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The Local Plan examination - latest news

Update - 03 September 2024

The Local Plan examination - post-submission documents webpage has been updated with the following document:

  • CDC04 Council Responses to Regulation 19 Representations

CDC04 Council Responses to Reg 19 Representations September 24 (PDF) [5MB]

Update - 15 August 2024

The Local Plan examination - post-submission documents webpage has been updated with the following document:

  • CDC03 Notification of Examination Hearings (Regulation 24)

CDC03 Notification of Examination Hearings (Regulation 24) (Word doc) [520KB]

Update - 13 August 2024

The Local Plan examination - post-submission documents webpage has been updated with the following document:

  • PO02 Programme Officer cover letter for Inspectors' Hearing Documents - August 24

PO02 PO Cover letter for Inspectors' Hearing Documents - August 24 (PDF) [174KB]

If you have made representations but have not received a copy of this letter please contact the Programme Officer immediately. 

Update - 6 August 2024

The Local Plan examination - post-submission documents webpage has been updated with the following documents:

  • ID04 Inspectors' Guidance Notes

ID04 Inspectors' Guidance Notes (PDF) [219KB]

  • ID05 Inspectors' Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs)

ID05 Inspectors' Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) (PDF) [331KB]

  • ID06 Draft Hearing Programme V1

ID06 Draft Hearing Programme V1 (PDF) [166KB]

 The Programme Officer will be writing to all Representors regarding these documents shortly.

Update - 2 August 2024

The Local Plan examination - post-submission documents webpage has been updated with the following document:

  • CDC02 Council Response to ID02 Inspectors Letter of July 2024

CDC02 Council Response to ID02 Inspectors Letter of July 2024 (PDF) [312KB]

Update - 1 August 2024

The Local Plan examination - post-submission documents webpage has been updated with the following document:

  • ID03 Letter from MHCLG to PINS re Local Plan Examinations July 24

ID03 Letter from MHCLG to PINS re Local Plan Examinations July 24 (PDF) [3MB]

Update - 22 July 2024

The Local Plan examination - post-submission documents webpage has been updated with the following documents:

  • ID02 Inspectors Preliminary Questions July 2024

ID02 Inspectors Preliminary Questions July 2024 (PDF) [144KB]

  • PS/CC20a Joint Water Neutrality Topic Paper Policy Update July 2024

Joint Water Neutrality Topic Paper Policy Update July 2024 (Word doc) [669KB]

Update - 17 July 2024

The Local Plan examination - submission documents and evidence base webpage has been updated with the following document:

  • TA03.20 Monitor and Manage Provisional Methodology June 24 v1

TA03.20 Monitor and Manage Provisional Methodology June 24 V1 (Word doc) [6MB]

Update - 8 July 2024

The Local Plan examination - library webpage has been updated with the following documents:

  • BP05 Housing Distribution Background Paper - July 2024

Housing Distribution Background Paper - July 2024 (Word doc) [1MB]

  • BP06 Housing Need Background Paper - July 2024

Housing Need Background Paper - July 2024 (Word doc) [996KB]

  • BP07 Housing Supply Background Paper - July 2024

Housing Supply Background Paper - July 2024 (Word doc) [255KB]

  • BP14 Transport Background Paper - July 2024

Transport Background Paper - July 2024 (Word doc) [4MB]

Update - 3 July 2024

The Local Plan examination - Regulation 19 representations webpage and the Consultation Portal have been updated to include representations from CPRE Sussex.

