey NP HRA Responses (PDF, 650 KB)
Strategic Environmental Assessment
The final version of the Environmental Report for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of Selsey Neighbourhood Plan, including non-technical summary document, completed in accordance with the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004, has now been published.
Final Selsey NP SEA Scoping Report April 2019 (Word doc, 104 KB)
Selsey NP SEA Scoping Report Responses (PDF, 1 MB)
Final Selsey NP SEA Scoping Report June 2019 (Word doc, 66 KB)
Selsey NP Draft SEA Environmental Report July 2019 (PDF, 459 KB)
Selsey NP SEA Environmental Report Oct 2019 (PDF, 890 KB)
Selsey NP SEA Environmental Report Oct 2019 Non-Technical Summary (PDF, 391 KB)
Selsey NP SEA Responses 2019 (PDF, 567 KB)
John Slater was appointed as the Examiner for the Selsey Neighbourhood Plan. The Examiner's Report has been received and is available to view.
Following receipt of the Examiner's report into the Selsey Neighbourhood Plan, and the subsequent Environmental Report for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of Selsey Neighbourhood Plan, which concludes that the policies in the plan will not result in a significant impact on the environment, the Council's Decision Statement was agreed by Cabinet on 7 July 2020 and has been published.
The Neighbourhood Plan is now able to move forward to referendum but in accordance with current Government advice, this will not be held until 6 May 2021 (in accordance with Regulation 13 of the Postponement of Elections and Referendum Regulations 2020). However, Government guidance is that the plan may carry significant weight where relevant to a planning application, even though it would not have been tested through referendum.
Examiner's documents
Selsey Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report (PDF, 157 KB)
Selsey NP Decision Statement July 2020 (PDF, 253 KB)
Publication (Regulation 16)
The Selsey Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 9 February to 23 March 2018. Further details of the supporting evidence base can be seen on the Selsey Town Council - Neighbourhood Plan (opens new window) page.
Submission documents
Selsey Neighbourhood Plan 2017: Policies (PDF, 1 MB)
Selsey Neighbourhood Plan- Annex A (PDF, 3 MB)
Selsey Neighbourhood Plan- Annex B (PDF, 5 MB)
Selsey Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029 Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 1 MB)
Selsey Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF, 1 MB)
Selsey Neighbourhood Plan summary of representations (PDF, 937 KB)
List of Selsey responses
List of responses - Selsey Neighbourhood Plan 2018
Strategic Environmental Assessment and HRA February 2017
Selsey Pre Sub NP SEA Determination Letter inc Summary 0217 (PDF, 322 KB)
Selsey neighbourhood area designation
Letter approving designation of Selsey Town Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 12 KB)
Selsey Town Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 800 KB)
Selsey neighbourhood plan - superseded
Selsey Hearing November 2015
Selsey Town Council agreed at its Full Council Meeting on 17 February 2016, to notify the examiner that the Town Council has decided to withdraw the current submission draft of the Neighbourhood Plan. A further Pre-submission version of the Neighbourhood Plan will be published in due course. The examiner's final report is available for viewing.
John Slater, the Examiner appointed for the Selsey Neighbourhood Plan, requested a public hearing be held to assist his examination of the Selsey Neighbourhood Plan. The public hearing was held on Wednesday 18 November 2015. The Examiner's Interim Report has been published:
Public hearings
Examiner's Final Report February 2016 (PDF, 42 KB)
Examiner's Interim Report (PDF, 94 KB)
Examiner's initial comments on Selsey Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 72 KB)
Examiner's notes for the Hearing on Selsey Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 53 KB)
Communication between West Sussex County Council and the Examiner - 9 November 2015 (PDF, 61 KB)
Environment Agency Written Response to the Public Hearing (PDF, 85 KB)
Selsey Town Council Response (PDF, 368 KB)
West Sussex County Council Written Response to the Public Hearing (PDF, 62 KB)
Examination 2015
John Slater has been appointed as the Examiner for the Selsey Neighbourhood Plan. At the request of the Examiner the council wrote to all those who submitted representations as part of the Regulation 16 consultation to ask if their original representation(s) still stand or if there are any amendments to be made in the light of the council's statement on the adoption of the new Local Plan. Responses were requested no later than Monday 14 September 2015 and are listed below.
Examination documents
Publication (Regulation 16) April 2015
The Selsey Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 30 April to 11 June 2015.
