Birdham Compulsory Purchase Order
What is a compulsory purchase?
A compulsory purchase is a legal mechanism by which certain bodies (known as 'acquiring authorities') can acquire land without the consent of the owner. Compulsory purchase powers can support the delivery of a range of development, regeneration and infrastructure projects in the public interest. In doing so, they can help to bring about improvements to social, economic and environmental wellbeing.
Compulsory Purchase Order (Birdham) Decision Documents
CPO Confirmation Notice (Word doc, 25 KB)
CPO (Birdham) Decision Notice (PDF, 303 KB)
Compulsory Purchase Order May 2023 (PDF, 1 MB)
CDA Compulsory Purchase Order documents
CD A.2 Order Map (Word doc, 385 KB)
CD A.3 Statement of Reasons (Word doc, 971 KB)
CD A.4 Press Notice (Word doc, 1 MB)
CD A.5 Press Notice (Word doc, 163 KB)
CD A.5 Specimen Site Notice of Making Order served on Owners (Word doc, 164 KB)
CD A.6 Covering Letter for Site Notice (Word doc, 546 KB)
CD A.6 Specimen Site Notice advertising Making Order (Word doc, 165 KB)
CD A.7 Cabinet Report to Full Council 21 March 2023 and Resolutions (Word doc, 40 KB)
CD A.7 Minutes of Full Council 21 March 2023 (Word doc, 47 KB)
CD A.9 Equality and Consultation Analysis 9 March 2023 (Word doc, 36 KB)
CD A.11 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 s.226 (opens new window)
CD A.12 Acquisition of Land Act 1981 (opens new window)
CD A.13 The Compulsory Purchase (Inquires Procedure) Rules 2007 (opens new window)
CD A.14 Cabinet Meeting 060721 (Word doc, 40 KB)
CD A.14 Minutes of Cabinet Meeting 060621 (Word doc, 40 KB)
CD A.15 Cabinet Meeting 100418 (Word doc, 38 KB)
CD A.15 Minutes Cabinet Meeting 100418 (Word doc, 38 KB)
CD A.16 Statement of Case (Word doc, 89 KB)
Crooked Lane Closing FINAL (Word doc, 56 KB)
CDB planning permission documents
CD B.2 Section 106 Agreement dated 29 November 2013 between CDC and Martlet Homes (PDF, 3 MB)
CD B.4 Deed of Variation dated 14 October 2016 made between CDC and Martlet Homes (PDF, 798 KB)
CD B.5 Certificate of lawful development dated 25 July 2017 (Word doc, 348 KB)
CDC planning policy documents
CD C.1 The National Planning Policy Framework DLUHC July 2021 (Word doc, 421 KB)
CD C.2 Chichester Local Plan Key Policies 2014-2019 (PDF, 11 MB)
CD C.3 Chichester Local Plan 2021 -2039 Proposed Submission (PDF, 5 MB)
CD C.4 Birdham Neighbourhood Development Plan (PDF, 4 MB)
CD C.5 Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) April 2022 (Word doc, 16 MB)
CDD acquiring authority evidence
CD D.1 Evidence of Mr Mark Bristow (Word doc, 113 KB)
CD D.2 Appendices to Evidence of Mr Mark Bristow (PDF, 7 MB)
CD D.3 Summary Evidence of Mr Mark Bristow (Word doc, 27 KB)
CD D.4 Evidence of Ms Virginia Blackman (Word doc, 205 KB)
CD D.5 Appendix 1 to Evidence of Ms Virginia Blackman (Word doc, 503 KB)
CD D.5 Appendix 2 of Ms Virgina Blackman (Word doc, 13 KB)
CD D.6 Summary Evidence of Ms Virgina Blackman (Word doc, 111 KB)
CD D.7 Evidence of Ms Sarah Poulter (Word doc, 48 KB)
CD D.8 Appendices to Evidence of Ms Sarah Poulter (PDF, 8 MB)
CD D.9 Sarah Poulter Summary Proof of Evidence (Word doc, 19 KB)
CD D.10 Rebuttal Evidence of Mr Mark Bristow (Word doc, 62 KB)
CD D.10 Appendices to Rebuttal Evidence of Mr Mark Bristow (PDF, 3 MB)
CD D.11 Rebuttal Evidence of Ms Virginia Blackman (Word doc, 158 KB)
CD D.11 Appendix 1 to Rebuttal Evidence of Ms Virginia Blackman (PDF, 3 MB)
CD D. 11 Appendix 2 to Rebuttal Evidence of Ms Virginia Blackman (PDF, 795 KB)
CD D.12 Rebuttal Evidence of Ms Sarah Poulter (PDF, 974 KB)
CD D.12 List of Appendices to the Rebuttal of Ms Sarah Poulter (PDF, 140 KB)
CD D.12 Appendices SP18-SP23 to the Rebuttal of Ms Sarah Poulter (PDF, 7 MB)
Opening statement of Heather Sargant (Word doc, 39 KB)
CDE objections
CDF evidence from objectors
Additional documents
CD F.7 Oral Submission of Ms S Vernon 310724 (PDF, 1 MB)