Update - 3 July 2024

The Local Plan examination - submission documents and evidence base webpage has been updated with the following documents:

  • H09.01 Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment 2021 Appendix 1

Appendix 1_Sites already in the planning process 2021 update (Word doc) [57KB]

  • H09.02 Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment  2021 Appendix 2

Appendix 2 Sites discounted with reasons 2021 update (Word doc) [61KB]

  • H09.03 Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment  2021 Appendix 3 

Appendix 3 Detailed site assessment forms 2021 update (Word doc) [387KB]

  • H09.04 Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment  2021 Appendix 4 

Appendix 4 Indicative trajectories 2021 update (Word doc) [110KB]

  • H09.05 Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment  2021 Appendix 5

Appendix 5 Plan area residential capacity 2021 update (Word doc) [44KB]

  • H09.06 Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment  2021 Appendix 6 

Appendix 6 HELAA 2021 Parish Maps (PDF) [25MB]

  • H09.07 Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment  2021 Appendix 7 

Appendix 7 Summary of Changes in HELAA 2021 (Word doc) [49KB]

Update - 2 July 2024

The Local Plan examination - submission documents and evidence base webpage has been updated with the following document:

  • SCO8 Chichester and South Downs National Park Authority Statement of Common Ground

          Chichester and SDNPA Statement of Common Ground (Word doc) [212KB]

Update - 27 June 2024

The Local Plan examination - post-submission documents webpage has been updated with the following documents:

Update - 27 June 2024

The Local Plan examination - post-submission documents webpage has been updated with the following document:

  • CDC01 Council response to IDO1 Inspectors letter of 12 June 2024

CDC01 Council response to IDO1 Inspectors letter of 12 June 2024 (PDF) [121KB]

Update - 24 June 2024

The Local Plan examination - submission documents and evidence base webpage has been updated with the following documents:

  • SC07 Chichester and Horsham District Council SOCG

          Chichester and Horsham District Council Statement of Common Ground (June 2024) (PDF) [750KB]

  • PH02.01 - Chichester Open Space Part 1 Update

          Chichester Open Space Part 1 Update (May 2024) (Word doc) [21MB]

  • PH02.01.01 - Appendix 1 - Open Space Provision by Parish

          Appendix 1 - Open Space Provision by Parish (PDF) [79MB]

  • PH02.01.02 - Appendix 2 - Access Maps by Typology and Parish         

          Appendix 2 - Allotments (PDF) [77MB]

          Appendix 2 - Amenity Green Space (PDF) [78MB]

          Appendix 2 - ANGS100ha5km (PDF) [72MB]

          Appendix 2 - ANGS10ha1km (PDF) [75MB]

          Appendix 2 - ANGS15mins (PDF) [77MB]

          Appendix 2 - ANGS20ha2km (PDF) [74MB]

          Appendix 2 - ANGS2ha300m (PDF) [76MB]

          Appendix 2 - Parks and Recreation Grounds (PDF) [78MB]

          Appendix 2 - Play Space (Children) (PDF) [78MB]

          Appendix 2 - Play Space (Youth) (PDF) [77MB]

  • PH02.01.03 - Appendix 3 - Quality Audit Results by Parish

          Appendix 3 - Quality Audit Results by Parish (PDF) [33MB]

  • PH02.02 - Chichester Open Space Sub Area Analysis Part 2 Update 

          Chichester Open Space Sub Area Analysis Part 2 Update (May 2024) (Word doc) [33MB]

  • BP14 - Strategic Wildlife Corridors Background Paper and appendices

          Strategic Wildlife Corridors Background Paper June 2024 (Word doc) [8MB]

          Appendix 1 South Downs Barbastelle Project 2015 (PDF) [1MB]

          Appendix 2 Static Bat Surveys 2019 (PDF) [1MB]

          Appendix 3 Bat Monitoring Report Hambrook 2020 (PDF) [2MB]

          Appendix 5 Water Vole Survey at Reed Farm (PDF) [2MB]

          Appendix 6 East of Chichester Wildlife Corridor static bat survey report 2021 (PDF) [1MB]

          Appendix 7 Goodwood Barbastelle Study Advanced Bat Survey report 2023 (PDF) [3MB]

          Appendix 8 Forest Research Network Mapping Methodology (PDF) [1MB]

          Appendix 9 Westbourne and chalk streams Biodiversity Opportunity Area (PDF) [109KB]

          Appendix 10 Fishbourne and chalk streams Biodiversity Opportunity Area (PDF) [106KB]

          Appendix 11 Data Sources (Word doc) [16KB]       

          Appendix 12 SxBRC search for A8 site (PDF) [443KB]