Submission documents
Selsey Neighbourhood Development Plan (PDF, 25 MB)
Selsey Neighbourhood Plan Basic Condition Statement (PDF, 220 KB)
Selsey Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF, 2 MB)
Selsey Neighbourhood Development Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment (PDF, 524 KB)
Selsey Neighbourhood Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment (PDF, 1 MB)
Selsey Neighbourhood Plan Representation Form (Word doc, 92 KB)
- Selsey NP Reg 16 Summary of Reps June 2015 available on request
- Selsey Submission Consultation Responses available on request
Pre-submission (Regulation 14) October 2014
The Selsey Town Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 for six weeks from 20th October 2014. For more information please visit the Selsey Town Council (opens new window) website.
Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan
The Parish of Southbourne is located at the western edge of Chichester District within West Sussex, extending from Chichester Harbour in the south to the main A27 road at its northern boundary. The name Southbourne did not exist until 1876 when the ecclesiastical parish was formed out of Westbourne. It included Nutbourne, Prinsted, Hermitage and Gosden Green.
Although the church was consecrated in 1876, some early records state that the parish was not formed until February 26 1878. The records kept in Victorian times were not always accurate and tend to contradict each other. It is not known what the population was when the parish was formed but in 1901 it is given as 1,012, in 1931 it was given as 2,175 and in 2011 there were 6,265 people living in the Parish.
From its creation until the 1960s Southbourne was mainly an agricultural area, market gardens and fruit farms being quite prolific. In those days the industry was labour intensive and provided a great deal of work for local people. During World War One the construction of an airfield began in the northern part of the village. It was intended for it to be a "Training Depot Station" for a Handley Page 0/400 unit of the United States Army Air Service. It covered 247 acres and was to be completed by 1st November 1918, and by early August of that year, roads, water, sewerage and power services were virtually complete.
The main road which runs through the parish appears to be an ancient Roman road which would have connected Chichester and Portchester. The road later became known as the Turnpike, which was a form of toll road. According to some documents it was instituted as a Turnpike in 1720, but other documents refer to it as having been established some time after that. It was referred to as the Cosham to Chichester Turnpike, which ran from Cosham in the County of Southampton to the city of Chichester. The arrival of the railway brought about the end of the toll road, as the loads which hitherto had been conveyed by pack horse and horse and cart and therefore paid a toll were then conveyed by train. Initially there was no station between Bosham and Emsworth, but in 1906 small stations known as a halts were opened at both Nutbourne and Southbourne.
Following the successful referendum held on 25 January 2024, at the Council meeting on 27 February 2024, Chichester District Council resolved to 'Make' the Southbourne Modified Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029. This means that the Southbourne Modified Neighbourhood Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Southbourne. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in Southbourne parish will need to be made in accordance with the Southbourne Modified Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Made Neighbourhood Plan
SPNP_Referendum Modified Plan_November 2023 (PDF, 59 MB)
Southbourne NP Regulation 20 Statement (Word doc, 67 KB)
The Southbourne Modified Neighbourhood Plan referendum was held on Thursday 25 January 2024. Further details are set out in the available Information Statement.
SPNP_Referendum Modified Plan_November 2023 (PDF, 59 MB)
Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan Information statement (Word doc, 748 KB)
John Slater was appointed as the independent Examiner for the Southbourne Modified Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029. The examination is now complete and the Examiner's report has been published.
Final Southbourne Report (PDF, 1 MB)
Following receipt of the Examiner's report into the Southbourne Modified Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029, the Council's Decision Statement was agreed by Cabinet on 5 December and has been published. The plan can now move forward to referendum.
Southbourne Modified NP - Final Decision Statement December 2023 (Word doc, 3 MB)
Examination Documents
Southbourne Initial comments from Examiner (PDF, 2 MB)
CDC Response - Examiner's Note - Southbourne Modified NP (Word doc, 19 KB)
Wildlife Corridors_Southbourne3 (PDF, 3 MB)
Letter to Mr J Slater (PDF, 65 KB)
Q35 CHC State of the AONB 2018 Figure 3.17 BAP Priority Habitat Coverage in the AONB (PDF, 413 KB)
Q35 Chichester_State_of_the_AONB_Final_Report_2018 (PDF, 9 MB)
SPNP3 Examination - Responses to Examiner's Questions Final (PDF, 638 KB)
SPNP3 Wildlife Corridors Appendix Final (PDF, 187 KB)
WC1 Wildlife Corridors (CDC & SPNP) (PDF, 3 MB)
WC2 Strategic_Wildlife_Corridors_Technical_Consultation_Document (PDF, 1 MB)
WC3 SWC_consultation_2021_Map1 (PDF, 351 KB)
WC4 CDC Biodiversity Map (PDF, 6 MB)
WC5 @NERR081 Nature Networks Evidence Handbook (PDF, 3 MB)
WC6 Long Copse application Bechstein Bat report (PDF, 4 MB)
WC7 Havant borough plan becksteins Text (PDF, 160 KB)
WC8 Havant Borough Plan 2036 Becksteins Map (PDF, 144 KB)
WC9 Magic Map Lumley Corridor RAMSAR & SSSI (PDF, 197 KB)
WC10 Magic Map Lumley Corridor SPA (PDF, 191 KB)
WC11 Sussex Biodiversity Map 4 (PDF, 445 KB)
WC12 Appendix_3_Bat_monitoring_Report_Hambrook (PDF, 2 MB)
WC13 Sussex Biodiversity Map 2 (PDF, 337 KB)
WC14 Magic Map Nutbourne Marshes RAMSAR, SPA & SSI (PDF, 203 KB)
Revised Policy Maps - Emails (PDF, 5 MB)
Revised Lumley Corridor Maps (PDF, 8 MB)
Publication of the Southbourne Modified Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029
Southbourne Parish Council is undertaking a modification of its Neighbourhood Plan. All the background supporting work undertaken by the parish can be found on the Southbourne Parish Council Website(Opens in a new window) .
