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Climate change & the natural environment

We are incredibly lucky to live and work in such a beautiful and biodiverse area, and we want to keep it that way. The Local Plan looks to identify areas that need to be protected, such as valued countryside, wildlife corridors, and open spaces. We have also brought forward a policy to protect wildlife corridors, which is the first time this type of initiative has been introduced. The plan also takes into account the impacts of climate change, including the importance of mitigating flood risk associated with new development. The National Planning Policy Framework puts a requirement on developers to consider the impacts of existing and future flood risk, from all sources including sea and rivers, for the lifetime of a development.

Climate Change & Natural Environment Supporting Evidence

Primary Evidence

 Landscape Capacity Study - Revised

Section A - Introduction (Revised) (PDF) [911KB]

Section B - East-West Corridor Reports (Revised) (PDF) [17MB]

Section C - Manhood Peninsula Reports (Revised) (PDF) [5MB]

Section D - North-East Reports (Revised) (PDF) [4MB]

Section E - Record Sheets (Revised) (PDF) [6MB]

Section F - Appendices (Revised) (PDF) [13MB]

March 2019

Landscape Gap Assessment 

Landscape Gap Assessment May 2019 (PDF) [7MB]

May 2019

Interim Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 1

Level 1 SFRA Report - Final - Dec 22 (PDF) [12MB]

Appendix A - SFRA Appendix Mapping grids (PDF) [1MB]

Appendix B - Historic Flood Risk (PDF) [12MB]

Appendix C - Watercourses (PDF) [1MB]

Appendix D - Flood Zones (PDF) [12MB]

Appendix E - Fluvial and Tidal Climate Change (PDF) [10MB]

Appendix F - Risk of Flooding from Surface Water (PDF) [25MB]

Appendix G - Groundwater (PDF) [13MB]

Appendix H - Reservoir (PDF) [11MB]

Appendix I - EA Flood Defence (PDF) [30MB]

Appendix J - Flood Warning and Alert Areas (PDF) [11MB]

Appendix K - Level 1 SFRA site screening table (Excel doc) [265KB]

Appendix L - Sequential Test Methodology (PDF) [995KB]

Appendix M - SFRA Update - Undefended climate change modelling December 2021 (PDF) [604KB]

Appendix M - SFRA Update - Coastal modelling (v1 Oct 2022) (PDF) [2MB]

December 2022

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 2

Level 2 Interim Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (Final Report) – December 2022 (PDF) [1MB]

Appendix A - Site Summary Tables (PDF) [638KB]

Appendix B - Flood Maps - B1 - AL3 (PDF) [10MB]

Appendix B - Flood Maps - B2 - AL5 (PDF) [22MB]

Appendix B - Flood Maps - B3 - HWH0014 (PDF) [7MB]

Appendix B - Flood Maps - B4 - AL6 (PDF) [8MB]

Appendix B - Flood Maps - B5 - HSY0010b (PDF) [21MB]

Appendix C - Groundwater Assessment (PDF) [1MB]

Appendix D - Cumulative Impact Assessment (PDF) [8MB]

January 2023

Sequential Test

Sequential Test for CDC Local Plan 2021 - 2039 (PDF) [938KB]

January 2023

Water Quality Assessment 

Chichester Water Quality Assessment (PDF) [10MB]

August 2018

Estimated wastewater treatment headroom (as at 1 Jan 2024)

Estimated Wastewater Treatment Headroom as at 1st Jan 2024 (Word doc) [20KB]

Estimated wastewater treatment headroom (as at 1 Jan 2023)

Estimated Wastewater Treatment Headroom as at 1st Jan 2023 (Word doc) [20KB]

Estimated wastewater treatment headroom (as at 1 Jan 2022)

Estimated wastewater treatment headroom as at 1 Jan 2022 (Word doc) [20KB]

Estimated wastewater treatment headroom (as at 1 Jan 2021)

Estimated waste water treatment headroom as at 1 Jan 2021 (Word doc) [20KB]

January 2024



January 2023


January 2022


January 2021

Apuldram WWTW Position Statement 

Apuldram WWTW Position Statement - December 2018 (Word doc) [23KB]

December 2018

Thornham WWTW Position Statement

Thornham WWTW Position Statement November 2021 (Word doc) [61KB]

November 2021

Water Neutrality Study (Part A - Individual Local Authority Assessment)

Sussex North Water neutrality study - part A (PDF) [907KB]

July 2021

Water Neutrality Study (Part B - In Combination Assessment)

Water Neutrality Study: Part B - In-combination Final Report April 2022 (PDF) [1MB]

April 2022

Water Neutrality Study (Part C - Mitigation)

Sussex North Water Neutrality Study: Part C Mitigation Strategy (PDF) [2MB]

November 2022

Natural England's endorsement of Sussex Water Neutrality Study: Part C Mitigation Strategy

Natural England's endorsement of Sussex Water Neutrality Study: Part C Mitigation Strategy (PDF) [574KB]

November 2022

Joint Topic Paper Water Neutrality

Joint Topic Paper Water Neutrality May 2023 (Word doc) [1MB]

May 2023

Joint Statement of Common Ground - Water Neutrality

WN SoCG Final (PDF) [1MB]