Please be advised that document PH01.04 - Housing Density Evidence Study - Appendix C Sustainable Location Maps and PH01.06 - Housing Density Evidence Study - Appendix E Case Study NDSS Analysis both contained an incorrect document. The correct documents have now been published and can be found on the The Local Plan examination - submission documents and evidence base webpage and on the following links:

  • PH01.04 - Housing Density Evidence Study - Appendix C Sustainable Location Maps 

          Housing Density Evidence Study Appendix C Sustainable Location Maps (Word doc) [2MB]

  • PH01.06 - Housing Density Evidence Study - Appendix E Case Study NDSS Analysis 

          Housing Density Evidence Study Appendix E Case Study NDSS Analysis (Excel doc) [19KB]


The Local Plan examination - post-submission documents webpage has been updated with the following document:

  • PO01 Programme Officer Introduction letter 180624

         PO01 Programme Officer Introduction letter 180624 (PDF) [164KB]

This letter has been sent to all those that submitted representations to the Regulation 19 consultation on the Chichester Local Plan 2021 -2039. If you have not received this letter and believe you should have, please contact the Programme Officer:


Address: Pendragon House, 1 Bertram Drive, Wirral, CH47 0LG

Phone: 07582 310364 

Update - 13 June 2024

The Local Plan examination - post-submission documents webpage has been updated with the following document:

  • ID01 Inspector letter 120624

ID01 Inspector letter 120624 (PDF) [392KB]

Update - 13 June 2024

The Local Plan examination - submission documents and evidence base webpage has been updated with the following documents:

  • SC02 Environment Agency and Southern Water (Wastewater Treatment) Statement of Common Ground

Statement of Common Ground between CDC, Environment Agency and Southern Water (Word doc) [173KB]

  • SC03 Havant Borough Council Statement of Common Ground 

Chichester District Council and Havant Borough Council (Word doc) [5MB]

  • SC04 West Sussex County Council Statement of Common Ground

Chichester and WSCC Statement of Common Ground (Word doc) [213KB]

  • SC05 Natural England Statement of Common Ground

Chichester and Natural England Statement of Common Ground (June 2024) (Word doc) [232KB]

  • SC06 Surrey County Council Statement of Common Ground

Chichester and Surrey CC Statement of Common Ground (May 2024) (Word doc) [191KB]

  • BP01 Climate Change Background Paper

Climate Change Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [83KB]

  • BP02 Economic Development and Employment Background Paper

Employment Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [74KB]

  • BP03 Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Background Paper

Gypsy and Traveller Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [9MB]

  • BP04 Horticultural Development Areas Background Paper 

Horticultural Development Areas Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [736KB]

  • BP08 Nutrient Budget Background Paper

Nutrient Budget Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [86KB]

  • BP09 Retail Background Paper

Retail Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [3MB]

  • BP10 Settlement Boundaries Background Paper

Settlement Boundary Review Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [2MB]

  • BP11 Settlement Hierarchy Background Paper

Settlement Hierarchy Update Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [101KB]

  • BP12 Southbourne BLD Background Paper

Southbourne BLD Background Paper - May 2024 (Word doc) [765KB]

  • PH02.07 Chichester Indoor and Built Sport Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment (and appendices)

Chichester Indoor and Built Sport and Leisure Facilities Needs Assessment Final Report (April 2024) (Word doc) [15MB]

Update - 24 May 2024

Inspectors P Lewis BA (Hons) MA MRTPI and J Ayres BA Hons, Solicitor have been appointed to hold an independent examination of the Chichester Local Plan 2021-2039.

Planning Inspectorate Letter - Inspectors Appointment (Word doc) [77KB]

Update - 03 May 2024

The council submitted the plan to the Planning Inspectorate on 03 May 2024.

Local Plan Submission Letter (PDF) [484KB]

The notice of submission is available to view: 
Local Plan Submission Notice (Word doc) [16KB]  

Paper copies of the submission documents as listed in the notice are available to view on request at the Chichester District Council offices.


The submission documents and other related evidence can be found in the Local Plan examination library

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