The Southbourne Modified Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029 was published for consultation according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 2 March to 14 April 2023.
All representations have now been published and are publicly available and identifiable by name and (where applicable) organisation. Please note that any other personal information will be processed by Chichester District Council in line with the principles and rights set out in the UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the Data Protection Act 2018, which cover such things as why and for how long we use, keep and look after your personal data.
SPNP3_Submission Modified Plan (PDF, 3 MB)
Southbourne NP Response Form March 2023 (Word doc, 54 KB)
SBNP3_Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 297 KB)
SPNP3_Consultation_Statement (PDF, 1 MB)
SPNP3 Equalities Impact Assessment (PDF, 97 KB)
Habitat-Regulations-Assessment (PDF, 837 KB)
Sustainability-Appraisal (PDF, 4 MB)
Southbourne Modified NP HRA screening March 2023 (PDF, 137 KB)
List of responses for the Southbourne neighbourhood plan - April 2023
List of responses for the Southbourne neighbourhood plan - April 2023
Southbourne Modified NP Reg 16 Summary of Reps March - April 2023 (PDF, 359 KB)
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Final SEA Screening Determination for Southbourne NP Feb 2023 (PDF, 211 KB)
Withdrawal of the Neighbourhood Plan
As a result of the findings of Examiner's report, the Parish Council has requested that the submitted plan and supporting documentation is withdrawn from any further consideration by Chichester District Council. A copy of the request email and the agreed decision are available to view:
Email 250422 Southbourne PC to CDC (Word doc, 12 KB)
Delegated Authority for Southbourne NPR Withdrawal June 2022 (Word doc, 133 KB)
Christopher Lockhart-Mummery QC was appointed as the Examiner for Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan Review 2019-2037. The Examiner requested a public hearing and a copy of the Notice is provided below with further details of the agenda. The hearing was held virtually on Friday 14 January 2022, starting at 10.00.
Anyone wishing to register to attend and listen to the proceedings remotely was asked to contact the Council and a link for the meeting was sent out to them.
Invitations were sent for the hearing session and the attendees included Southbourne PC, Chichester DC, Robin Shepherd from Barton Willmore as the lead of the Consortium, Meryl Baker from Wates Developments Ltd as majority landowner holding and one representative on behalf of Metis Homes for Policy SB2 (item 4c of the Hearing Notice) , David King obo local residents of Inlands Road, Prior Leaze and School Lane (item 4d of the Hearing Notice) and Lichfield's obo the Church Commissioners for land west of Southbourne (item 4e of the Hearing Notice).
The Examiner's Final Report has been received and is published below.
Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan - Examiners Report - CLM QC - March 2022 (PDF, 5 MB)
CDC and Southbourne PC Joint Statement 130422 (Word doc, 12 KB)
Examination documents
Southbourne NP Review Examiner Note 1 - Oct 2021 (Word doc, 15 KB)
Final LPA QB Joint response to Examiner Note 1 (Word doc, 26 KB)
Southbourne NPR - Response to Examiner Note 2 (PDF, 44 KB)
SBPC001 Consult Southbourne NPR Amends Nov 2021 (Word doc, 2 MB)
Southbourne NPR Notice of Hearing (Word doc, 15 KB)
Arrangements for Hearing 14-1-22 Statement by Examiner 16-12-21 (Word doc, 22 KB)
Barton Willmore - Response to Matters 3R 3S and 3J - 060122 (PDF, 386 KB)
LRM Planning Ltd - Letter FAO Christopher Lockhart-Mummery QC 151221 (PDF, 633 KB)
Nova Planning - Response to WWTW Jan 2022 (PDF, 198 KB)
SPC Response to Hearing Agenda Item 3r and Topic 5 - 050122 (PDF, 220 KB)
CDC note on Southbourne vehicular railway crossing 060122 (Word doc, 22 KB)
Nova Planning - Response to Examiner's Request - Bridge Note 100122 (PDF, 884 KB)
Nova Planning - Matthew Reed QC 100122 (PDF, 67 KB)
Nova Planning - Highways Pre-Application Scoping Note Dec 21 (PDF, 4 MB)
CDC to PC Southbourne Local Plan letter 13 January 2022 (Word doc, 693 KB)
Letter to Southbourne 20 Nov 2020 (PDF, 440 KB)
Consultation on Further Amendments Document from Southbourne PC (SBPC001)
Barton Willmore obo Consortium (PDF, 303 KB)
D King obo Residents (PDF, 344 KB)
Historic England (PDF, 227 KB)
LRM obo Hallam Land Management (PDF, 422 KB)
National Highways (PDF, 160 KB)
Surrey County Council (PDF, 238 KB)
Turley obo Bloor Homes (PDF, 703 KB)
Publication of the Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan Review 2019-2037
Southbourne Parish Council is undertaking a review of its Neighbourhood Plan. All the background supporting work undertaken by the parish can be found on the Southbourne Parish Council Website (opens new window).
The Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan Review 2019-2037 was published for consultation according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 8 April to 3 June 2021.
All representations received have now been published, and are now available to view. Please note that any other personal information will be processed by Chichester District Council in line with the principles and rights set out in the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018, which cover such things as why and for how long we use, keep and look after your personal data.
Southbourne NP Review - Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version (PDF, 3 MB)
Southbourne NP Review - Appendix D - Ecological Data Search (PDF, 12 MB)
Southbourne NP Review - Basic Conditions Statement (PDF, 513 KB)
Southbourne NP Review - Equality Impact Assessment (PDF, 80 KB)
Southbourne NP Review - SA Report (PDF, 4 MB)
Southbourne NP Review - HRA Update (PDF, 1 MB)
Southbourne NP Review - Consultation Statement (PDF, 2 MB)
Southbourne NP Review - Response Form (Word doc, 166 KB)
Southbourne NPR HRA Screening Matrix and AA Statement (April 2021) (Word doc, 47 KB)
CDC Modification Statement Southbourne NPR (Word doc, 18 KB)
List of responses - Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan review April 2023
List of responses - Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan review April 2023
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Southbourne NP Review - Final SEA Screening Determination (Word doc, 201 KB)
Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan 2014-2029
Following Cabinet on the 1 December 2015, at the Council meeting on 15 December 2015, Chichester District Council resolved to 'Make' the Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan. This means that the Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Southbourne. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in Southbourne will need to be made in accordance with the Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Made Neighbourhood Plan
Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan Final Sept 2015 (PDF, 2 MB)
Southbourne Regulation 20 Report (PDF, 181 KB)
Environmental Statement May 2016 (PDF, 187 KB)
Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan referendum - on the 5th November 2015, 87% of voters on the day said "Yes" to the Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan.
Information for Voters (PDF, 224 KB)
Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan Final Sept 2015 (PDF, 2 MB)
The Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan was examined in early 2015. The Examiner's report and further Addendum have now been received and published:
Examination documents
Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report (PDF, 368 KB)
Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan decision statement September 2015 (PDF, 362 KB)
Addendum to Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report (PDF, 200 KB)
Publication (Regulation 16)
The Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 4 September 2014 to 16 October 2014.
Submission documents
Southbourne Neighbourhood Development Plan (PDF, 3 MB)
Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan Basic Condition Statement (PDF, 486 KB)
Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF, 14 MB)
Southbourne Neighbourhood Development Plan Site Assessments (PDF, 455 KB)
Southbourne Neighbourhood Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment (PDF, 6 MB)
Southbourne Neighbourhood Development Plan public notice (PDF, 22 KB)
Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan - Representation Form (Word doc, 190 KB)
Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan summary of representations (PDF, 196 KB)
Pre-submission (Regulation 14)
The Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 17 April 2014 to 5 June 2014. For more information please visit the Southbourne Parish Council website.
Southbourne Neighbourhood Area Designation
Southbourne boundary change (PDF, 19 KB)
Southbourne New boundary (PDF, 5 MB)
Southbourne new letter (PDF, 28 KB)
letter approving designation of Southbourne Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 41 KB)
Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan
The Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan has been compiled by local residents and the Parish Council. It establishes a vision for the evolution and long-term sustainability of Tangmere Parish over the period 2014-2029. The plan sets out a vision for the future of the parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.