July 2023

Natural England's Position Statement on Water Neutrality 

Position statement on Water Neutrality Sept 21 2021 (PDF) [165KB]

September 2021

Natural England's Condition review of Chichester Harbour sites: intertidal, subtidal and bird features 

Natural England's Condition review of Chichester Harbour sites: intertidal, subtidal and bird features (opens new window)

February 2021


Evidence from Earlier Stages

Primary Evidence

Landscape Capacity Study - Draft

Section A - Introduction (PDF) [970KB]

Section B - East-West Corridor Reports (PDF) [21MB]

Section C - Manhood Peninsula Reports (PDF) [7MB]

Section D - North-East Reports (PDF) [5MB]

Section E - Record Sheets (PDF) [10MB]

Section F - Appendices (PDF) [1MB]

December 2018

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 1

Update Report April 2021

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment REVISION APRIL 2021 (Word doc) [29KB]

December 2018

SFRA Final Report 2018 (PDF) [3MB]

SFRA 2018 - Appendices A-F (PDF) [24MB]

SFRA 2018 - Appendices G-J (PDF) [25MB]

SFRA 2018 - Appendix K (Excel doc) [188KB]

April 2021
Background Papers

Strategic Wildlife Corridors

Local Plan Review Background Paper - Strategic Wildlife Corridors (PDF) [2MB]

Appendix 1 - Forest Research Methodology (PDF) [1MB]

Appendix 2 - Westbourne chalk streams to Compton tributaries BOA (PDF) [104KB]

Appendix 3 - Fishbourne and chalk streams BOA (PDF) [100KB]

Appendix 4 - West of City Proposed Strategic Wildlife Corridor (PDF) [1MB]

Appendix 5 - East of City Proposed Strategic Wildlife Corridor (PDF) [1MB]

December 2018

Review of Strategic Wildlife Corridors

Strategic Wildlife Corridors Technical Consultation Document (Word doc) [9MB]

Map 1 Proposed Nutbourne to Hambrook Strategic Wildlife Corridor (Word doc) [3MB]

Map 2 Proposed change to the Pagham to Westhampnett Strategic Wildlife Corridor (Word doc) [6MB]

Map 3 Proposed change to the Aldingbourne and Elbridge Rifes Strategic Wildlife Corridor (Word doc) [4MB]

Map 4 West of City Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Comparison of Preferred Approach and Proposed Changes (Word doc) [5MB]

Map 5 East of City Strategic Wildlife Corridors - Comparison of Preferred Approach and Proposed Changes (Word doc) [6MB]

Appendix 1 South Downs Barbastelle Project_draft September 2015-Part 1 (PDF) [1MB]

Appendix 2 Bat Monitoring Report (PDF) [1MB]

Appendix 3 Bat monitoring Report Hambrook (PDF) [2MB]

Appendix 4 SxBRCsearchforAL3site (PDF) [443KB]

Appendix 5 Water Vole Survey at Reed Farm (PDF) [2MB]

July 2021

Secondary Evidence / Other Relevant Evidence


Chichester Harbour Management Plan

Chichester Harbour Management Plan 2019 - 2024 (PDF) [9MB]

January 2019

Chichester Harbour AONB Landscape Character Assessment

Chichester Harbour AONB Landscape Character Assessment (opens new window)

April 2019

Chichester Harbour AONB Joint SPD

Chichester Harbour AONB Joint SPD

May 2017

North Solent Shoreline Management Plan

Chichester District Council Coastal Management (opens new window)

December 2010

South Down's Shoreline Management Plan

Chichester District Council Coastal Management (opens new window)


South Marine Plan

South Marine Plan (opens new window)

17 July 2018

Towards Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) on the Manhood Peninsula

Chichester District Council - Partnerships (opens new window)


Pagham Harbour Local Nature Reserve Management Plan

Pagham Harbour Local Nature Reserve Management 2013 - 2018


Solent Recreation Mitigation Strategy

Solent Recreation Mitigation Strategy December 2017

December 2017

Natural England's Guide to Assessing Development Proposals on Agricultural Land

Natural England's Guide to assessing development proposals on agricultural land (opens new window)

February 2021

Sussex Bat Special Area of Conservation Planning and Landscape Scale Enhancement Protocol

Sussex Bat Special Area of Conservation Planning and Landscape Scale Enhancement Protocol 2018 (opens new window)


Forestry Commission and Natural England Guidance 'Ancient woodland, ancient trees and veteran trees; advice for making planning decisions

Ancient woodland, ancient trees and veteran trees: advice for making planning decisions (opens new window)

January 2022

Nutrient Neutrality

Nutrient neutrality


Strategic Wildlife Corridors Consultation

Strategic Wildlife Corridors consultation


Chichester Surface Water and Foul Drainage SPD

Adopted Surface Water and Foul Drainage SPD - Sept 2016 (PDF) [6MB]

September 2016

Chchester Local Biodiversity Action Plan

Chichester Local Biodiversity Action Plan (opens new window)


Chichester Air Quality Action Plan

Chichester District Council - Air Quality Action Plan (opens new window)


Chichester climate emergency detailed action plan and progress report

Climate Emergency Action Plan (opens new window)




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