The Tangmere Neighbourhood Area covers just under 4.7 km² and is situated to the east of Chichester. The Neighbourhood Area is bounded by the A27 to the north, and Arun District to the east.
Following Cabinet on the 7 June 2016, at the Council meeting on 19 July 2016, Chichester District Council resolved to 'Make' the Tangmere Neighbourhood Development Plan. This means that the Tangmere Neighbourhood Development Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Tangmere. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in Tangmere will need to be made in accordance with the Tangmere Neighbourhood Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Made Neighbourhood Plan
Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version March 2016 (PDF, 2 MB)
Tangmere Regulation 20 Report (PDF, 181 KB)
The Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan referendum - on the 5 May 2016, 89.8% of voters on the day said "Yes" to the Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan.
Information for Voters (PDF, 902 KB)
Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan Referendum version March 2016 (PDF, 2 MB)
John Slater has been appointed as the Examiner for the Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan. The Examiner's Final Report has been received and is published below. Chichester District Council has now published its Decision Statement as agreed by Cabinet on 9th February 2016.
At the request of the Examiner the Council wrote to all those who submitted representations as part of the Regulation 16 consultation to ask if their original representation(s) still stand or if there are any amendments to be made in the light of the Council's Statement on the adoption of the new Local Plan. Responses were requested no later than Monday 14 September 2015 and are also listed below.
Examination documents
Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report (PDF, 179 KB)
Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan decision statement (PDF, 193 KB)
Examiner correspondence (PDF, 69 KB)
Post Chichester Local Plan: Key Principles Adoption Consultation Responses (Word doc, 17 KB)
PC Response 110915 to NP Examiner (PDF, 139 KB)
PC Response Settlement Boundary 13-03-2015 (PDF, 3 MB)
CDC Response 160915 to NP Examiner (PDF, 88 KB)
CDC Further Response 220915 to NP Examiner (PDF, 72 KB)
Map 140915 Malcolm Road (5) (PDF, 108 KB)
Publication (Regulation 16)
The Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 30 April to 11 June 2015.
Submission documents
Tangmere Neighbourhood Development Plan (PDF, 2 MB)
Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan Basic Condition Statement (PDF, 720 KB)
Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF, 9 MB)
Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan Representation Form (Word doc, 190 KB)
Tangmere NP Reg 16 Summary of Reps June 2015 (PDF, 279 KB)
List of Tangmere responses
List of responses for Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan June 2015
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Tangmere Parish Neighbourhood Plan Summary of responses from Consultation Bodies (PDF, 118 KB)
Pre-submission (Regulation 14)
The Tangmere Parish Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from Friday 10 October 2014 to Friday 21 November 2014. For more information please visit the Tangmere Parish Council website.
Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan - Pre-submission Plan (PDF, 2 MB)
Tangmere Neighbourhood Plan - Stakeholder Letter (PDF, 95 KB)
Tangmere Neighbourhood Area Designation
Letter approving designation of Tangmere Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 45 KB)
Tangmere Parish Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 996 KB)
West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan
West Wittering Parish (pop. 3,600) is an active, working, rural seaside village, bordered on two sides by water and situated on the western extremity of the Manhood peninsula. One third of the Parish is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The main settlement areas of the Parish are separated by farmland. The western section of the main settlement contains most of the historical property, and the eastern section is mainly post war residential houses and bungalows adjoining the village of East Wittering. The southern section consists of houses adjacent to the sea. Within the farmland there are further settlements at Ellanore and Rookwood to the north overlooking the harbour, Redlands, Chapel Lane, Piggery Hall Lane and the south of Shipton Green. The total area is approximately 3,500 acres of which 2,100 acres are arable farmland.
Following the successful referendum held on 22 November 2023, at the Council meeting on 28 November 2023, Chichester District Council resolved to 'Make' the West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2029. This means that the West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for West Wittering. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in West Wittering parish will need to be made in accordance with the West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2029, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Made Neighbourhood Plan
West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2029 - Post Examination Version October 2023 (PDF, 12 MB)
West Wittering NP Regulation 20 Statement (Word doc, 67 KB)
The Election results was held on Wednesday 22 November 2023. Further details are set out in the Information Statement:
West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2029 - Post Examination Version October 2023 (PDF, 12 MB)
West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement (Word doc, 719 KB)
Publication of the West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan Review 2019-2029
West Wittering Parish Council is undertaking a Neighbourhood Plan. All the background supporting work undertaken by the parish can be found on the West Wittering Parish Council website Neighbourhood Plan (
The West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2029 was published for consultation according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 2 February to 17 March 2023.
All representations received have now been published. Please note that any other personal information will be processed by Chichester District Council in line with the principles and rights set out in the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018, which cover such things as why and for how long we use, keep and look after your personal data.
Andrew Ashcroft was appointed as the Examiner for the West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan.
Following receipt of the Examiner's report into the West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan, the council's Decision Statement was agreed by Cabinet on 5 September and has been published. The plan can now move forward to referendum.
Final West Wittering NP - Decision Statement September 2023 (Word doc, 83 KB)
West Wittering Neighbourhood Development Plan - Examiner's Report (PDF, 325 KB)
Examination documents
West Wittering Neighbourhood Development Plan - Examination Arrangements (Word doc, 24 KB)
West Wittering Neighbourhood Development Plan - Clarification Note (Word doc, 28 KB)
West Wittering PC - NDP Response Inspectors comments 110523 (Word doc, 4 MB)
Submission documents
Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 3 MB)
Village Design Statement (PDF, 13 MB)
Consultation Statement (PDF, 1 MB)
Background Evidence Paper (PDF, 485 KB)
Response Form (Word doc, 54 KB)
List of West Wittering responses
List of responses - West Wittering Neighbourhood Plan March 2023
West Wittering NP Reg 16 Summary of Reps Feb - March 2023 (Word doc, 45 KB)
Strategic Environmental Assessment and HRA
SEA Screening Determination for West Wittering NP Jan 2023 (Word doc, 542 KB)
Final West Wittering NP HRA Statement May 2022 (Word doc, 29 KB)
West Wittering Neighbourhood Area Designation
Letter approving designation of West Wittering Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 41 KB)
West Wittering Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 616 KB)
Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan
Westbourne Parish Council has prepared a neighbourhood plan for the parish. Background documents and information are available on the Westbourne Parish Council's Website. (opens new window). Westbourne is a village and civil parish in the Chichester District of West Sussex. It is adjacent to Emsworth, administered by Havant Borough Council. The parish includes the hamlets of Woodmancote and Aldsworth. The village stands on the River Ems, a small river flowing into Chichester Harbour at Emsworth. It is believed that the village takes its name from its position on the river, which traditionally marks the westernmost boundary of Sussex; 'bourne' being an archaic term for a boundary as well as for a small river or brook.
This is a rural parish whose history dates back to the Domesday Book of 1086. Westbourne was renowned as a market town during the reign of Charles II and still retains a vibrant village centre with shops, doctor's surgery, garages, public houses as well as a local primary school. The parish church, with its 18th century spire, plays an integral part in village life. Since April 2011, the north-eastern and eastern edges of the village have formed boundaries with the newly designated South Downs National Park, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Following Cabinet on 7 September 2021, at the Council meeting on 21 September 2021, Chichester District Council resolved to 'Make' the Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2029. This means that the Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Westbourne. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in Westbourne will need to be made in accordance with the Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2029, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Made Neighbourhood Plan
Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan - Post Examination Version June 2021 (PDF, 5 MB)
Westbourne NP Regulation 20 Statement (Word doc, 67 KB)
The Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan Referendum will be held on Thursday 29 July 2021.
Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan - Post Examination Version June 2021 (PDF, 5 MB)
Westbourne Parish NP Information Statement (Word doc, 722 KB)
Jeremy Edge was appointed as the Examiner for the Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan.
Following receipt of the Examiner's report into the Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan, the Council's Decision Statement was agreed by Cabinet on 4 May and subsequently corrected and has been published.
The Neighbourhood Plan is now able to move forward to the next stage of referendum.
Examination documents
Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report March 2021 (PDF, 1 MB)
Westbourne NP – Corrected Decision Statement June 2021 (Word doc, 80 KB)
Westbourne NP - Superseded Decision Statement May 2021 (Word doc, 103 KB)
Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and Appropriate Assessment Statement and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
The progress of a number of neighbourhood plans was been impeded as a result of changes in the law following various European Court decisions and the subsequent interpretation of new case law. In order to progress the various plans steps are being taken to take account of the changing legislative environment and provide the most robust positon for the neighbourhood plan as it moves forward. In addition, Natural England's assessments during 2019/20 suggest that more than 3000 hectares of the intertidal parts of Chichester Harbour, which is the subject of several European designations, is now classified in an "unfavourable - declining" condition. Water quality is a contributing factor to the build-up of excess nutrients in the Harbour causing eutrophication (algal growth) which impacts on the Harbour's ecology and conservation.
Sewage from new development using waste water treatment works or an on-site package treatment plant that discharges to Chichester Harbour contributes to the excess nutrients in the Harbour (albeit in small amounts relative to other sources) and therefore needs to be considered in line with the Habitats Regulations. This means that before agreeing to a proposal (such as a planning application or a development plan) the authority needs to undertake a Habitats Regulations Assessment and be satisfied that the proposal will not have any adverse impact on the protected site or sites.
This process has now been completed and the revised Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) and Appropriate Assessment Statement published below along with an Addendum to Environmental Report for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan to address nutrient neutrality. The two documents were published below for a period of 5 weeks of public consultation ending on 13 November 2020.
The representations received are also published and available to view. These will be forwarded along with the documents to the examiner.
Final Revised Westbourne NP HRA Statement September 2020 (Word doc, 43 KB)
Addendum to Final Environmental Report for Westbourne NP September 2020 (Word doc, 358 KB)
Westbourne SEA Addendum Representations 2020 (PDF, 232 KB)
The Westbourne Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and Appropriate Assessment Statement was published for a period of 5 weeks of public consultation ending on 2 May 2019. The representations received are shown below and have been forwarded to the examiner.
Westbourne NP HRA Statement Final March 2019 (PDF, 130 KB)
Westbourne NP HRA Responses (Word doc, 58 KB)
Strategic Environmental Assessment
The final version of the Environmental Report for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan, including non-technical summary document, completed in accordance with the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004, has now been published and submitted to the Examiner of the Neighbourhood Plan.
Final Westbourne NP SEA Scoping Report April 2019 (PDF, 437 KB)
Westbourne NP SEA Scoping Report Responses (PDF, 1 MB)
Draft Environmental Report for SEA of Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 905 KB)
Westbourne NP SEA Environmental Report - October 2019 (PDF, 1010 KB)
Westbourne NP SEA Environmental Report - October 2019 - Non Technical Summary (PDF, 480 KB)
Jeremy Edge, the Examiner appointed for the Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan, requested a public hearing held on 25 October at 10.00 at The Meeting Place, (former Baptist Chapel), North Street, Westbourne PO10 8SP. The agenda is available to view.
Westbourne NP Hearing Agenda (PDF, 420 KB)
Publication (Regulation 16)
The Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 12 June to 24 July 2017. All representations received have now been published and forwarded to the Examiner.
Submission documents
Westbourne NP Final Submission Version April 2017 (PDF, 4 MB)
Westbourne NP Final Basic Conditions Statement April 2017 (PDF, 6 MB)
Westbourne NP Final Consultation Statement April 2017 (PDF, 632 KB)
Westbourne Response Form (Word doc, 190 KB)
Westbourne NP Reg 16 Summary of Reps July 2017 (PDF, 770 KB)
List of Westbourne responses
List of responses for Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan 2017
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Determination (PDF, 1 MB)
Pre-submission (Regulation 14)
The Westbourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from Friday 26th February to Friday 22nd April 2016. For more information please visit the Westbourne Parish Council (opens new window) website.
Westbourne Neighbourhood Area Designation
Westbourne Neighbourhood Plan area (PDF, 506 KB)
Letter approving the designation of Westbourne Neighbourhood Area (Word doc, 70 KB)
Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan
The Parish of Wisborough Green is an area of approximately 1756 hectares which lies in the north western corner of West Sussex, 3 miles from the border with Surrey. It has a population of 1414 with a density of 1.4 persons per hectare (the average for the South East being 4.5). It is a typical rural English village with a picturesque central village green, pond, church and shop located in the historic and Conservation Area of the village. The south western part of the Parish lies within the South Downs National Park.
Wisborough Green is predominantly of a rural nature and the character of the landscape is typical of the North Western Low Weald. The B2133 skirts the village running through the outlying area of Newpound and the A272, the main east to west route, runs through the centre of the village along the south side of the village green. Historical maps indicate that the settlement pattern has remained relatively unchanged through the centuries and that the Green has always featured as an important green space in the centre of the village.
Following Cabinet on the 7 June 2016, at the Council meeting on 19 July 2016, Chichester District Council resolved to 'Make' the Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Development Plan. This means that the Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Development Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Wisborough Green. Consequently, decisions on whether or not to grant planning permission in Wisborough Green will need to be made in accordance with the Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Made Neighbourhood Plan
Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version March 2016 (PDF, 14 MB)
Wisborough Green Regulation 20 Report (PDF, 183 KB)
The Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan referendum - on the 5th May 2016, 83.18% of voters on the day said "Yes" to the Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan.
Information for Voters (PDF, 360 KB)
Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan for referendum March 2016 (PDF, 14 MB)
Paul McCreery has been appointed as the Examiner for the Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan. The Examiner's Final Report has been received and is published below. At the request of the Examiner the Council wrote to all those who submitted representations as part of the Regulation 16 consultation to ask if their original representation(s) still stand or if there are any amendments to be made in the light of the Council's Statement on the adoption of the new Local Plan. Responses were requested no later than Monday 14 September 2015 and are listed below.
Examination documents
Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report (PDF, 324 KB)
Post Chichester Local Plan: Key Principles Adoption Consultation Responses. (Word doc, 18 KB)
Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan decision statement (PDF, 328 KB)
Publication (Regulation 16)
The Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from 30 April to 11 June 2015.
Submission documents
Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Development Plan (PDF, 14 MB)
Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan Basic Condition Statement (PDF, 1 MB)
Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF, 2 MB)
Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan Representation Form (Word doc, 190 KB)
Wisborough Green NP Reg 16 Summary of Reps June 2015 (PDF, 347 KB)
List of Wisborough Green responses
List of responses - Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan June 2015
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Pre-submission (Regulation 14)
The Wisborough Green Parish Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation according to Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 from Monday 5 January to 12.00 (Noon) on Monday 2 February 2015. For more information please visit the Wisborough Green Parish (opens new window) website.
Wisborough Green
Letter approving designation of Wisborough Green Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 43 KB)
Wisborough Green Parish Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 852 KB)
Neighbourhood Plan Area Designation
If a town or parish councils wish to develop a neighbourhood plan, the first step is to submit to the local planning authority an application for the designation of the area to be covered by each neighbourhood plan. A town or parish council may choose to produce a neighbourhood plan that covers all or part of their parish. They must submit to the local planning authority the following:
(a) A map which identifies the area to be covered by the neighbourhood plan; and
(b) A statement explaining why the area concerned is appropriate.
For some areas the local planning authority is Chichester District Council. However, for those parts of Chichester District which lie within the South Downs National Park, applications for the designation of Neighbourhood Plan Areas must be made to the National Park Authority.
Once an application is received from a town or parish council, it will be publicised in the following ways:
- An advertisement will be placed in the local paper and on the council's website; and
- The advertisement will also be provided to the town or parish council concerned so that it can be displayed on their notice boards. Comments must be submitted in writing and cannot be accepted as anonymous. All information received is public information (subject to the Data Protection Act). Comments can be submitted via email or by post.
All comments will be treated equally, although it will be up to the District Council to balance any conflicting opinions when considering the Plan Area application. A consultation report summarising the issues raised by consultation will be considered by the Council's Cabinet or Cabinet Member when deciding the Plan Area application. The decision on the Plan Area will be made either at a Cabinet meeting or via Cabinet Member decision. A record of this decision will then sent to the relevant Town or Parish Council and placed on this website. If the decision is to refuse to designate the Plan Area, then the District Council will also publish its reasons for making that decision.
Designated Neighbourhood Areas
Chichester City Neighbourhood Plan
Chichester City NP Area Designation Oct 2019 (Word doc, 429 KB)
Chichester City Neighbourhood Plan Designation Area (Word doc, 2 MB)
CDC Delegated Power Funtington NP Area Designation April 2021 (PDF, 234 KB)
The Lavant Neighbourhood Plan was made by Chichester District Council for the area outside the South Downs National Park on 25 July 2017. For more information on the Lavant Neighbourhood Development Plan please see the South Downs National Park Authority - Lavant Neighbourhood Plan (opens new window) website.
Lavant Neighbourhood Plan
Lavant Parish Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 1 MB)
Letter approving designation of Lavant Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 41 KB)
Lynchmere Neighbourhood Plan
Letter approving designation of Lynchmere Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 43 KB)
Lynchmere Parish Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 3 MB)
North Mundham
North Mundham Neighbourhood Plan
North Mundham NP Area Designation Jan 2019 (PDF, 109 KB)
North Mundham NP Designation Area (PDF, 914 KB)
Oving Neighbourhood Plan
CDC Delegated Power Oving NP Area Designation March 2021 (PDF, 229 KB)
The Petworth Neighbourhood Plan was made by Chichester District Council for the area outside the South Downs National Park on 24 July 2018. For more information on the Petworth Neighbourhood Development Plan please see the South Downs National Park Authority - Petworth Neighbourhood Plan (opens new window) website.
Petworth Neighbourhood Plan
Petworth Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 2 MB)
Petworth Neighbourhood Plan Designation Approval (PDF, 18 KB)
Sidlesham Neighbourhood Plan
Approval of Designation of Sidlesham Parish Council Neighbourhood Area (Word doc, 69 KB)
Sidlesham Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 1 MB)
Westhampnett Neighbourhood Plan
Letter approving designation of Westhampnett Parish Council Neighbourhood Area (PDF, 42 KB)
Westhampnett Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF, 3 MB)
Contact us
For further information and advice email Alternatively, you can phone us on 01243 785166.